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Prescriber's Digital Reference

Merck Manual

Some links I came across.

- UpToDate: Doctor recommended site for current, in-depth, and unbiased medical information.

- Docs4PatientCare: An organization of concerned physicians committed to the establishment of a health care system that preserves the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, promotes quality of care, supports affordable access to all Americans, and protects patients' freedom of choice.

- Mayo Clinic: More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise to empower you to manage your health.

- The Merck Manuals: A trusted source for medical information available free online.

- National Institutes of Health: (Federal Government.) Information on a variety of health topics.

- National Health Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine: The National Institutes of Health studies.

- Quackwatch: Nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies. Includes information on quackery and questionable therapies.

- WebMD: Research the latest information from the American Medical Association.


What is in PubMed?​

Jan 26, 2024

Watch on youtube for a complete transcript of the vid.

This video describes the contents of PubMed and how it gets there, including the selection processes for MEDLINE and PubMed Central journals. For more educational materials on PubMed, see PubMed Online Training at

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