What Happens if the North Atlantic's Circulation Shuts Down?

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The Atlantic is at risk of circulation collapse – it would mean even greater climate chaos across Europe
Amid news of lethal heatwaves across the Northern Hemisphere comes the daunting prospect of a climate disaster on an altogether grander scale. New findings published in Nature Communications suggest the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, or Amoc, could collapse within the next few decades – maybe even within the next few years – driving European weather to even greater extremes.

The Amoc amounts to a system of currents in the Atlantic that bring warm water northwards where it then cools and sinks. It is a key reason why Europe’s climate has been stable for thousands of years, even if it’s hard to recognise this chaotic summer as part of that stability.


I want another Frankenstein novel.
It'll become an excuse for the government to impose another tax, would be my guess.
Isn't the Gulf Stream supposed to be shutting down, they hyped that 20 odd years ago?
No, that can't happen. Mighta been hyped though.

Good to know, but it was a whole thing back there for a while. The result was supposed to be extreme cooling, so I guess that ran counter to the required narrative. LOL.
If this does shut down it will be mad max. Everyone up north will be headed to Mexico hoping for unfettered access to that country. Of course the military down there will just shoot any American who attempts to cross the border. They have much stricter border control than we do.
The Gulf Stream can't shut down. Anyone saying it can is just a global warming fear monger lookin' to take your money.
This theory was first proposed by author Whitley Strieber, in his book “The Coming Global Superstorm”.
The initial information was given to him by a stranger in Toronto. The premise is that during a certain January or February, there will be a rogue weather front, 20 to 30 degrees warmer than normal, that affects the Arctic.
The resulting outflow of fresh melt water will strengthen and cool the Labrador current. This in result, will push the Gulf Stream further southward. The resulting deep freeze will paralyze Europe and cause massive death. This in turn will affect the jet stream and further cause global catastrophes, famines and resulting wars.
The book that will change your life is “The Key” by Whitley Strieber.
I slogged my way through Immanuel Velikovsky's book Earth in Upheaval:

many decades ago. I remember it being a very dry read, but it's also quite a fascinating helicopter view of the Earth's history. It's chaos. Mankind's perceptions of most everything are shaped by a perspective limited to very narrow windows of time (hundreds of years for the most part). We have to expand our view to thousands or tens of thousands of years to understand the patterns beyond our normal view that shape the Earth's history.
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I slogged my way through Immanuel Velikovsky's book Earth in Upheaval:

many decades ago. I remember it being a very dry read, but it's also quite a fascinating helicopter view of the Earth's history. It's chaos. Mankind's perceptions of most everything are shaped by a perspective limited to very narrow windows of time (hundreds of years for the most part). We have to expand our view to thousands or tens of thousands of years to understand the patterns beyond our normal view that shape the Earth's history.

The earth has a liquid atmosphere. It has always been chaotic and will always be chaotic and literally impossible to model. The people who try to convince you otherwise are charlatans and frauds. Had a Fluid Dynamics professor explain that a long time ago.
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System of Atlantic Ocean currents approaches ‘cliff-like’ tipping point, could collapse, study says​

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future.

A long-worried nightmare scenario, triggered by Greenland’s ice sheet melting from global warming, still is at least decades away if not longer, but maybe not the centuries that it once seemed, a new study in Friday’s Science Advances finds. The study, the first to use complex simulations and include multiple factors, uses a key measurement to track the strength of vital overall ocean circulation, which is slowing.

A collapse of the current — called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC — would change weather worldwide because it means a shutdown of one of key the climate and ocean forces of the planet. It would plunge northwestern European temperatures by 9 to 27 degrees (5 to 15 degrees Celsius) over the decades, extend Arctic ice much farther south, turn up the heat even more in the Southern Hemisphere, change global rainfall patterns and disrupt the Amazon, the study said. Other scientists said it would be a catastrophe that could cause worldwide food and water shortages.



