What's really going on with this economy

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Fly on the Wall
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The natural and healthy inflation created from the fractional lending system has been suspended. (this money they cannot steer or direct) The printed money is steerable and is being directed into the balance sheets of the financial instruments that they (TPTB) hold their generational wealth in (banking system)
They are throttling the economy through injection of this steerable/directable printed money from QE's and bailouts into the market and public entitlements and then extracting it through higher energy and food prices. (All employment, production, investment and output has been curtailed to throttle the economy as to not compete with the unhealthy non-growth, outright printing scheme they are employing)

The economy is being put on hold because if we combined these two money creation methods, the dollar would hyperinflate to quickly and be dead in a week.

The natural and healthy inflation created from the fractional lending system has been suspended. (...)
I am sorry I have to disagree right here: IMHO, there's nothing "natural" nor "healthy" in inflation, and specifically, the one created by fractional reserve banking. We are collectively conditioned to believe it is only "natural", "healthy", and "beneficial", to have "mild" inflation (after all, it was always there, in the living memory, and the world was "going forward" all that time, nah?), but in fact, if you question that claim, and follow-through, intellectually - the commonly held, so-called "benefits" of inflation are very questionable indeed.

Pretty much agree with you on the rest of the post, money injections by CBs create huge distortions and misallocations of capital, that strangle and suffocate the economy.
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