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I have no idea what is in your video as I cannot view it.
However, the economy will crash for one and only one reason, dishonesty and deceit from the very highest in the land (The President) to the very lowest in the land (Welfare cheats and the like). As long as the MAJORITY of the population engages in dishonesty and deceit, it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to have a good economy. And my best guesstimate is that at least half of the population is OVERTLY so engaged, and at least half of the rest are COVERTLY so engaged.
Look around you and ask yourself how many HONEST people that you know? My guess in most cases is that you cannot find many, IF ANY, honest people amongst those that you know. I know that I can count on ONE hand all of the honest people I deal with every day around here, and most of those are OLD retirement-age businessmen. I don't know ANYONE in this area under 50 that is honest.
And if you think I am wrong, look around and ask yourself why you see cameras and security systems everywhere. Ask yourself why there is so much litigation because of stupidity. Ask yourself why whole areas are war zones in our cities. Ask yourself why many areas of the country have CHECKPOINTS on DOMESTIC highways. Ask yourself why the TSA even exists. All of that screams of dishonesty.
I've noticed, over just one lifetime, that things have gone from "don't do wrong" to "don't get caught" in the US. I put that on two things - the "education system", and lazy/incompetent parents.
Responding to DCFusor, I pass along another detail of my conversation with the same friend earlier. He is in our age range, and is pretty highly skilled in mortgage and similar stuff (uh, well, um, well..., uh...), skilled enough so that he could probably get hired in his field (as my city may be coming back!).
After I told him that if his business (as a mortgage broker and a sideline or two) does not work out, he said that he would prefer to work at McDonalds (!), and that he too would ride up to become a Store Manager within two years. Yes, probably.
But, let's ALL just hope that he retains his business OK rather then working at the Big Mac!