Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape in Senate Hearing Room

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Leaked amateur pornography shows a congressional staffer having anal sex with an unknown man in the Senate hearing room, video obtained by the Daily Caller shows.

The alleged staffer can also be seen in a photo, naked on all fours, looking back at the camera on the table where Senators often sit to ask questions during a hearing. ...

There is a Rumble video of the sex, but I don't think it's necessary to post it here. If you really want to watch it, you can find it here:
Is this primarily a Democratic, Progressive thing?

Or are Rebublicans (NOT RINOs PLEASE) and Conservatives in on it too?

Don't know who, but this ya gotta admit...............this is some wild stuff.
From the link in the OP..........

"It appears to be unprotected sex."

Yeah, that's some great police work on the reporters part there.
On a more serious note.........Is there a possibility that this is a made-up hit piece by one side to make the other side look bad?
He's doing what all politicians do. He's just doing it one constituent at a time.
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That's how you get more money for Ukraine?
On a more serious note.........Is there a possibility that this is a made-up hit piece by one side to make the other side look bad?

I'm not really sure that it is humanly possible at this point to make the democrats appear any worse than they already do.

"naked on all fours, looking back at the camera on the table where Senators often sit to ask questions during a hearing."

I'll bet that the first thing that happens at the next hearing, is a unanimous vote to buy a new table. Lol

On a more serious note.........Is there a possibility that this is a made-up hit piece by one side to make the other side look bad?
C'mon man, really?

Try to accept your political team for who they truly are, please.
Try to accept your political team for who they truly are, please.

If using their table as he did is not "disrespecting his workplace", I struggle to comprehend what would.

Put politics aside for a minute. Ya gotta's hysterical.

As for disrespecting the workplace............ :lmao:


I'm waiting for the congress critters to start chiming in. Could be worth a few laughs.
As for disrespecting the workplace............ :lmao:
I agree. For the point to be valid, the workplace has to be respectable.
This is like the saying, "You may hate the president, but you should respect the office." That is pure horseshit. When a president (or any politician) defiles the office, there is zero reason to "respect the office."
It is the People's house. I think they forget that. Used to be a time when people respected it for what it stood for. Democrat's now show up like they're ready to play a game of pick-up basketball. Then there are the others...


This is what the democrats have reduced this country to. And the world is laughing at us for good reason.

Senate staffer alleged by conservative outlets to have had sex in a hearing room is no longer employed​

Sen. Ben Cardin’s office has parted ways with a staffer who conservative news outlets alleged was shown in a leaked video having sex in a Senate hearing room.

“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate,” the Maryland Democrat’s office said in a statement to NBC News on Saturday, which was first obtained by Politico. “We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”



Senate staffer alleged by conservative outlets to have had sex in a hearing room is no longer employed​

Sen. Ben Cardin’s office has parted ways with a staffer who conservative news outlets alleged was shown in a leaked video having sex in a Senate hearing room.

“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate,” the Maryland Democrat’s office said in a statement to NBC News on Saturday, which was first obtained by Politico. “We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”


Just my opinion but this ceased to become a personal matter when the person engaged in sex on the taxpayers dime. If this was in the privacy of his own house then yes it's a personal matter. In a public setting while being funded by the taxpayer, it's now a public matter. Glad he was fired but I would think he violated some other rules and should be charged accordingly.
I'm sure more will come out. Just gotta give it some time. The press will dig up (maybe make up) all sorts of crazy shit about the pusher, the cushion and a host of others. Probably be hysterical.

Once the dirt comes out, the religious right will unleash all sorts of accusations of abominations against the sinful left. Self-righteous congress critters will chime in. The LGBT nation will chime in. Trump will probably chime in. Preachers will tell their flocks the dems are evil.

Maybe offers for talk shows & a book deal.

Sky's the limit with this one.
The 'Guy' doing the pushing... won't we be surprised to learn DC runs on this kind of activity....?

For them to have been doing that in the manner they were, they obviously had little to no fear of getting caught in the act. So it should make people wonder just what else goes on there on a regular basis.
I'm so old that I can remember when the rest of the world didn't think of the U.S. as a complete laughing stock.
Well, that ship has long ago sailed.
This is simply the latest act. Can't imagine what's next. Just when you think you've seen everything...
"While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgement"
I don't want to know what they were but if he doesn't think this one shows poor judgement he needs to go back to retard school.
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