Mental & Physical Aspects of Alcohol & Drug Abuse

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Had a long running thread on GIM about this. Don't plan on doing that here. Going to post a few vids by a couple of people I follow along with a link to their channel for anyone interested. As for anyone else..........the floor is yours.

The 3 Most Destructive Things About Alcohol - Be Very Careful​

Link to channel:

This Is WHY I'll Never Drink Alcohol Again​

Sober Leon
Dec 28, 2022

In today's video I will be sharing why I'll never drink alcohol again and how you can use the same mindset to get sober for good.
Interesting they're putting alcohol commercials on TV again. No 'drinking', just hoisting a glass. Mostly aimed at minorities... AFAICT

As if the drug commercials "brought to you by Fizer" wasn't enough....

10 Red Flags of Alcoholic Liver Damage - DO NOT IGNORE!​

Feb 26, 2023

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Bruising easily, itchy skin, dark urine or light-colored stools? These could be signs of alcoholic liver damage. Learn how to recognize the warning signs in this video and start taking steps to protect your health. 7:33

5 Reasons to Keep Your Sobriety Journey to Yourself​

Mar 23, 2023


Are you tired of unwanted advice and criticism? Keeping your decision to quit drinking private could be the key to avoiding external pressure and staying on track. In this video, we'll explore why stealth sobriety could be the secret to your success.

From Shite to Fertilizer: The Power of Sober Transformation​

Apr 13, 2023


Today is a miracle! Been clean 37 years​

Apr 19, 2023


5 Incredible Health Benefits You'll Experience When You Stop Drinking Alcohol​

May 14, 2023

Not going to deny the negative effects of alcohol abuse.

But, it's not a mystery. We've had alcohol longer than we've had civilization.

Why the sudden Narrative push, here? Nothing is coincidental or happenstance. The Elites are PUSHING something.

...heavy pot use? For health?

Sure. Yes, it's less harmful to the body.

Which means someone can live 50 years as a buzzed zombie.

Which means HUGE PERCENTAGES can live 50 years, fried.

Which is what the Globe-Bull Ists WANT.

Their aim is Transhumanism - and they do not mean what we think they mean, with that term. They want their lessers chemically castrated, asexual, weak, obedient, and short-lived. Until they get the population numbers down to what Thomas Malthus thought was proper.

Alcohol kills, but it makes the subject belligerent while it happens. And society is not yet primed for the deaths of huge numbers of drunks on sidewalks, in tents. Not yet.

Pot makes the user passive and accepting and mostly unable to handle complex thought. ESPECIALLY when it's a child/teen using it, before higher brain functions are learned. THAT makes them useful slaves, while the next "vaccination" round can cull more of them.

My Broken Liver After 30 Years Of Drinking​

May 30, 2023


5 Reasons to Keep Your Sobriety Journey to Yourself​

Mar 23, 2023


Are you tired of unwanted advice and criticism? Keeping your decision to quit drinking private could be the key to avoiding external pressure and staying on track. In this video, we'll explore why stealth sobriety could be the secret to your success.

Not too mention tradition 11.

Were You Ever Into Drinking Or Doing Drugs?​

Jul 7, 2023


*Note: click off at 13:14 unless you want to watch his commercial.

How Much Alcohol Did You Drink?​

Jul 11, 2023

Not going to deny the negative effects of alcohol abuse.

But, it's not a mystery. We've had alcohol longer than we've had civilization.

Why the sudden Narrative push, here? Nothing is coincidental or happenstance. The Elites are PUSHING something.

...heavy pot use? For health?

Sure. Yes, it's less harmful to the body.

Which means someone can live 50 years as a buzzed zombie.

Which means HUGE PERCENTAGES can live 50 years, fried.

Which is what the Globe-Bull Ists WANT.

Their aim is Transhumanism - and they do not mean what we think they mean, with that term. They want their lessers chemically castrated, asexual, weak, obedient, and short-lived. Until they get the population numbers down to what Thomas Malthus thought was proper.

Alcohol kills, but it makes the subject belligerent while it happens. And society is not yet primed for the deaths of huge numbers of drunks on sidewalks, in tents. Not yet.

Pot makes the user passive and accepting and mostly unable to handle complex thought. ESPECIALLY when it's a child/teen using it, before higher brain functions are learned. THAT makes them useful slaves, while the next "vaccination" round can cull more of them.
Yeah i actually agree with most of this, although i think the statement regarding "pot" is an inaccurate generalization.

