A look at Mike Johnson - our new speaker

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Not making any statements here, just posting an article I found interesting. Take it fwiw, believe what you will and dyodd.

Here’s Why Mike Johnson Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump​

The most dangerous movement in American politics today is not Trumpism. It is Christofascism. With the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the organized effort to impose the extreme religious views of a minority of Americans on the entire country, at the expense of many of our most basic freedoms, took a disturbing step forward.

Despite Speaker Johnson’s claims of being a constitutional “originalist,” via his elevation by a unanimous vote of his Republican colleagues he has moved America closer to having precisely the kind of government America’s founders most feared.

Thomas Jefferson said he viewed with “solemn reverence that act of the whole of the American people” which established “a wall of separation between church and state.” George Washington approved a treaty that explicitly stated, “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” The very First Amendment in America’s Bill of Rights states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The principal author of the Constitution, James Madison, in his treatise, “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments,” described 15 reasons why the U.S. government must avoid backing any religion.


From everything I've seen and heard, being spewed from the left, over the last seven years, I would have sworn there's nobody more dangerous than Donald J. Trump.

(and I'm not a Trump fan)

In fact, don't they rate him more dangerous than global warming? Or is that issue their sacred cow?
After all the s___ the democrats and the deep state have subjected this country to. I can't believe anybody on this forum would post such BS.
After all the s___ the democrats and the deep state have subjected this country to. I can't believe anybody on this forum would post such BS.
Truly astounding, ain't it?
....but they gotta attack anyone without a d by their names over something.
Not making any statements here, just posting an article I found interesting. Take it fwiw, believe what you will and dyodd.
After all the s___ the democrats and the deep state have subjected this country to. I can't believe anybody on this forum would post such BS.
In searcher's defense he put a qualifier on his post.

I actually want people to post opposing points of view (whether they are the one espousing that view, or simply posting something they found online somewhere)

I don't want to be in an echo chamber. How damn dull would that be?
In searcher's defense he put a qualifier on his post.

I actually want people to post opposing points of view (whether they are the one espousing that view, or simply posting something they found online somewhere)

I don't want to be in an echo chamber. How damn dull would that be?
Try MSNBC or any number of main stream media outlets.
This guy is for giving more money to Ukraine and Israel?
... the organized effort to impose the extreme religious views of a minority of Americans on the entire country...

What I find funny about this is that the author apparently sees nothing wrong with the left imposing the extreme views of a definite minority on the entire country. Namely, all the gay LGBQ crap. Liberal democrats are nothing if not complete and utter hypocrites.
What I find funny about this is that the author apparently sees nothing wrong with the left imposing the extreme views of a definite minority on the entire country. Namely, all the gay LGBQ crap. Liberal democrats are nothing if not complete and utter hypocrites.

They all have their own agendas. R or D, don't matter. Two different religions wanting to control.

NO need to add the qualifier in front.... Christo-

Facism is a big threat, too bad we allowed it to happen decades ago.
Came across this by accident and cannot attest to the veracity of the article. So take it fwiw and dyodd. The author would enjoy hearing from anyone who has anything to say:

Got anything to say about this item—or anything else? Email me at ourland@motherjones.com.

SCOOP: Mike Johnson Urged a Religious Test for Politicians

The elevation of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) to House speaker was a shocker. Not since John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate has a heretofore little-known politician been lifted so quickly to a position of prominence and importance. Though Johnson now is second in the line of presidential succession, we’re still finding out basic and important facts about him and how he sees the world. This includes his alarming record as a hardcore conservative cultural warrior, motivated by a Christian fundamentalist belief, who has fiercely opposed gay rights (comparing homosexuality to pedophilia), called for a total nationwide ban on abortion, proposed the end of no-fault divorce, and urged a return to “18th century values.” One more significant thing I’ve discovered is that Johnson appears to believe in a religious litmus test for politicians.


I don't get it. Usually someone goes into congress with an empty suitcase and comes away with a full one. Where's the $$$??????

