Important Tags and the tag cloud

Thread contains important information that may impact how you use the forum

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This forum has a keyword tagging system for threads. When you create a new thread, you have the option to include tags. Tags are keywords that encapsulate the topic of the thread. You can see examples of tags that have been used if you look at the 'tag cloud' shown at the bottom of the forum room list on this page:

Each tag is a link to a tag search result that shows all threads that have that tag associated with it. It's a handy way to find threads associated with a specific topic.
I might at some point adjust the settings for the home page to show less of the "latest posts" and include the tag cloud there as well.

Of course, the tags are only useful if people actually use them (ie. include them when creating a thread). So, I was thinking I might adjust the setting for all the PM/Market forums (and Politics) to require at least one tag when creating a new thread.

I'd like your feedback on this idea before proceeding.
I think if you could make it a 'clickable' tag that would be sweet. Something like 'click' and it's done.

I can type with all 10 digits, but some folks hunt 'n peck like a chicken scratching for seed...

I'm not in the habit of tagging anything... too old to think of it? Before my time?
Tags help make it possible to attract people to the forum. Could be searching for a particular topic and see a thread in the search results, click on it, look around the forum and decide to join.

I think if you could make it a 'clickable' tag that would be sweet. Something like 'click' and it's done.

I can type with all 10 digits, but some folks hunt 'n peck like a chicken scratching for seed...
Like I said... I'm not in the habit of ...

Make it happen... build it and they will come??? (y)
I'd prefer to highlight the content related to precious metals/markets/economics, preparedness topics and to a lesser extent, politics. I don't really want to clutter up the tag cloud with topics from STS (the off topic forum for lulz and stuff), Serious Business (forum for topics about the forum itself) and the marketplace forums. You can still add tags to threads in any forum room, but most people won't add one unless it's required, so I'm experimenting here to see if the tag cloud might develop into something useful/interesting.
* bump *

I'm getting some emails about tag requirements. Bumping for visibility.
Just in case it wasn't clear for folks - You can type anything in the tag field when creating a new thread (be sure to hit the enter/return key to process the input before trying to submit the post). As you type a word, you will see an auto-complete drop down listing tags that already exist. Selecting an existing tag will group your thread with other threads that used the tag you chose (and make that tag get more visibility in the tag cloud).

You can also see what tags a thread has by looking just under the thread title when viewing the thread. You should see the thread's author, post date and then the tags. If a thread doesn't have any tags, you should see "None" in the tags area.

You can also add tags to existing threads if you like. Just click on the tag icon where it lists the existing tags (or "None").
I like those tags. I clicked on the ron paul tag and it brought up a list of all posts tagged with the ron paul tag.


I am not used to using tags but I think it will be very handy once I get used to them. :)
I figured it out the hard way. Created a post, wouldn't post, saw the TAGS area and after a few misses HIT IT. So I can live wid it. ;)
And I'm probably the least savvy in this internet world.
I will add "hookers & blow" to all my threads. Watch membership double!
How does one add tags to existing threads?

There used to be a space at the top (GIM) where tags could be added. It might be a switch you have to throw?

Never mind! I just saw it at the top! It looks like a 'tag'....

Screen Shot 2022-10-10 at 9.03.33 PM.png
When you create a new thread, you have the option to include tags. Tags are keywords that encapsulate the topic of the thread
I tried posting a thread, but tags were required. I tried several different words as tags, but none of them worked. No matter what I entered in the tag field, it kept telling me I couldnn't post without including a tag. All it says is that it has to be at least 3 characters long. All the words I tried were longer than that, yet none were accepted.

So I gave up and just posted in STS.
@Joe King - when you enter a word (or abbreviation) in the tag field, make sure to click on the word (if using PC w/mouse) [or, IIRC, click enter (phone/tablet) ] to register your tag in the field. You should see your text surrounded by a rectangular frame/border and with a "x" button (to delete the tag from the field). When you see that, the forum will recognize and accept your tag inputs.
@Joe King What happened? If I can help I will.
I entered text in the tag field and then hit the button to post the thread. It acted as though I had not entered anything.
...but I see @pmbug 's post. I did not realize I had to tap the word too. I'll try that next time.
I just finished removing the tag *requirement* for the Politics forum (in line with the goal as stated in post #8). It's still available as an option. I also moved your thread @Joe King .
I usually just type in my own tags (like to personalize some) and then put a coma right after the last letter. Works good.
I usually just type in my own tags (like to personalize some) and then put a coma right after the last letter. Works good.
Ok, I did not realize it needed a comma even if only one tag was being used. I was just entering one word and did not think it needed a comma. That's likely why it did not work. I saw that it said to separate multiple tags with a comma, and I get that, but didn't think to try adding one to my single-word tag.
Pretty sure the forum accepts a comma as registering the word same as clicking on it as I suggested. Either method should work fine. :)
Tags are fine for searches.....latest posts is primary method for active members imo

Personally I would frequent a forum without the latest post functionality
Pretty sure the forum accepts a comma as registering the word same as clicking on it as I suggested. Either method should work fine. :)
Can you add a tag to my thread? I was trying to use "unConstitutional" when I gave up and posted in the other forum.
....and I'd love to get your thoughts on the subject. Thx.
Can you add a tag to my thread? I was trying to use "unConstitutional" when I gave up and posted in the other forum.
....and I'd love to get your thoughts on the subject. Thx.

Can you add a tag to my thread? ...
FYI - You should be able to add tags to existing threads as explained in post #16. I'll have to double check how the permissions work as its been a while since I messed with them, but I think you can tag any thread currently.
* bump *

I have removed the tag requirement when starting new threads in all forum nodes. I would still encourage folks to include tags where appropriate - especially for tag words/acronyms/abbreviations that are 3 letters long (as they don't work with the forum's normal search function.
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