VRIC: Mining at a crossroads amid de-dollarization trend, US debt dilemma

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VRIC: Mining at a crossroads amid de-dollarization trend, US debt dilemma​

The shifting economic paradigms of de-dollarization and escalating U.S. debt present a complex landscape for mining, set against the backdrop of rapidly evolving financial dynamics and economic instability that govern the sector’s prospects, a recent industry event heard.

Financial commentator Grant Williams last week highlighted to the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC) the record levels of gold buying by central banks, arguing it indicates a strategic shift in reserve asset preferences against the backdrop of an evolving international geopolitical landscape.

“Amidst these changes, there’s an increasing interest in gold as a reserve asset. Central banks, recognizing the risks associated with large dollar reserves, are turning to gold for stability,” he said.

For the mining sector, these shifts present both challenges and opportunities. The rising demand for gold could boost the gold mining sector, necessitating increased investment and exploration. The strong policy supports the energy transition enjoy as the go-to tool for governments in their fight against climate change also means a bonanza of funds available and earmarked for resource and downstream beneficiation infrastructure.


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