From where I sit, science has been gravitating toward too much specialization, too much hustling for funds, and as a result, no progress and accidental re-invention of stuff known in the '50s and before
Thank you DCF
I love the way you are able to take topics that are considered too complex for 'outsiders' to understand and break em down into descriptions that are within, or close to, comprehension.
I have long shared your view that specialisation has simply created lots of unconnected information and we no longer have the likes of Nikola Tesla to pull it all together.
This turned up in a mail from Jeff Barwick ( Dollar Vigilante ) a few weeks ago,
seems like an opportunity to share it -
Thanks for your insightful article today. It both pains and pleases me that you have seen the light on what is nothing short of a highjacking of the truth in the physics community. Special relativity, quantum mechanics, the gravitational model, and of course String Theory have gifted us with a nearly 100 year standstill in the field of physics. They have come to represent the bureaucratic establishment in the field of physics and like all bureaucracies have obstructed progress, truth, and any significant study outside the fray of these "commandment theories".
The story of how should sound very familiar. Once physics was a true pursuit. An ocean of possibilities for understanding and taking control of our world. Innovators like Einstein, Bohr, Feynmann, Planck, LeVoisseur and Shroedinger made quantum leaps (pardon the pun) towards our understanding of the nature of matter, energy and the universe. But when these discoveries in turn led to rampant industrial advancement, development of powerful weapons, and social progress, they also resulted in the requisite institutional establishment seeking to protect their interests in the former areas.
Because modern physics was such a revolution, returning tangible benefits and wealth, many scientists rushed to understand that which these pioneers had set forth. A logical course of events followed. The first was that Einstein, et al no longer needed a job. They became historical icons, guests of the state, and gods in the scientific world. As a result those in the idea market, specifically folks like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc saw that their product, curriculum, needed these types of ideas in order to remain competitive. So in lieu of the impossible task of getting one of these 'gods' to accept a menial professor position, they went out and hired those most studied in their theories.
This was the day that science died. You see the difference between Einstein, and the person most studied in Einstein's theories is that Einstein is a scientist and his devotee is a copycat. Though you probably have no experience in this if you are under 100 years old, science is actually about DISCOVERY, not memorizing the incomplete theories of scientists who came before you. And the fact is Einstein, Shroedinger, Feynmann etc were brilliant, their theories, revolutionary, but they were not free from error, nor themselves end-all-be-all answers to the questions of the universe.
So rather than take the wonderful foundations that these men gave us for a new enlightenment in the field of physics, their ideas were instead packaged as a commodity product for universities to hock as long as there was a market for them. You can probably guess where things went from there.
"Oh you have a new theory that CORRECTS the theories of EINSTEIN being taught at MIT and YALE? HA! And who are YOU?"
You see Einstein was so smart it was self defeating. He set the bar so high, that few have come along with the intellect and abilities to individually produce comparable advancements to the study of physics. And from a scientific standpoint that is OK. Science DEPENDS on most scientists dedicating a lifetime to advancing a single idea a single step. This is the reality of true scientific discovery. But with an scientific bureaucracy offering much better pay and more prestige for promoting Einstein's cult of personality, most have traded the pure pursuit of enlightenment for the easy life of selling an obsolete product at a high markup.
As a result we have spent 100 years pursuing the same dead ends that Einstein and Shroedinger ran into, while justifying every failure with the consolation that at least we are wearing the most popular brands. It is another sad case of rent seeking bureaucrats trading something pure and universally enriching for lining their own pockets with a sure buck that they can recycle in perpetuity.
You may be surprised to learn that this neutrino is only the latest hammer to fall on the flawed assumptions of general relativity. NASA Astronomers have for years witnessed particles being ejected from supernovas at many times the speed of light. Forget a difference of 60 nanoseconds, were talking about MULTIPLES of C. Yet rather than believe their own eyes they concoct ridiculous theories about dark matter and corollaries about gravitational behavior so as not to betray the gospel.
Want a good laugh? Ask any Ivy League professor why comets have tails. Is the comet traveling faster than the light trailing behind it? That would be blasphemy save for the fact that this is clearly what everybody sees. Of course the electric model explains this perfectly. Conductive material passing through the web of electrical potential in deep space creates a continuous spark as it disrupts the potential gradient it traverses. Its middle school science, we see it with our own eyes, yet WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE IT.
You were probably taught in school that the sun is made of plasma which is exceedingly dense and a fingernail-sized piece of sun matter would weigh as much as Mount Everest. I know I was. Then I got my first job in a chemical lab, doing metals analysis. We used an instrument called ICP (Ion Chromatography by PLASMA) to separate metals in solutions. The instrument sat neatly on a tabletop, contained a plasma generating ion source, yet weighed about 75 lbs. When I asked the Ph.D. lab director why it didn't weigh a million million tons, she looked at me like I was from another planet.
I got the same response when I asked the same question of another Ph.D. while operating cyclotrons at another job, where we cooked heavy water in a plasma beam to form Fluoride (which of course is Alchemy, another thing that supposedly doesn't exist).
Anyway this is getting a little long but I appreciated your article and wanted to give you a little perspective. I wish I could tell you that the reason that science is ruined is not the same reason our entire society, government, constitution and concept of liberty is ruined but unfortunately it is.
Bureaucrats, rent seekers, and copycats have conspired to ruin perhaps the best chance we've ever had of achieving a new level of enlightenment, comfort and intellect. They have sold us junkscience that is tragically wrong, and defended only through the safety of numbers. Numbers bought at the cost of genuine scientific inquiry and the scientific process itself. EVERYBODY IS WRONG. The electric universe theory fills in all the gaps of the laughable theories in vogue for the last 100 years. But until it can justify the cost of a multibillion dollar supercollider or Universities admitting to selling an obsolete product at premium prices, it will remain behind the curtain. Sad but typical. Thanks for at least giving me hope that there are still a few free thinkers out there...
Derek Donohue
Box Scientific