The real dollar drop in value IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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Folks... we are in a spiral. The dollar soon will be no more.

Here is an example that we are all familiar with: A Big Mac hamburger.

When the Big Mac came out (identical to today's BTW) it sold for 45 cents.

The price slowly increased until 2022, when it sold for $5.

Well, Pilgrims... the price of a Big Mac this morning is $18

That is the real dollar value drop IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS
I'm guessing that today's Big Mac is not identical. The burger patties, sauce(s) and buns are likely much more of a chemistry project today than they were 45 years ago. That said, your larger point is valid. Price inflation can be easily seen just about everywhere these days.

It's still less than $1 face of 90% silver.
Haven't been to a McDonald's in years, but I seriously doubt the typical Big Mac is anywhere near that. Maybe half that at the most.
You guys are correct. That was a special Big Mac, not the regular one.
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