Gold seems to be in play in "big boys" realm. It has tremendous upside potential to be reintroduced as world reserve currency (some may argue it is already happening, with gold being included as Tier 1 capital). However, as it is not as easy to manipulate as paper money, one might be certain, that TPTB will do everything they can, and some more, to avoid that scenario. So it is only important, if they physically CAN kick the can down the road, and for how long. That is the deciding factor, not anything else, certainly not the market forces.
However, I think that at current prices, gold is out of reach of MANY, many retail investors/Joe Shmo savers. Thus, without that potential push from the main street (when the trust in govt/central planners/financial markets is finally broken - as it will, sooner rather than later), it might be far more difficult for the gold, to break free from the manipulation - especially, that for the scarcity reasons, gold is potentially easier to hoard/manipulate, by central banks.
Silver - the exact opposite. While for obvious reasons, it is way more difficult to use it, when you have significant wealth to deal with (storage etc.), it is much more affordable, if you have, say, $0-$500 to save each month, after all your bills and expenses (I wonder what is the percentage of people, that live in such circumstances, I think it is quite large). So for that reason, I think that silver has a tremendous upside potential, when sheeple run in amok at some stage, trying to preserve their savings. That will be a sight to behold, IMHO - the silver bubble phase. So again, that upside potential is dependent on human decisions/paradigm shift - this time, on critical mass of small people, realizing the seriousness of the shit we are in today. Again, not exactly market forces of supply/demand. Or rather, demand might go through the roof, at some stage.
Also, if any fundamentals still matters, PHYSICAL silver seems to be positioned very favorable in the supply/demand see-saw. Not that it really matters today, but SOME day, it might matter - tremendously.
It also seems, that if for some unseen, miraculous solution, we shall recover without a major shakeup - silver has a great potential to rise, as industrial demand for it will rise as well, when more people start splashing again on the "fashion statements" like iPads etc. Solar panels, another big consumer of industrial silver - all hi-tech, basically.
So in my view, gold & silver to some degree hedge each other, depending on the endgame scenario (small folk vs big boys, economic collapse/economic recovery), and for this reason I personally buy both 50/50 (in dollars terms, at the time of the purchase) - roughly, rounding to the nearest OZs
However at the moment I tend to think that silver has greater upside potential, long term. But that depends strongly on sheeple waking up. Of course, GSR at the moment is another flashing indicator.