Digital OpSec Practices Of The Left Wing and Far Right

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Just some interesting reading I came across. Take it fwiw, and always............dyodd.

Introduction To Left-Wing Digital Operations Security​

If you are reading this, you have probably been scolded countless times by a conrad about needing better OPSEC. I have been scolded enough that I realized that there is not an OPSEC guide online that is tailored to left-wing activists. Luckily, I am here to help fill the void. I will periodically add to this article over time.

OPSEC is short for operations security. Operations security (OPSEC) is the process of securing your information from enemy intelligence. For a left-wing activist, this could mean the securing of the communication channels of your local anti-fascist group so that fascists cannot read them. OPSEC is used to protect sensitive information from those who would use it against you. To have good OPSEC is to deprive the enemy (i.e Fascists) of valuable intelligence that could allow them to better counter or avoid anti-fascist actions or to hunt down and attack individual leftists when they are most vulnerable. OPSEC is about protecting your identity, your plans, and your communications. This guide will focus on digital OPSEC as most information gathered on leftists is gathered through electronic means.

Full article:

Evolving Digital OPSEC Practices Amongst Far-Right Networks​

Over the past several years, there has been increasing attention paid to the use and exploitation of digital platforms by networks of homegrown violent extremists, terrorists, and other non-state actors. While the electronic bulletin boards and listservs of the 1990s were replaced by more interactive platforms (i.e., Web 2.0), the need to secure, conceal, and anonymise operational planning grew in importance. This brief exploration will examine how these practices are being developed and promoted by clandestine networks of violent actors, focusing on the far-right.

Read on:
Another interesting read. All the links worked but 1.

Hacker OPSEC with The Grugq​

John W. Little

Nov 10, 2013

John Little: You blog and have given conference presentations on Hacker OPSEC. You started doing this before the recent NSA revelations (and the general hysteria surrounding intelligence collection) but you were already warning hackers that states had superseded them as the internet’s apex predator. In just a couple of years we’ve moved from the seeming invincibility of LulzSec, to high profile busts, and now onto serious concerns being raised about the every aspect of the internet’s architecture, security models, and tools. Rock solid OPSEC is a refuge but maintaining it for long periods of time under significant pressure is very difficult. The deck is obviously stacked against anyone trying to evade state surveillance or prosecution so where do freedom fighters and those with less noble intentions go from here?

The Grugq: You raise a number of interesting points. I’ll ramble on about them in a moment, but before that I’d like to clarify for your readers a bit about where I am coming from. Firstly, I am not a “privacy advocate”, I am an information security researcher. My career in information security has been mostly focused around denial and deception at the technical level.

Full article here:
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