Friday Diversity Rant

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Praying Mantis
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Waaay south
Well, I’ll start this one by advising anyone who stumbled across this little diatribe who has some political leaning which may lend them to give any credence whatsoever to the idea of career advancement, or job opportunity, school opportunity, or any opportunity whatsoever strictly based upon ones skin color, religion, genital type or sexual preference, to click any other button but this one and stop reading right now, because this will most likely make your head explode. Additionally, having been warned in advance, if you decide to read this anyway and your feelings get hurt, too fucking bad, because I promise you that I am as politically incorrect as they come and I’m not fucking changing just to make you “feel better”, so get over yourself and go the hell somewhere else.

That’s right folks; I have had it up to my fucking eyeballs with all of the politically correct diversity horseshit. Today has been by far and away, the single most infuriating day in my recent memory. The events of the day have forever burned in to my psyche the fact that irrespective of the wishes and desires of the “puppy and unicorn” left wing diversitards, diversity goals, diversity targets and any other policy which gives greater weight to a persons abilities based upon anything other than proven skill, is complete and utter horseshit.

So, I start my day with my demolition superintendent calling me from the permit department in Orlando, where he is trying for the last five weeks to get a simple permit to demolish a condemned structure to facilitate a road widening project. As usual, no one knows what the fuck they are doing, and no one is even remotely qualified to achieve any of the goals for which they were hired in the first place, because nearly everyone in the entire department is either semi-illiterate, speaks some form of ghetto ebonics, or in the case of our application fiasco this morning, is a full on dot, who barely has the capacity to speak intelligibly at all beyond pure Hindi. My guy is in line, waiting patiently as he has for the last seven trips to this hell-hole of a municipal shit-box, when they finally call his name. He goes up to the window and hands over the obligatory pile of useless paperwork, all generated so that some undereducated douche-bag is needed to collect it and look for deficiencies so the application can be denied again, and Orange County can collect another unjust fee. So, now Hadji Boy has the stack-o-papers and is intently poring over them, looking for the disqualifier that will force me to pay this guy to make yet another trip to the fucking permit department because a fucking comma is in the wrong place, but he can’t find anything. Seemingly flustered, he calls over a “supervisor” who speaks to him, I shit you not” in some foreign language like Pakistani or Hindi or something, after which he takes the papers, announces ‘there’s a problem with the papers’ and asks Pete to “follow me”. OK, so my guy follows this betoweled foreigner to another office where it is explained to him that although his paperwork appears to be in order, there is something that must be clarified by the health department, which governs the removal, demolition and/or abandonment of septic tanks in Orange County. Well, stupid me, I didn’t know that a permit will not be issued unless the health department has signed off that a tank has been properly pumped out and/or dispositioned and that those actions were witnessed and signed off on by an employee of the health department. Never mind that we are doing this work directly for the county, and never mind that four county employees witnessed the demolition of the tank, which by the way, required a separate and completely senseless mobilization of men and equipment, and never mind that the witnesses were a woman from risk management, the director of Orange County DOT, the director of Orange County Traffic Maintenance, an Orange County Project Manager and an Orange County superintendent of construction. If an employee of the health department did not witness the actual dispositioning of the tank, it did not technically happen and we would have to dig the hole out again to prove the tank was no longer there.

Are you fucking mad yet?!?!?!?

So, my guy is usually a pretty mild mannered dude, but this one sent him over the edge and he told Hadji Boy he needed to make a call to get this straightened out, because after all, this was completely ridiculous. Well, after about an hour of back and forth faxes and phone calls from within their own goddamn county agencies, they agreed to issue the permit on the condition that we dug up the tank in the presence of a health department employee prior to the start of demolition, and of course, after we paid the regular fee of 95 dollars and a fee of 150 dollars because technically we did an “illegal” tank removal. So, he agrees and gives the guy a credit card because ehe just wants to get the hell out of there, but he is told, “I can’t take your money, you have to go to the cashier”.

Well, now he’s in line at the cashier, listening to the majority Spanish speakers babble on in a language he does not speak, waiting to see yet another foreign national to pay his “fees” and get the fuck out of dodge before he gets pushed to the point of climbing up a clock tower with a 30-06 and picking off random fuckers.

