Family Attacked by Monkeys in Thailand (father saves his sons!)

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GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
Sailing La Vagabonde adventures

Family Attacked by Monkeys in Thailand (father saves his sons!)​

0:00 - Start
1:53 - Arrival at Monkey Island
2:59 - Monkey attack!
6:41 - Discovery of rabies
7:46 - At the hospital
9:29 - Back to the Boat
10:16 - Sailing again!
13:05 - Next day
15:15 - Sand bar
15:32 - Dropping anchor


Well of course you can beat a grizzly bear in a fight.

If you have a big enough gun with lotsa bullets in it. Lol
Also, I've seen some geese give someone a beat down before. Those things can be fearless. Lol
Well of course you can beat a grizzly bear in a fight.

If you have a big enough gun with lotsa bullets in it. Lol

Poll specifically mentions "if you were unarmed".
Poll specifically mentions "if you were unarmed".
Then you ain't winning a fight with no grizzly bear. Because the only way to win that fight, is by using a gun.
....and I'm on a small screen. Did not zoom in to read the small line under the headline. Only scrolled down the left to see the list of animals. Sorry!
Heck, if you had no arms (definition of 'unarmed') you'd be a living snack food for just about every animal on the planet....
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