Arizona state House passes bill to repeal 1864 abortion ban after several failed attempts

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Arizona state House passes a bill to repeal 1864 abortion ban​

April 24, 2024

On their third attempt in three weeks, Arizona state House lawmakers voted Wednesday to pass a bill that would repeal the near-total ban on abortion from 1864 that was upheld by the battleground state’s Supreme Court earlier this month.

After a dizzying course of votes throughout the afternoon, three state House Republicans joined Democrats in approving a repeal of the Civil War-era law that made abortion a felony punishable by two to five years in prison for anyone who performs one or helps a woman obtain one.

Members of the state Senate, where Republicans also hold a narrow majority, voted last week in favor of a motion to introduce a bill that would repeal the abortion ban. Two Republicans joined every Democrat in the chamber on that vote.


Arizona Senate repeals 1864 abortion ban, governor seen signing quickly​

May 1 (Reuters) - The Arizona Senate voted on Wednesday to repeal the state's 1864 ban on abortion which could have gone into effect within weeks if not struck down.

The repeal was passed by the Senate in a 16-14 vote and is expected to be quickly signed by Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat. Two Republican senators crossed party lines to vote in favor of repealing the ban.

The Arizona House last week passed the measure after a handful of Republicans broke party ranks and voted with Democrats to send it to the Senate.


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