Whitmer repeals right-to-work, reinstates prevailing wage in Michigan

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Why does Whitmer hate freedom? Right-to-work is the way. $.02
Cities are the reason Dems are a problem in every state in the country. Choose a blue state they all pretty much look like this.

Why does Whitmer hate freedom? Right-to-work is the way. $.02

Pryor to unions most workers in this country made shit for wages, had no benefits and were treated like absolute garbage by robber barons. Unions helped to change that.
I have no problem with private unions (public unions are a whole different story) as long as membership is voluntary.
Pryor to unions most workers in this country made shit for wages, had no benefits and were treated like absolute garbage by robber barons. Unions helped to change that.
Yes the unions helped people working for companies back in the day. The problem today is government employee unions.
Don't care for public worker unions at all.

That said, if you want to work in a union shop, receive union wages and benefits, you need to be a member of the union and pay your dues like everyone else.
This could become interesting.

It’s not migrants — saving New York City requires union concessions​

When the public complains about announced cuts to police protection and garbage collection, Mayor Adams weasels back, “Don’t yell at me, yell at DC.”

Adams is trying to shift the blame to President Biden and the Democrats’ open-border policy.

Don’t fall for it.

The surge of migrants accounts for less than half (42%) of the city’s looming fiscal crisis.


Supreme Court Rejects Port of Charleston Case in Labor Battle​

The decision means the South Carolina port will have to use union dockworkers at its new container terminal​

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case brought by South Carolina’s ports authority, letting stand a lower-court ruling that effectively requires the Port of Charleston to use an all-union labor force at a new container terminal.

The decision on Tuesday caps a long-running battle over labor rules at the site and diminishes hopes in South Carolina and Georgia, both right-to-work states, that they can sidestep the International Longshoremen’s Association while expanding cargo-handling at some of the country’s biggest ports.

Barbara Melvin, chief executive of the South Carolina Ports Authority that owns and operates the Port of Charleston, said the agency is disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court decision and will work with the union to resolve a standoff that has limited operations at the first major container terminal to be built in the U.S. in several years.


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