Scotland votes no

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
I heard on the tee vee last night quite late that there was significant shenanigans in the vote yesterday, and the yes voters have a boatload of video to prove it.:paperbag:

I'm sure the Brotherhood of Darkness had nothing to do with any of it though.

Is anyone surprised? No way in hell would TPTB let the slaves get the idea that freedom is an option.
Texas is being overrun with liberals, some from the south (Mexico, et alia) and lots from the blue states. The mix is leaning bluer and bluer, so eventually Texas will be another California.
Well, hopefully the folks fleeing the blue states are the smarter ones and don't try to mess with Texas.
Well, hopefully the folks fleeing the blue states are the smarter ones and don't try to mess with Texas.
My family was, but sadly I don't think the majority coming here get the big picture. They come here for jobs and such, but don't realize that the jobs are here for a reason.
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