Finally at the front of the line, he is greeted by an African National whose name tag reads, I shit you not, “Nathartis, from the nation of Senegal. What the fuck is THAT?!?!? My boy is pretty froggy about now so he asks him, “so, you were born in Senegal, but now you’re an American……right”? “No sir, I am Senegalese but I am here on a work visa for three years”. This guy could barely squeak out the words in intelligible English, yet he was working the front at a government agency collecting money, sometimes cash money, from hard working Americans. The idea that any government agency hires anyone besides American Citizens is beyond abhorrent to me, and to have the troubles I had today between myself getting involved and the hassles heaped upon my employee is beyond absurd. I cannot think of a single justification for hiring anyone who is not a Citizen of the United States of America for a single fucking job, and until every available job is filled by one, it should be illegal to do so with any violations punishable by loss of any and all licenses and permits for five years and loss of all assets in forfeiture processes, with all proceeds of said forfeitures going in to a fund for long-term out of work Citizens.

There are quite a few people who would say, “I have a very good friend who is an alien, but they are a hard worker and they will do jobs that Americans won’t do”. To those people I say, “Bullshit”. There are NO jobs that Americans won’t do, there are just jobs that don’t pay what people want them to pay, which if they went un-filled because it became illegal to use Hondurans or Mexicans to do at piecework prices, such as picking lettuce and cucumbers, then prices would go where they had to go to attract a work pool. I have personally worked an expansive garden for several years now, and I will attest that it is hard fucking work that breaks your back, but you get used to it and get on with it. The idea that we have to have these aliens do these jobs demeans the value of being American in the first place. If the jobs paid a wage large enough to live on, eventually you would build a pool to people willing to do them. Period.
When we allow a government agency to hire non-Americans to do jobs that should by rights, be reserved for Americans, such as granting permission to add on to your own fucking home, those jobs should be reserved for someone who actually has a fucking stake in the game in the first place. Fucking Nathartis will take his savings, go back to Senegal and be a local hero because he now has enough money to live out the rest of his life in comfort and the style of a White Poet Warlord.

Folks, if we do not vote out these dhimmitards in November, and we do not purge the Senate of bad actors such as Nancy “we have to read it so we can see what’s in it” Pelosi, then we deserve what we get, which will be a totalitarian regime of dictatorial mandates and forced dhimmitude.

Do the right thing and vote these fuckers out. I want my country back.
Sorry about the rant.
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I am very surprised, that in such a rotten economy as ours, that counties (or any parts of .gov) would hire foreigners over Americans.

In fact, it is more than dismaying, yours is a righteous anger, ancona. But, here is something to cheer you up:

All the foreigners will join public sector unions! Service!

They probably see it as a tool for savings. Like it or not, on a three year visa, they will not get much of a raise and will not have to pay retirement.

I don't like it either though. I don't want to get started ranting, because it won't stop.
Good rant Ancona

sub contract the paperwork to the 'sunday painters' and get feral kids to burn the old house down ........

The only thing i can say in defence of the state is that it would seem that a fair amount of your work is paid for by taxpayers / printers and you choose to partake in this kind of work.
Ive been there and its why i now choose to operate below the radar, whilst having the knowledge to deflect any unwanted interest from the authorities.

Certain things have to be done by the book though and its knowing which that needs some thought.

I have actually had a JFDI verbal from a local authority client having exhausted the bureaucratic process to no avail and simply cut through a bunch of cables in an underground junction box ( in a busy town centre) Mostly traffic light control cables but some power cables and no one could confirm beyond doubt they were dead.

Sometimes you can turn the system back onto itself and take advantage of the resulting confusion.

Hmmmm...........I think "choose" is maybe a strong word here......I prefer "forced" my friend. The work we perform is governed by a whole host of rules, most of them promulgated post-EPA creation and after we realized that industry not only was incapable of self governance, they were disdainful of the environment, workers, worker safety and future generations. Thus, we created the EPA to oversee industry and promulgate a set of rules and guidelines designed to protect our vital resources such as air, water and most critically, the earth itself. Of these rules a few stand out as having great weight in my industry. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants [NESHAP] governs air quality and the emissions of fumes, smoke, exhaust, asbestos fibers and nuisance dusts. Second would be the Toxic Substances Control Act [TSCA] which governs the handling and disposal of chemical wastes, the storage of hazardous and acutely hazardous wastes and how much you can generate before it must be dispositioned. Another set of rules would have to be AHERA or the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, which governs the maintenance of, removal and disposal of and testing for asbestos minerals in schools. The last big one is RCRA or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. For my purposes, this set of rules governs the safe handling of and establishes the upper levels of the presence of 8 metals in soil, water and wastes, above which they are considered not just toxic metals, but hazardous waste.

