NYC’s drug-themed vending machine cleaned out of crack pipes overnight: ‘They should re-stock’

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From the link:

City officials’ new drug-themed vending machine is a huge hit with local addicts — who wasted no time cleaning it out overnight as they stocked up on its free crack pipes, lip balm and Narcan.

“Yes, I love it,” drug user Evelyn Williams told The Post while standing at the “public health” vending machine in Brownsville, Brooklyn, on Tuesday. “They put it in yesterday, and it’s empty already.

This is a thing now? Even Dinkins is laughing.
You know, right after Pedo Joe got installed there was some wild talk about the democrats spending $130M for free crack pipes for everyone. I never got mine. Did anyone else get their free Hunter Biden-approved crack pipe?

And, for those of you who did receive their free crack pipe, did you have to show your vax card to receive it?
At least make it a challenge like the crane game or sliding quarters.
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