Important Gauging interest in a feedback system for Bartertown

Thread contains important information that may impact how you use the forum

Please select the option that best fits (trading = buying, selling or trading)

  • I have no interest in trading via the Bartertown forum room

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I would trade in the Bartertown forum room if it had a feedback system

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • I already trade in the Bartertown forum room and I would like to have a feedback system

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I already trade in the Bartertown forum room and I do not think a feedback system would be useful

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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United-States has a Bartertown forum room for members to buy, sell or trade PMs with each other. There is a mod available for this forum software to add an ebay like feedback system where you can give members who participate in a trade a positive, neutral or negative feedback rating.

Installing mods like this can cause issues if they aren't updated when the base forum software gets new updates, so I would only install something like this if the community would find it useful.
Why not simply have a "Feedback on for sale items" thread similar to the one gim had. It was just a thread where members talked about their experience dealing with each other.
* bump for votes *

Did I miss a voting option?
The developers of this forum software said that an update to version 2.3 should be released very soon within the next week or two. I'm holding off on installing the feedback mod until after the v2.3 upgrade to make sure they play nice with each other.
i havent seen a lot of activity in bartertown........if activity picks up then i could see a use for a feedback software would be great if bartertown was trading stuff with higher frequencies i missing activity? .......would i use barter town YES .....not sure how to vote per sey
The developers of this forum software said that an update to version 2.3 should be released very soon within the next week or two. I'm holding off on installing the feedback mod until after the v2.3 upgrade to make sure they play nice with each other.
That's a wise decision! That and multiple backups...! software would be great if bartertown was trading stuff with higher frequencies .....
I'm curious if it's a bit of a chicken and egg thing or not. Would activity pick up if the system were in place?
I'm curious if it's a bit of a chicken and egg thing or not. Would activity pick up if the system were in place?
GIM had a "traded with XYZ and the experience was great" thread. Real simple.
GIM had a "traded with XYZ and the experience was great" thread. Real simple.
there is a recently added thread to that effect in bartertown now ...... who knows if activity would pick-up if feedback is added.... what i see out in the market right now on PMs is if you have sellers the buyers will show up ...... possibly if a few "dealer" or large seller types came to roost things might pick up........ i am in several facebook groups that are moving huge amounts of pms right now but they are closely monitored overall
* bump *

I have not forgotten about this project. Xenforo released an update to the forum software (which I installed yesterday) and it looks like the trader mod that I was considering has an issue that needs to be fixed to play nice with the new update. The developer of the mod is fairly active, so I expect that the mod will get updated fairly soon and I plan to install it once that happens.
* bump *

I updated the mod powering the feedback system. The update fixed a few issues/bugs apparently (nothing we encountered here). The feedback system should now be fully compatible with the XF software update that was installed recently. Please do let me know if you experience any issues with the system though.
Maybe we could increase activity in bartertown if hookers and blow were added?
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