Having said all that, the other set of rules governing my existence are the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This is a catch all set of rules promulgated to establish a uniform guide for every activity under the sun and it applies to every industry. Lastly, the Department of Transportation [DOT] governs how I can transport any substance under the sun, how it must be packaged, how much I can have in a single open carrier or closed carrier, how many gallons can be transported in what type of tanker, what can be transported together and what limits are placed on those things that would be deemed to be incompatible such as gallon jugs of bleach on their way to Wal-Mart can only be in the presence of so many quarts of motor oil in the same carrier.

I could write a fucking novel about the rules and restrictions we face every single day in our industry, [industrial and aerospace demolition and deconstruction, hazardous waste removal, ground and groundwater remediation, asbestos and lead based paint remediation].

The problem is that out in the free world, little companies are nearly always overlooked simply because while we have promulgated a shit-load of rules, and we have legislated proper corporate behavior and created rules for governance of work within and good stewardship of our environment, there simply are not anywhere near enough regulators to oversee and enforce those laws. Therefore, those of us who work in, around, with and for the Federal Government and other Federal Agencies and the military, receive the highest level of scrutiny.

We didn't choose to have all of these laws, many of which were created as a result of a small minority that decided a river was the best place to dispose of their left over trichloroethane solvents. Either way, I have more shit residing between my ears as regards rules and regs than I care to have to deal with, but I do so to insure the survival of my firm and cement our reputation of 30 years as one of competence, compliance and quality of product.:wave:
They probably see it as a tool for savings. Like it or not, on a three year visa, they will not get much of a raise and will not have to pay retirement.

I don't like it either though. I don't want to get started ranting, because it won't stop.

I don't fault the people themselves, because they came here legally and got a freaking job to help their families or to broaden their horizons. Either way, we have established a system within which people from third world countries can come in and take our jobs. In the current paradigm it only serves to raise my nationalistic hackles so to speak. When you place a guy "out front" dealing with the public, at least put someone out there who can fucking speak my language without an accent so heavy he cannot be understood. My levels of frustration are often breached by this simple aggravation, because I do not believe it should be an encumbrance to me to be forced to deal with some djiblottie who has not mastered my language, and to have to do so while dealing with my own fucking government. I feel like a goddamned foreigner in my own land sometimes. From the hadji store owners all the way up to the fucking local dry cleaners, all of them named Patel by the way, I deal with all the fucking dots and shiite ragheads who swooped in and now run their businesses TAX FREE for something like three years.

Did I say TAX FREE?!?!?!

Damn right I did.

Are You Fucking Angry Yet??

Whay the hell these douchebags get tax free status I will never understand, but I can assure you it is one of the reasons governing my choice of Dr. Paul for president.
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Exactly DoChen, the SEIU would like nothing more than to add to their pool of greater idiots.
Hey Mark- this rant was interesting to me.

Not so much the PC part-- but the fines bit. Everything is a rip off.
The fines are punitive and excessive. I was fined for a technical infraction that we actually have proof that we were in complete compliance of. The problem for me is that they make it so expensive to challenge the infractions that it is cheaper to pay the fucking fine than it is to spend hours and hours of my administrative time fighting the infraction in the first place. I believe it would take around fifteen of my administrative hours, six of Pete's supervisory hours and five or six secretarial hours to challenge this horseshit fine and get it reversed. Then, i have to back-bill the county and chase the money, which would take two or three hours from someone in accounting. All in all it would cost me several grand just to make a point.

That my friend, is exactly the point. These govtards know just how high they can set the fines and fees before we fight back, and it gives them the power to judge us guilty until we prove ourselves innocent. It is also why I want to see a revolution so bad I can taste it. Until we burn this fucker to the ground and start over completely new and fresh, it will always be the same as it ever was.

In addition, the whole PC thing is also burning a hole in my gut, and has been for many years. When a tiny minority gets together and lobbies the government to legislate what I can and can not say, and govern which opinions I can and can not express by calling them hate speech, we have gone over the edge and are irretrievably lost.

For example, I absolutely abhor the KKK, yet I will fight to the death to protect their right to express a view that I find is at the opposite end of my belief spectrum, because their right to speak freely is also my right to speak freely against their abhorrent ideas.