Of course i'm certainly not disagreeing with regard to the detriment of "pot"(*or any other psychoactive substances (*let alone dozens of toxic "vaccines") during developmental years))

However, it is highly inaccurate to claim "Pot makes the user passive and accepting and mostly unable to handle complex thought."

Perhaps "pot" of the "genetically modified" types available from"Weed Dispensaries" may elicit such a severe cognitive яεταяδατΐση as perpetually swinish obsequiousness.

However i have cultivated and indulged of "pot" for decades and unless i'm just so utterly fυςκεδ as to exist within a ceaseless self delusion, i would argue based off of my subjective experience that "pot" has enabled me to eventually break the artificial preprogramming imposed upon us via "education".

Were "pot" making me passive, accepting and unable to handle complex thought, then logically i should not have proactively begun extricating myself upon realization that we have all been enslaved by a Corporate Empire.

i would not have been motivated to wilfully self educate, question the "experts", investigate "vaccines" or Cestui que vie, etc.

Were "pot" making me a lazy dumbαss, i wouldn't be actively challenging the predominantly established online forums amounting to nought but subversive cults masquerading as "community leaders", "webmasters", "mental health experts", and such.

If "pot" makes me passive and accepting, i wouldn't be directly engaging with these mendacious ςυητs at every opportunity.

And i wouldn't be doing any of this entirely on my own while facing hordes of these feral sραsτΐςs pushing their queer parasite delusions on children and practically everyone.

However my opinion of alcohol is much different.
Alcohol is possibly the most detrimental substance of all specifically due to the prolific "normalization".

Imo, alcohol is good for sterilization and fuel.

Additionally, regarding "pot", it has recently been found that certain neurotransmitting compounds resulting from the consumption of "pot"—significantly disrupts & impedes artificial cognitive programming processes.

Finding Meaning Beyond Alcohol - Important Insights for Drinkers​

Aug 8, 2023


Reflections of an alcoholic 5 weeks before death​


The words of this video were written by a man in his 70s who started drinking in his 20s. His wife found them among his papers after he suddenly and unexpectedly died from a massive heart attack. She is bringing these words to life with the hope they will help people who struggle with addiction, as well as aid their friends and loved ones in understanding what it's like to live with an addiction.

The Toughest Part of Stopping Drinking For Me? Take Notice If You Use Alcohol​

Sep 10, 2023


Facing the REAL Demon - It's NOT The Alcohol! Must-Watch for Drinkers​


A Most Unusual Consequence of Drinking Alcohol​


"Booze's Dirty Trick: Made Me Poor While I Celebrated!"​


When to Quit Alcohol - The Answer Isn't What You Think!​


What Was The Main Thing That Helped Me Cope Without Alcohol?​

Nov 5, 2023


Ditching The 'Drunk' Identity for Good!​

Nov 10, 2023


Alcohol's Scorecard: Honest Reality Check - Drinking Truths: Are You Brave Enough to Face Them?​

Nov 16, 2023


Alcohol Trigger Warning: What Starts Your Sip? The Thin Line in Your Drinking Habits​


Beer or Whiskey - Which Is More Dangerous? Not What You Might Think?​


The 4 Stages of Cirrhosis You Need to Know - A Wake-Up Call for Anyone Who Drinks Alcohol​

Nov 26, 2023


Why 'Unf*cking' Your Past Isn't An Option​

Dec 3, 2023


Sober Mental Game - Why December Could Be The Best Month to Quit Drinking?​

This one is a bit different.

Navigating the new sober boom, where "a person's sobriety is as unique as their fingerprint"​

“You’ll be OK. I take breaks, on and off, all of the time,” my cousin Maja said with a smooth smile during my first week off alcohol. “And if you want that feeling, pull up on me. I'll whip up something special for you. A mocktail.”

Maja is my first cousin’s first cousin. In Baltimore, that means we’re close family. My dad's sister married her dad's brother, ultimately connecting us. A popular bartender, Maja created the most beautiful drinks anyone has ever seen or tasted in some of Baltimore’s fanciest restaurants.

“A MajTail,” I laughed, sipping the ginger-heavy citrus concoction she slid in my direction. “I’m in it for the long haul, cuz.”

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