The case for and against fractional gold

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... buying fractional gold coins has gained traction in recent years.

Fractional gold refers to a category of gold bullion that is divided into smaller, more affordable denominations, typically less than a full ounce in weight. Unlike traditional gold coins or bars, which are often sold as full ounces, fractional gold coins are minted in smaller sizes, such as 1/10th, 1/4th or 1/2th ounces.

These coins contain the same quality and purity of gold as their larger counterparts but allow investors to purchase smaller, more manageable quantities of gold. But are fractional gold coins worth it for investors?


I was very surprised to see that CBS News published this. One item they neglected was the reporting requirements for managing gold as it appreciates in value. Dealers have to report sales of $10k or more and that threshold is arbitrary (could be changed at any time by Congress). The recent issue with IRS $600 threshold rules for 1099s from Venmo, PayPal. etc. also highlight the arbitrary legal thresholds for government reporting of private sales. Having smaller fractional coins can reduce the risk of triggering these reporting thresholds.
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I was very surprised to see that CBS News published this

Advertising $$$$$. Seeing pm's advertised on tv a lot these days. Some channels have 30 - 60 minute infomercials for them.
Advertising $$$$$. Seeing pm's advertised on tv a lot these days. Some channels have 30 - 60 minute infomercials for them.

This worries me because products marketed this way are usually bullshti.
someone must be peddling gold grams ....

but i do see a lot of fractionals sell person to person via facebook groups.......
I like sovereign circulated francs and decimal bullion. Buy some you're going to need it.
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