*Of course, this could all be bullshit. Who knows :dontknow:
*Of course, this could all be bullshit. Who knows :dontknow:
Of course it is all bullshit.

Every single time that anyone the ultra left libs/dems don't like, there is always some bullshit they start using to attack and discredit them with.

As for having "no assets" goes, anyone with something to lose and who has a lick of sense to 'em, would want to be in that situation.

It's called asset protection.
Ie: nothing officially in your name, but still having everything in your control.

Can't have anything legally taken from you if you don't legally own it.
Came across this by accident and cannot attest to the veracity of the article. So take it fwiw and dyodd. The author would enjoy hearing from anyone who has anything to say:

Got anything to say about this item—or anything else? Email me at ourland@motherjones.com.

SCOOP: Mike Johnson Urged a Religious Test for Politicians

The elevation of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) to House speaker was a shocker. Not since John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate has a heretofore little-known politician been lifted so quickly to a position of prominence and importance. Though Johnson now is second in the line of presidential succession, we’re still finding out basic and important facts about him and how he sees the world. This includes his alarming record as a hardcore conservative cultural warrior, motivated by a Christian fundamentalist belief, who has fiercely opposed gay rights (comparing homosexuality to pedophilia), called for a total nationwide ban on abortion, proposed the end of no-fault divorce, and urged a return to “18th century values.” One more significant thing I’ve discovered is that Johnson appears to believe in a religious litmus test for politicians.


He's right on that one.

"Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study."

Scientific evidence that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia


Enjoy podcasts? Here ya go.............

Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson
From everything I've seen and heard, being spewed from the left, over the last seven years, I would have sworn there's nobody more dangerous than Donald J. Trump.

(and I'm not a Trump fan)

In fact, don't they rate him more dangerous than global warming? Or is that issue their sacred cow?
Every non-Leftist they don't like, that others approve of, is suddenly the Most-Dangerous-Extreme RacistSexistBigoted Literally-Hitler.

They do not want opposition. What these terms do, is telegraph their minions to go ahead and start screaming and smashing stuff.

Responsible writers and speakers, put ideas out for exploration and discussion.

Leftist writers and speakers, GIVE PERMISSION to their mindless NPCs and Woketards, to think in certain ways. And to react in those ways.

Really. WHAT has Trump EVER done or said that was RAY-CYST. EVER.

But the Leftist Opinion Dictators told the marching morons, Orange-Man-Racist. So he is.
For a laugh.............

SPEAKER OF THE House Mike Johnson admitted that he and his son monitored each other’s porn intake in a resurfaced clip from 2022.

During a conversation on the “War on Technology” at Benton, Louisiana’s Cypress Baptist Church — unearthed by X user Receipt Maven last week — the Louisiana representative talked about how he installed “accountability software” called Covenant Eyes on his devices in order to abstain from internet porn and other unsavory websites.

“It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it,” Johnson told the panel about the app.

**Note: Take this fwiw and dyodd.

Mike Johnson's "biblical” economics: Using Christian nationalism to "enhance plutocratic wealth"​

Newly minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been generously described as a “Christian Nationalist in a nice suit." The Louisiana Republican wants to nullify the Constitution in order to make America into a White Christian theocracy. A White Christian Nationalist flag hangs outside of Johnson's office in D.C. as (further) proof of his loyalty to that cause.

As part of that project, Johnson wants to take away women's civil and human rights, end the right to privacy, and criminalize gay and lesbian people. Johnson’s “Christian values” also include giving even more money to the very richest Americans and corporations and destroying the country’s already threadbare social safety net. But, as seen with last week's elections in Ohio and other parts of the country, because the Christian right’s politics are so extremely unpopular with the majority of Americans, there is a desperate effort by the right-wing propaganda machine to throw Johnson’s previous statements and policy positions down the memory hole.

