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You can find a list of PMBug's moderator team in the Member's page under staff. Here's a direct link:

I've invited @Goldhedge and @searcher to join the team with @BigJim and myself. These brave heros have volunteered to work for free and endure many headaches to keep the party going for everyone. It's usually a largely thankless job, but I'm thanking them now. Thank you folk for volunteering to help out.
Thanks Zed! Appreciate the sentiment... I hope to rise to expectations.
good one winston :) had to look that up

not my bold

Kol Nidre, (Aramaic: “All Vows”), a prayer sung in Jewish synagogues at the beginning of the service on the eve of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). The name, derived from the opening words, also designates the melody to which the prayer is traditionally chanted.
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