A Strange Defamation Case Goes Off The Rails ~ Konnech & True The Vote

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A Strange Defamation Case Goes Off The Rails

Konnech Can't Sue The FBI To Discover Who Exposed The Biggest Election Security Breach In US History - So They Are Suing True The Vote. Big Mistake.​


As I write this on Thursday, November 3, 2022, True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have been in jail since Monday morning, sent there by the judge presiding over a defamation case against them in a Houston, Texas courtroom.

Even though Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested on October 4 by Los Angeles County prosecutors and charged with stealing his clients election worker data and sending it illegally to China, Konnech is continuing to pursue this defamation case against True the Vote.

But are these court hearings still about supposed defamation or has this lawsuit become a vehicle for something else?

Konnech makes the following claims in its defamation lawsuit:

They want Gregg and Catherine sitting in jail during the midterm elections so they can't be looking for fraud.
They had nothing to hold them on. Political theater.

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An election software company based in Michigan sued an election integrity watchdog group and its leaders last year for defamation over claims it had conspired with the Chinese Communist Party and subverted American elections.

After months of denial and litigation, the company has withdrawn it suit.


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