Argentina Applies to Become a NATO “Global Partner” As Long-Time US Client State, Colombia, Eyes BRICS Membership

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From the link:

When it comes to foreign policy, Argentina’s Javier Milei government appears to have only one guiding principle: to align itself with the US and Israel as closely as possible, whatever the cost. As I reported on Tuesday, it seems intent on embroiling Argentina in conflicts thousands of miles away, including in Ukraine and the Middle East. Yesterday (Thursday, April 18), we heard further confirmation of that when the country’s Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, announced from Brussels that he had delivered a letter to NATO headquarters expressing Argentina’s interest in becoming a Global Partner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

“I met with Mircea Geoana, deputy secretary general of NATO,” said Petri. “I presented the letter of intent that expresses Argentina’s request to become a global partner of this organization. We will continue working to recover links that allow us to modernize and train our forces to NATO standards.”

Here’s what NATO’s official website had to say on the development:


Milei be going for those good guy deals from the IMF I guess.
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