Oregon mother denied adoption because she refused ‘gender ideology’ training

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Oregon mother denied adoption because she refused ‘gender ideology’ training​


Published on April 5, 2023
By Alexander Carter

An Oregon mother of five claims she was denied approval for adoption based on her religious beliefs concerning gender, as she refused to take the state’s ‘gender ideology’ training.

Jessica Bates, who believes there are only two genders, is now taking the fight to the courts and suing the state for violating her Constitutional rights. During an interview on “Fox and Friends” Bates explained that she had “successfully made it through some of the training” for adoption and was already “several months into the process” of adopting a pair of twins when she was asked to take a ‘sexual identity gender orientation training’ class. The training is required by Oregon as a part of the adoption process.

After emailing her certifier that she would not “take a child for cross-sex hormone injections” she was told that she was ineligible to adopt in the state of Oregon.

“I emailed her and told her I couldn’t do that because of my faith, and then we had a phone call and, because I wouldn’t take a child for cross-sex hormone injections, I was basically told that I’m ineligible to adopt in the state of Oregon,” said Bates.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) states that cross-sex hormone therapy “changes the physical characteristics of transgender women to match their gender identity and expression.” In addition the International Society for Sexual Medicine said that, “Cross-sex hormone therapy is a treatment used to help people with gender dysphoria transition from their biological gender to their desired gender.”

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