That's a new one on me: 1/40th oz gold coin

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Not worth much.

Just like the person whose image is on it.

Better off with a silver coin. For storage, such a small-fraction coin would be useless. For trade, there's the confidence factor. Silver bullion, junk silver, or gold one-ouncers would all be more-readily accepted.

If you want this for the novelty factor...I get it. But I can't see it catching on with stackers.
Lol....and I thought gram gold was small
Do you need a magnifying glass to see it?
I believe it would be OK to have along with the other 39 of its brothers
Sold out at about 4k a there are some surprised people when they see the actual size

8mm, that's 1/3"
I bought one Mexican 2 pesos and multiple centenarios.
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