ATF thread

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Yellow Jacket
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North Dakota
So a couple years ago on another forum someone started an ATF thread, and also a "scary black guns" thread, I made one picture that could fit into both threads.

ATF 2012-33 by ndpreppers, on Flickr
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You have to teach them when they're young.



  • IMG00246-20100228-1451.jpg
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Wild Turkey sighting...



  • wildturkey.jpg
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nice piece of green curtain in the background 11CIP

I once ( c '67 ) had some very flared trousers made of something similar ....

Good that we have so much we can share (-:
nice piece of green curtain in the background 11CIP

I once ( c '67 ) had some very flared trousers made of something similar ....

Good that we have so much we can share (-: dress up like Alladin sometimes? :rotflmbo:
nice piece of green curtain in the background 11CIP

I once ( c '67 ) had some very flared trousers made of something similar ....

Good that we have so much we can share (-:

When I take my kids to watch the big fireworks show on our capitol grounds, I would always pack one of my mosquito nets and the kids were always embarrassed, until after the bugs would start biting then they would crawl under it with me. The other people would point and laugh at me too. After about 2-3 years of doing that there started to be a few more showing up with them, then after a few more years you see dozens of them. Now on the "naked and afraid XL" One of the girls brought one, and of course showing all the uses it has, beyond a bug net, like fishing net, toga, etc. etc. my kids think my nets are cool, even if I'm still not cool. :paperbag:
When I take my kids to watch the big fireworks show on our capitol grounds, I would always pack one of my mosquito nets and the kids were always embarrassed, until after the bugs would start biting then they would crawl under it with me. The other people would point and laugh at me too. After about 2-3 years of doing that there started to be a few more showing up with them, then after a few more years you see dozens of them. Now on the "naked and afraid XL" One of the girls brought one, and of course showing all the uses it has, beyond a bug net, like fishing net, toga, etc. etc. my kids think my nets are cool, even if I'm still not cool. :paperbag:

I guess Alladin was smart enough to ensure his tackle was suitably protected :cheers:

I might try the toga style next :flushed:
Teach them young, yes, but teach them how to shoot with the right hand! :judge:

That little girl is a leftie, and since I'm not Sister Sarah Monroe from St. Cecelia Academy, she was free to fire away with impunity with whichever side she was comfortable with. As a matter of fact, for a first time weapon user, she did quite well. Her group was within four inches at fifty yards using some shit ass brown bear milsurp ammo that had been languishing in a closet for quite a while without oxygen absorbers or anything to protect it, so using 55gr. crap and shooting 50 yds. at an unfamiliar location for the first time with a bunch of crotchety old men making stupid comments and giving unwanted advice, the little twelve year old girl did outstanding. I took both girls out for pizza to celebrate that afternoon.
That little girl is a leftie, and since I'm not Sister Sarah Monroe from St. Cecelia Academy, she was free to fire away with impunity with whichever side she was comfortable with. As a matter of fact, for a first time weapon user, she did quite well. Her group was within four inches at fifty yards using some shit ass brown bear milsurp ammo that had been languishing in a closet for quite a while without oxygen absorbers or anything to protect it, so using 55gr. crap and shooting 50 yds. at an unfamiliar location for the first time with a bunch of crotchety old men making stupid comments and giving unwanted advice, the little twelve year old girl did outstanding. I took both girls out for pizza to celebrate that afternoon.

Brown Bear ammo would only be milsurp if it's in 7.62x39. The U.S. military ammo is mostly Lake City & Federal. I know the brown bear is steel cased, but it has that heavy lacquer coating on it, so as long as it's not soaking in water, you shouldn't need to keep it in O2 absorbers or dessicant or anything. Most ammo, especially factory loaded ammo will store for a long, long time without any problems so long as it's kept dry, and preferably isn't subject to constant extreme temperature swings, I.E. you store it in a dark shipping container where in the summer it bakes in 110+ degree heat, and in the winter gets WELL below freezing. Do that for several years and you might notice some problems, especially if a lot of moisture can reach it while it's doing that.
The word milsurp should not have been used. The point should simply have been made that it was not particularly good ammo. The kid was absolutely rapt when listening to instruction for over two hours prior, then did exactly as instructed and adjusted as instructed and as needed throughout the afternoon. Most girls and women are outstanding students, as opposed to boys and men, who think they already know how to shoot. It's not an arrogance thing, rather, it's a testosterone thing. We think we're already supposed to know how to do certain things, and perhaps we're a little bit embarrassed when we don't actually know how, so we pretend we do.
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