Rep. George Santos charged by Justice Department in federal probe

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From the link:

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York’s eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.

The exact nature of the charges couldn’t immediately be learned but the FBI and the Justice Department public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington have been examining allegations of false statements in Santos’ campaign finance filings and other claims.

Not a problem says George's lawyer, Tommy Flanagan:

"public integrity prosecutors in New York and Washington"
The feds have really move on indicting George Santos. Its only been what a couple of years since he was elected. How long has the feds been looking into Hunter and the Biden family finances. It seems that some criminal actions are harder to prove than others. Wray has attempted to divert criticism on crimes against churches by say that the reason for slow action on church and synagogues is because the actions happen during the hours after the sun goes down. Perhaps they were able to work real fast during daylight to put the charges against Santos.

Evidently the feds are more alert and on top of things when they are fresh after a good night's sleep??????

Rep. George Santos charged with 13 counts of fraud, financial crimes​

Story by Devlin Barrett, Isaac Stanley-Becker, Shayna Jacobs, Perry Stein • 1h ago

Rep. George Santos, the freshman Republican congressman whose myriad falsehoods became both a scandal and a national punchline, was charged with a host of financial crimes in court papers unsealed Wednesday.

Santos, 34, surrendered to federal authorities in the morning and is expected to appear in a federal courthouse in Central Islip, on Long Island, later Wednesday. Officials said he has been charged with fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and false statements. The congressman and his lawyer did not respond to messages seeking comment.


I know nothing about this guy but I suspect he was doing nothing that all the rest of them weren't doing as well.

Rep. Santos faces new charges he stole donor IDs, made unauthorized charges to their credit cards​

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. Rep. George Santos stole the identities of donors to his campaign and then used their credit cards to ring up tens of thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges, according to a new indictment filed Tuesday.

He then wired some of the money to his own personal bank account, prosecutors said, while using the rest to inflate his campaign coffers.

The 23-count indictment replaces one filed in May against the New York Republican charging him with embezzling money from his campaign and lying to Congress about his wealth, among other offenses.

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Today's the day. I do believe George will get the boot.

Feeling good about this. Wish I had some $$$$ riding on it.
What are the possible outcomes should he be convicted?

Jail time. The charges are all criminal charges. Don't understand why he did any of it. If I were him, I'd have my lawyer try to get me a plea deal. Fighting a bunch of charges isn't smart.........imo. Better to pay a fine, get some kind of probation than risk going to jail
You have to be a real piece of shit to be infamous for lying, fraud and corruption in D.C. This is a man who plies his craft with 110% effort.
Georgie boy is out. No longer a congressman.

Now...............I'm hoping he has all sorts of dirt on the rest of them and let's it all hang out. lol

Prosecutors say Santos participating in plea negotiations​

Former Rep. George Santos, the expelled former member of Congress facing a litany of federal criminal charges, is actively participating in plea negotiations, prosecutors wrote in a filing Monday.

“The parties are presently engaged in plea negotiations with the goal of resolving this matter without the need for a trial,” prosecutors wrote in a filing that details the agenda for a status conference on Tuesday. They said “the parties wish to continue those negotiations” over the next 30 days.

For months since the indictment was handed down, Santos has said he would not strike a plea agreement. But on Sunday, in an interview with CBS New York, he said a plea deal could be an option.


The smart money is on a plea deal, especially if it will keep him outta jail. We'll see.
I can see it now, talk shows, a book deal. $$$$$$

George Santos’ Newest Paid Gig Is A Documentary By Famed ‘Fyre Fraud’ Producer​

Ousted Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) is participating in a documentary by award-winning producer Jenner Furst, the New York Times reported—Santos’ latest post-congressional act to capitalize on his scandalous rise to infamy.

Santos and some of his confidants will be interviewed for the documentary, which aims to tell the “human side of the story” by delving into Santos’ life experiences and promises to reveal “a lot of personal stuff that people have never seen,” Furst said.

Acknowledging the possibility that Santos could continue to lie about who he is, Furst told the Times his attempts to extract the truth “becomes pure entertainment.”


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