SLV / JPM forecasts central bank intervention?

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Without fail over the past year or so, whenever SLV threatens to overtake JPM’s stock price another huge wave of CB money comes roaring into the market – or the price of silver is manipulated down using naked shorts. Based on the current prices – that are both in the $32 range – the countdown to another massive dose of ‘stimulus’ has begun or another massive manipulation down for the price of silver. ...

It would be interesting to see some data on this.
I don't know if this qualifies... Pretty stellar timing though.

Edited to ask, didn't (outfit that regulates the commodity market, I just blanked it) recently make some changes to naked short selling of PM ..? If my memory serves. So naked shorts might be off the table.. therefore the CB's only options to help JPM is the selling of bonds, QE etc etc.?
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The CFTC voted to impose position limits, but the limits won't go into effect until 2 months after they decide on a legal definition for swaps. That was supposed to happen by yesterday according to Harry Organ (who converses with Bart Chilton of the CFTC), but I haven't heard any news that the CFTC actually did it yet.

I don't think that new treasury issuances qualifies for what Max was talking about. When the Fed announces a new round of QE to help buy all those new Treasuries however, it will be interesting to see how correlated the SLV & JPM stock are.
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