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That poor road surface is gonna have a double path cut into it.
Silent yet ruthless
I count 14 axles on that trailer!
I sure hope that doesn't trigger their asthma!Made a succulent garden today for a friend who just got out of the hospital after asthma attacks
View attachment 6259
There is one tiny plus: Sooper cold snow in nature's fertilizer. I causes nitrogen to get into the soil. TINS.
How's it do that Unca?There is one tiny plus: Sooper cold snow in nature's fertilizer. I causes nitrogen to get into the soil. TINS.
Been hovering in the 30's since it startedLooks cold there....
A blanket of snow, when the ground is frozen, is like a layer of protective mulch. Its insulative properties protect both the soil and the plants from desiccating winds and freezing temperatures. It also helps to insulate the plants as they “heave” which can expose their roots to air, as the soil freezes and thaws throughout the winter.How's it do that Unca?
"That time"... LOLThat time Nick and his wife paid me a surprise visitView attachment 6297
There is one tiny plus: Sooper cold snow in nature's fertilizer. I causes nitrogen to get into the soil. TINS.