Dealer review threads

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Would you like to praise a dealer for great prices or service? Warn people about the opposite? This is the forum to do it.

I request that, when starting a new dealer review thread, you please use the Review: prefix and just put the dealer name in the thread title.

There should only be one thread per dealer. If someone already started a thread about the dealer you wanted to review, please add your comments / ratings in the existing thread.
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Have you thought about making a sticky thread that has an alphabetical list of all the companies that have reviews? Maybe also the average rating for each of those companies in the list too. That way instead of combing through trying to find reviews for a given company, you could just click on the combined thread and find the company either by rating or alphabetically that you are interested in. $.02
I guess my alphabetization must be off, or I'm looking in the wrong spot, cause it looks just like threads in the order they were last responded to.
Yeah, sorry, they are not in alphabetical order. The forum has thread prefixes to help identify which threads are review threads and which threads are announcements for deals. The OP in *this* thread was an effort to get folks to use the prefixes and ratings so that the thread list would be easy to scan.

If there are duplicate review threads for a company, you can use the
report post button located at the bottom right of the offending/duplicate post to send a note to the moderating team and the threads can be merged.

I'm sure I need to do some clean-up on expired deals. Just hasn't been a high priority for me lately.
I'm not really sweating it, just a suggestion. It could really be done in the OP of the dealer review threads something like this.

Amagi Metals


Blanchard and Company

Gainesville Coins

Global Gold and Metals Trading LLC


and so on down the line. Again, just a suggestion that might make it easier especially for people looking at a particular company. If an average star rating could be posted next to it, or maybe a separate post where they are listed by star rating from top to bottom similar to the alphabetical listing. Then if someone just wants to buy based on this sites ratings, they just click on the highest rated site.
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* bump *

This thread was started way back when this forum was running on vBulletin. We switched to Xenforo a while back and while you can still start review threads with the Review: prefix, we don't have the thread rating system anymore.
* bump *

Ratings are back!

I added a mod to the forum that lets us add thread ratings for the Marketplace dealer review threads. This mod works even better than the old function we had when the forum ran on vBulletin.

When you are viewing a dealer review thread in the marketplace forum room, there will be a "leave rating" link just above the first post of the thread on the right hand side. You can use that to leave a rating from one to five stars along with a short rating/review comment. The star rating and review comments could show up in Google search results if the dealer review thread is there.

Additionally, it is now easy to see a list of all the dealers in the Marketplace forum room sorted by the PMBug community's overall rating:

Please use this rating system to rate dealer review threads with a rating reflecting your opinion/experience of the dealer. The more members who participate, the more meaningful the ratings become.
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This is where you find the "edit rating" link:

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