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GIM2 Refugee
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Now this is a 'new one'! Here's an app that the uninitiated can use to buy real gold!
What will they think of next?
Use real gold as everyday, instant, secure and reliable money.
From paying at the checkout, to the deposit on a car.
No tokens, no credits, just real gold that you own and can spend.

Buy, save, send and spend real gold and other currencies digitally with Glint.

"Saving your allocated gold with Glint is super-simple and super-safe, for a very small fee your gold is secured in a Brinks vault in Switzerland, insured by Lloyds of London and is accessible by you, to buy more, sell, send or spend at the touch of a screen."

* Your gold is legally allocated to you
* Your currencies are held in segregated & safeguarded accounts at a Tier-1 bank
* Glint has independent and regular audits of your gold
* Your gold is held in a secure, insured & independent Brinks vault in Switzerland

They're saying all the right things but I still don't trust them
They're saying all the right things but I still don't trust them
"If you don't hold it you don't own it". - Ponce
"Just because I'm paranoid does not mean "THEY" are not out to get me". Gb
Safety Deposit Boxes are no longer safe for YOU. The Bank = Maybe, The Feds =Yes It is theirs when they want it.
How much are the fees?
3% on top of what %+ over spot? I would buy all day long for spot + 3%.

if you load $5000 from a credit or debit card they claw back the 3% they have to pay for cc fee

looks like 1/2 transaction fee to convert cash to gold and 0.02% per month for storage and insurance. Not clear what the strike price is or whether it’s spot or whatever
"Saving your allocated gold with Glint is super-simple and super-safe, for a very small fee your gold is secured in a Brinks vault in Switzerland, insured by Lloyds of London and is accessible by you, to buy more, sell, send or spend at the touch of a screen."

* Your gold is legally allocated to you
* Your currencies are held in segregated & safeguarded accounts at a Tier-1 bank
* Glint has independent and regular audits of your gold
* Your gold is held in a secure, insured & independent Brinks vault in Switzerland

They're saying all the right things but I still don't trust them

So you don't own it.
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