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History they forgot to teach in school...

When the Russian navy sailed into New York​

SEPT 12 2013

During the fall of 1863, the darkest hour of the Civil War, part of the Russian fleet arrived at the ports of New York and San Francisco. In this new history column, Professor C. Douglas Kroll talks about the visits and their significance.

Many Americans are surprised to learn that until the early 20th century, the United States had better relations with Russia than with Britain or France. The United States had fought two bitter wars against Britain: the War of Independence and the War of 1812.

Additionally, the two nations endured many years of tension without war, mostly related to border issues in North America, where Canada remained British territory. During the American Civil War, the British government’s sympathy seemed to be with the Confederacy and there was great concern in Washington that the British would give enter the war on the side of the South.

The United States had its share of difficulties with France as well. While France had been a vital ally of the young nation during its War of Independence, relations deteriorated shortly afterward.

In 1793 the United States quarreled with France about neutrality and then fought a brief, undeclared war in 1798. By the time of the Civil War Americans were complaining about the French occupation of Mexico and that regime’s conduct toward Confederate rebels.

By contrast, the United States had never had a quarrel with Imperial Russia, and, in fact, the relationship was characterized by peace and goodwill. Empress Catherine II (the Great) refused to send Russian soldiers requested by King George III to suppress the rebellion of his subjects in North America.

Emperor Alexander I helped mediate a peace between the United States and Britain to end the War of 1812. In 1832, Russia became the first nation to have “most favored nation” trading status with the United States. The United States alone stood by Russia in 1854 and 1855 during the Crimean War.

The American government furnished Russian forces with arms and sent a whole shipload of gunpowder to the defenders of the Siberian coast. Frank Golder, no Russophile, would later write of the Crimean War, “By the time it was over the United States was the only nation in the world that was neither ashamed nor afraid to acknowledge boldly her friendship with Russia.”



Russia Formally Backs Union During Civil War​

Russia under Tsar Alexander II announced an official position supporting the Union, also known as the North, while urging reunification in the U.S. Civil War.


Russian Ships Help Secure Union Harbors​

<p>The crew of the Russian frigate <em>Osliaba</em> during the American Civil War (Photo: Getty Images)</p>

The crew of the Russian frigate Osliaba during the American Civil War (Photo: Getty Images)

With American approval, Russian warships were based for a short time in New York and San Francisco to help secure the U.S. cities from potential British or French attack. Receptions and dinners were held to welcome America’s Russian visitors, including an elaborate ball in New York City and a grand procession of the Russian navy along Broadway.


U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union​

by Webster G. Tarpley
April 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War, which began when Confederate forces opened fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The following essay by Webster Tarpley, tells about the largely untold alliance between President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II, which by many accounts was key to the North winning the U.S. Civil War, sealing the defeat of the British strategic design.



At the point of maximum war danger between Great Britain and the United States, the London satirical publication Punch published a vicious caricature of US President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II, demonizing the two friends as bloody oppressors.
From Punch, October 24, 1863.

Who was our friend when the world was our foe." -
Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1871

One hundred fifty years after the attack on Fort Sumter, the international strategic dimension of the American Civil War represents a much-neglected aspect of Civil War studies. In offering a survey of some of the main issues involved, one feels required to justify the importance of the topic. It is indeed true that, as things turned out, the international strategic dimension of the 1861-65 conflict was of secondary importance. However, it was an aspect that repeatedly threatened to thrust itself into the center of the war, transforming the entire nature of the conflict and indeed threatening to overturn the entire existing world system. The big issue was always a British-French attack on the United States to preserve the Confederate States of America. This is certainly how Union and Confederate leaders viewed the matter, and how some important people in London, St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin did as well.


RUSSIANS made a CHURCH from GERMAN TANKS? What? Two Americans explore.​

interesting history of Europe back in 1848

Revolutions of 1848​

The revolutions of 1848, known in some countries as the Springtime of the Peoples[2] or the Springtime of Nations, were a series of revolutions throughout Europe over the course of more than one year, from 1848 to 1849. It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history to date.[citation needed]

The revolutions were essentially democratic and liberal in nature, with the aim of removing the old monarchical structures and creating independent nation-states, as envisioned by romantic nationalism. The revolutions spread across Europe after an initial revolution began in Italy in January 1848.[3][4] Over 50 countries were affected, but with no significant coordination or cooperation among their respective revolutionaries. Some of the major contributing factors were widespread dissatisfaction with political leadership, demands for more participation in government and democracy, demands for freedom of the press, other demands made by the working class for economic rights, the upsurge of nationalism,[5] and the European potato failure, which triggered mass starvation, migration, and civil unrest.[6]

The uprisings were led by temporary coalitions of reformers, the middle classes, the upper classes (the bourgeoisie) and workers;[7] however, the coalitions did not hold together for long. Many of the revolutions were quickly suppressed, as tens of thousands of people were killed, and even more were forced into exile. Significant lasting reforms included the abolition of serfdom in Austria and Hungary, the end of absolute monarchy in Denmark, and the introduction of representative democracy in the Netherlands. The revolutions were most important in France, the Netherlands, Italy, the Austrian Empire, and the states of the German Confederation that would make up the German Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The wave of uprisings ended in October 1849.

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Emancipation reform of 1861​

The emancipation reform of 1861 in Russia, also known as the Edict of Emancipation of Russia, (Russian: Крестьянская реформа 1861 года, romanized: Krestyanskaya reforma 1861 goda – "peasants' reform of 1861") was the first and most important of the liberal reforms enacted during the reign (1855–1881) of Emperor Alexander II of Russia. The reform effectively abolished serfdom throughout the Russian Empire.