Do you understand what I am saying, or am I just rambling?
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Folks, if we do not vote out these dhimmitards in November, and we do not purge the Senate of bad actors such as Nancy “we have to read it so we can see what’s in it” Pelosi, ...

Nancy is in the House, not the Senate. Her district is the very liberal part of San Francisco. She is being challenged again by gay friendly Republican John Dennis. He's got an uphill fight on his hands, but if you want to help him unseat Pelosi, consider throwing a few bucks his way:

If you don't want to "throw money away on a lost cause" (he got just over 15% of the vote when he challenged Pelosi in 2010), you could also consider phone banking for him:

Or just sending some supporting emails to key groups:

PMBug is right and I was wrong. I guess I get so mad I forget who I'm railing against. I should have said "people like" instead of quoting Pelosi and her asinine statement that we have to pass a law to find out what it is. It's like playing a game show and betting the house that there won't be four billy goats behind door number three.

My mistake, owned entirely by me. But the idea I believe, is sound.

Additionally, these lifers in the Senate all need to go away and retire with their fluffy little retirement packages. We desperately need new blood in the system.
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Oh, I understood exactly what you meant. I just wanted to bring more awareness to the extant opportunity in actually achieving the goal.
I am in awe of your ability to stick at it, Grand Master of rools n regs :flail:

I learn em only to know what rools i break and the likely consequences if caught
oh and to offer a plausible explanation for my actions that makes it seem like i was 'trying to comply'

Only one rule for me and that is - do no harm to others

I guess im looking for the entertainment rather than a clean sheet
but i do not have a long established company reputation to maintain and i do recognise the difference .........

I guess its why so many give up trying to comply and go underground, only to further undermine your efforts to do it right.

still not angry, only amused (so far)

Youre gonna have to try harder :rimshot:

edit. found this -
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Rules and regs are part and parcel of my job. Interpretations can differ as can enforcement of same. When faced with a regulator who has a Napoleon complex, or as we call it "little dick syndrome", it can be tough to live in my world. We sit around drinking beer trying to dream up ways to destroy some of these bastards. One time, we actually considered planting an eight ball and a pistol in his car, then calling security just as he was pulling out of the project, but before he got to the gate. Naturally, we backed off, but that is how much these guys fuck with our livelihoods. Once, I backed a guy in to a corner while my crew stood back and pretended they didn't see me, and explained how I was going to throw his ass out a fifth story window and my forty employees and I would all swear it was an accident. As I was reassuring him that his widow would be taken care of by "the system" and would be immediately eligible for food stamps and state sponsored health care, he suddenly forgot what he had a problem with, left the site and never came back. When I say never, I mean never, ever ever came back........and we're about six years and counting.

Sometimes, you just have to break it down in to terms a man can understand, like explaining that it only takes 30 pounds of lateral pressure to tear a scrotum free from the pelvis......and other similar bits of trivia in the same vein. When you make it visceral, and put it in personal terms, suddenly a man will realize that he's not Superman after all.
So that I can accurately portray to in words what will happen to you unless you stop stepping on my dick, Mr. Regulator. It takes even less pressure to break an un-tensed knee. The human body is actually quite frail in many respects. There are a number of points on the body which if struck correctly, will completely incapacitate an individual.

My favorite statement to make to a troublemaker is, "I might be a 50 year old smoker, but I only know one set of fight rules, and those would be street fiughting rules. In any case, since there are no street fighting rules, and since anything goes, I have one good one left mother fucker, and I have been saving it just for you. And, just so we're absolutely clear, I have no problem biting off your nose, ripping off your scrotum or tearing at your face with a broken or jagged bit of glass." "In addition, while you may well kick the living shit out of me, I will sincerely promise that I will make absolutely certain that you lose a quart of blood and spend at least one week in the bring it forward asshole".

So far, it has worked, since the loudest of them all is usually the biggest coward, at least when he's sober. ; - )
So those fees are built into everything we touch, and increase the cost of running a household.

Surely any workers - now will build in these "fees" into the bids... or cost of the project- which gets passed onto someone.. everyone actually

This whole thread is why I would NEVER start another business (I owned or partly-owned three, all failed) here in the USA.

The ONLY business that has worked for me is our bearing import business in PERU! Yes, Peru.

Their .gov is predatory as well, but if you play by the rules you usually will not get dicked as ancona's guys have by the little Napoleons. Maybe they ARE doing all of this on purpose...
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