This attempt to present Johnson as a relatively “normal” and “mainstream” “social conservative” as opposed to an outright fascist and member of the American Taliban is seen in his recent “interview” with Fox News where he played the misunderstood victim who is being unfairly persecuted by the mean liberals and secularists because he is a "good Christian":

"I just wish they would get to know me….I’m not trying to establish Christianity as the national religion or something. That’s not what this is about at all."
In an attempt to better understand Johnson's rise, the dangers that he and the Christofascists represent to American democracy and what may come next, I recently spoke with Katherine Stewart, the author of “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism." This is our second conversation about the right’s plans to end America’s multiracial pluralistic democracy.


The alternative is, this Technocrat Diktatoriate that Davos Man sure seems to favor.

How's THAT working out? A bad idea that never dies...because it flatters the Elites....the bad idea is Overpopulation. Malthusianism. Sustainability.

And finally you have a devious organization that has weaponized a large number of children of rich Rent-Seekers, and has proceeded to salt them into the Western governments of the world.

What is coming of this is economic collapse, chaos, currency debasement, destruction of the food-production-and-delivery system...endless Psy-Ops on the citizen-turned-subject...a covert operation to KILL OFF BILLIONS with a slow-acting poison, mislabeled a "vaccine."

This is happening because Davos Man rejects Mike Johnson's view of the hierarchical order. They place THEIR views (and their needs and gratifications) above those of their lessers. They brand those they view as lower, as Useless Mouths.

Their excitement with "Transhumanism" - a made-up term - is simply the latest manifestation of Eve's quest for knowledge of Good and Evil and Eternal Life. They, like Eve, desire to be like God.

They have asserted godlike powers over others - but with the very-human, very-ugly flaws of pride, contempt, sexual perversion, greed, avarice, hatred.

It has always come to this, when self-styled technocrats seize control of economies. Wilson tried to nationalize American heavy industry...it did not work, and was undone after Wilson's messy death. Just as his disabled condition was hidden, schools for a century, fetishizing about collectivism, have hidden one MOAR failure of it.

And one more failure of a command/control economy run by technocrats.

We have to repeat that lesson, I guess. Starve out the Useless Mouths in mediuh.
Worth a read in my opinion.

Inside Mike Johnson’s Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution​

As the interregnum without a speaker of the House came to an end last month, people from across the political spectrum came together, in a rare show of unity, to ask a single question: Who in the world is Mike Johnson? But amidst the general bewilderment, one group of conservative evangelicals with a radical cause immediately recognized the new speaker’s name.

For the last 10 years, the “Convention of States” movement has sought to remake the Constitution and force a tea party vision of the framers’ intent upon America. This group wants to wholesale rewrite wide swaths of the U.S. Constitution in one fell swoop. In the process, they hope to do away with regulatory agencies like the FDA and the CDC, virtually eliminate the federal government’s ability to borrow money, and empower state legislatures to override federal law.

As far-fetched as this idea might sound, the movement is gaining traction — and now, it believes, it has a friend in the speaker of the House.


Consider the source.

If Politico says something, and it's true...it's a complete coincidence, and probably a mistake.

Who Is Konstantin Nikolaev? Putin Ally Behind Mike Johnson Campaign Donation​

News of money previously given to House Speaker Mike Johnson's congressional campaign by Russian nationals has re-emerged after the Republican rejected a $95 billion foreign aid bill passed in the Senate.

In 2018, a group of Russians were able to donate to Johnson's bid for the Louisiana seat he eventually won as the money was funneled through the Texas-based American Ethane company.

While American Ethane was co-founded by American John Houghtaling, at the time it was 88 percent owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev. Nikolaev is known to be a top ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A spokesperson for Johnson previously assured in 2018 that the campaign returned the money that was given to them by American Ethane once it was "made aware of the situation." There was no indication that Johnson's campaign team willfully broke federal law, which makes it illegal for a campaign to knowingly accept donations from a foreign-owned corporation, a foreign national, or any company owned or controlled by foreign nationals.


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