System of Atlantic Ocean currents approaches ‘cliff-like’ tipping point, could collapse, study says​

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future.

A long-worried nightmare scenario, triggered by Greenland’s ice sheet melting from global warming, still is at least decades away if not longer, but maybe not the centuries that it once seemed, a new study in Friday’s Science Advances finds. The study, the first to use complex simulations and include multiple factors, uses a key measurement to track the strength of vital overall ocean circulation, which is slowing.

A collapse of the current — called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC — would change weather worldwide because it means a shutdown of one of key the climate and ocean forces of the planet. It would plunge northwestern European temperatures by 9 to 27 degrees (5 to 15 degrees Celsius) over the decades, extend Arctic ice much farther south, turn up the heat even more in the Southern Hemisphere, change global rainfall patterns and disrupt the Amazon, the study said. Other scientists said it would be a catastrophe that could cause worldwide food and water shortages.


But if we give democrats more money and control over our lives, they'll fix it. Right? :ROFLMAO:

John Kerry can get back on his private jet and circle the earth a few more times, everyone but the "elites" can give up meat and eat bugs instead, everyone can junk their ICE vehicles and buy electric utensils instead and since the grid won't handle it, we'll be locked in our 15 minute cities. Democrat utopia right there.
Maybe we can get that snarling autistic kid to make some more speeches. Democrats seem to worship her. She's a "climate expert" in their eyes, despite that fact that she never finished high school.
Used to think she might be in it for the $$$$. That I can respect. Your post peaked my curiosity so I looked her up.

She probably received the equivalent of a GED. I think her parents put her up to it for the money. I think she is just a low-IQ puppet (like Brandon in that regard) doing what others tell her. She wouldn't last a day if forced to walk her talk.

Whitley Strieber addressed this in great detail in his book, “The Coming Global Superstorm”.
The mechanism had been well-known for two decades in this book. This knowledge was given to him originally in his book, “The Key”. A highly recommended read!
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The Earth does what it does to regulate it's own temps. Getting a little warm? No problem, melt some ice and cool things off. Too cold? No problem, make it snow a lot on the poles and build up the ice caps and glaciers around the planet. May not work out so well for humans but that might also be a good thing. Get rid of the useless eaters. We humans are a strange lot anyway. Every other species on the planet has a purpose and lives in harmony with nature except humans.
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So you can respect a sell-out?
Speaking for myself...I can't; but I, and many others, can understand enlightened (if covert and dishonest) self-interest.

Really. She's probably the dumbest Swede on the planet, fer cripes sake. What else does she HAVE? What else can she DO? The Weird Elitists' Freakshow gave her an income stream and venue like she'd never get and never will, again.
income stream and venue like she'd never get and never will, again

She got a million-dollar award and claims she gave it away. Don't know if she did give it away, but she could have bought a nice farm in the sticks of Sweden and set it up pretty good and still had money to bank. I'd like to think she really didn't give it away. That borders on madness.
Good one here.

System of Atlantic Ocean currents approaching ‘Day After Tomorrow’ calamity, study suggests​

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future.

A long-worried nightmare scenario, triggered by Greenland's ice sheet melting from global warming, still is at least decades away if not longer, but maybe not the centuries that it once seemed, a new study in Friday's Science Advances finds. The study, the first to use complex simulations and include multiple factors, uses a key measurement to track the strength of vital overall ocean circulation, which is slowing.

A collapse of the current — called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC — would change weather worldwide because it means a shutdown of one of key the climate and ocean forces of the planet.

It would plunge northwestern European temperatures by 9 to 27 degrees (5 to 15 degrees Celsius) over the decades, extend Arctic ice much farther south, turn up the heat even more in the Southern Hemisphere, change global rainfall patterns and disrupt the Amazon, the study said. Other scientists said it would be a catastrophe that could cause worldwide food and water shortages.


So cow farts aren't really the methane we need to be worrying about?

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