
  1. bushi

    My polytunnel is up!

    Well, it took me two weekends in all - I only have Sundays to work any significant amount of time, I am babysitting my boys on Saturdays, and wife has her (well deserved) day out :). But it is up now! Muscle power - ouch, was it back-breaking work - to dig a trench around it, for fixing the...
  2. ancona

    Cold frame growing

    Do any of our members grow delicious greens through the winter in cold frames or hoop houses? this would certainly be the time to discuss them. I follow another blog I found linked up at Backyardchickens, and it seems a lot of folks are doing just that [where weather permits] and enjoying fresh...
  3. pmbug

    1 MILLION pounds of Food on 3 acres

    I thought this was really cool (video quality not so great, video content fascinating): Their site: Article:
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