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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
Take a look at the Kitco chart for silver. click on the chart above in the corner, then click on charts and data, then silver. Look at the daily chart and tell me if I am crazy.

It looks like trading stopped for fifteen minutes prior to 11:00, then restarted, dropped and then stopped at 11:00 sharp until 11:30 exactly when it appears to have resumed. What the hell is going on today?

* EDIT *

Never mind, it's just Kitco's sorry assed website.
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What the hell is going on today?

today I have been mostly eating horsemeat :rotflmbo:

‘An anagram of “hamburgers” is “Shergar Bum”.’

‘Tesco, everything you want from a store and a little bit mare.’

‘I bought a burger at Tesco’s cafe, the waitress said “would you like anything on it?”, I replied “a fiver each way “.’

‘I selected some burgers on the Tesco website… I then clicked on “add to cart”.’

‘You think Tesco Horse Burgers are bad, you should try their Quarter Pandas.’

‘‘The government have told Tesco they have to label what additives they have in their Value Beef Burgers. It reads “Contains horse but guaranteed Shergar free”.’

‘I hear that they are putting uniQuorn in the veggie burgers too.’

I’ve found it tough lately working on the Tesco meat counter. I feel like I’m flogging a dead horse.
Sometimes the data feeds don't stream. It's a glitch in the matrix.
If you look at other charts, say 5 minute charts, elsewhere you will see paper silver often does not trade for 30 or more minutes at a time leaving gaps in the charts.
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