Karl Marx's letter to Abraham Lincoln w/reply (January 28, 1865) audio​

In November 1864, the International Workingmen's Association ("First International") wrote a letter congratulating Abraham Lincoln on his re-election to the office of U.S. President. The address, written by Karl Marx, was approved by the Central Council and delivered to U.S. Ambassador Charles Francis Adams (son of John Quincy Adams & grandson of President John Adams) on January 28th 1865.

In the letter, Marx details how the U.S. Civil War was not only the 19th century's equivalent to the American Revolution of the 18th, but also that the fight for emancipation of the working class internationally was tied to Lincoln and the Republican Party's efforts to defeat slavery in the name of free labor and to reconstruct the Union on the basis of America's founding principles: that all men are created equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Red Alert | NGO's Hostile Takeover. What are the real interests of foreign non-profits in Russia?​

NGOs are organisations whose purpose is not to make a profit, they are based on the principles of kindness, justice, and mutual assistance in difficult times. Anna Chapman is trying to investigate the true, secret goals of Western NGOs.

Entire networks of NGOs have appeared in Russia, and their negative impact on a country’s stability as well as its society, is profound. Take Syria for example, there is a systematic structure for the enhancement of political conflicts in the country, and there are also several instances where the activities of Western NGOs aggravates the situation, not only in Syria but in other countries.

Vanessa Beeley is a British journalist who has been working in Syria since the beginning of hostilities. She was the first to stand against Western indoctrination and tried to find out the truth about the activities of the “White Helmets”.

It turned out that the main goal of this organisation is not at all noble: rather than helping the victims of war, they actively promote pro-Western propaganda and anti-government ideas in Syria.

Watch our documentary to find out what lies behind the pretty picture of NGOs. Do they really have such a strong influence on the course of events around the world?

The Putin Interview They REALLY DON'T Want You To See​


Tucker Carlson Compares on What Happened to GMO McDonalds After they Left Russia​

This will break ALL attendance records

🇺🇸🚛 HEAD OF LARGEST RUSSIAN MEDIA GROUP RUSSIA TODAY REQUESTS INTERVIEW WITH BIDEN - Following Putin's explosive interview with U.S. political commentator Carlson, CEO of RT Kiselev sends official request to White House (pictured) asking for one-on-one with Washington's senile president.

Amid unprecedented crisis in Russian-U.S. relations that risks global confrontation, we would appreciate hearing from President Biden his vision of how to stabilize international situation, restore trust and renew cooperation between the 2 countries,

We believe that our countries don't listen and hear each other, and we believe Putin set a worthy example by agreeing to an interview aimed at an American audience, our agency is also ready to provide U.S. President with opportunity to reach widest possible Russian audience - Letter says.

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Russia plans to offer BRICS to develop financial system independent of politics

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov mentioned establishing "an independent settlement payment system based on new principles, first and foremost digital and blockchain principles".

"In order for the BRICS countries to develop normally, we need to think about creating our own financial systems functioning independently of politics and ensuring trade relations between our countries," Siluanov said.

According to him, trade among the BRICS countries is expanding. "For these trade flows to work, we need a reliable payment mechanism. Today we will propose to establish an independent settlement payment system based on new principles, first and foremost digital and blockchain principles, principles that could be comfortable for countries, inexpensive for making payments, and clear," Siluanov stated.

BRICS member states to consider creating common digital payment platform

The gradual integration of the new BRICS member states into the work of the financial tracks and strengthening of cooperation at the expert level was noted as being one of the crucial tasks for 2024.

"By the end of the year, the Russian Finance Ministry and the Bank of Russia together with partners within the BRICS association will draft a report for the leaders of the BRICS countries on improving the international monetary and financial system, which will contain a set of initiatives and recommendations. Developmental work based on the report will result in a number of practical initiatives, with the BRICS Bridge platform potentially becoming one of them. The issue is about creating a multi sided digital payment platform. It will help bring the financial markets of the BRICS member states closer and increase mutual trade turnover," according to files released on the ministry’s website.


Irkut MC-21 — The Aircraft That Can CHANGE The Way We Travel​

MC-21, a modern Russian single-aisle twinjet airliner. The aircraft is set to be the answer to the Boeing 737 MAX and the Airbus A320 due to its aircraft performance characteristics and cost-effectiveness. Its main advantages are advanced aerodynamics and the newest engines along with the extended application of composite materials.

Irkut MC-21 Specifications and modifications:
- МС-21-300 is designed for 163 to 211 passengers.
- МС-21-200 is designed for 132 to 165 passengers. Its fuselage is 8.5 m shorter than the MC-21-300’s, it will have the MTOW of 72,560 kg and range of 6400 km. The design documentation for this version is currently elaborated by Yakovlev Engineering Center.


The World's MOST POWERFUL Helicopter — Mil Mi 26​

The Mil Mi-26 is the world’s largest helicopter in production. It has a rotor diameter of 105 feet, a maximum take-off weight of 123,460 lbs, and two engines that produce 11,400 hp each allowing it to lift 44,000 lbs on its hook or inside its cargo hold & costs around $25M US.

The largest MI-26 helicopter has a power plant, which consists of two turbocharged D-136 engines. Its total power is 22,000 horsepower. The engines are so strong that together with a 40-ton machine (taking into account 12 tons of fuel) they can also lift a load weighing 20 tons and transport it over a distance of up to 2350 km. The largest helicopter in the world has a cargo compartment 12 m long and just over 3 m wide. Its usable area makes it possible to transport almost any military equipment, which is loaded through the tail hatch under its own power. The machine can simultaneously transport 68 paratroopers or 82 soldiers.

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