Gold at another new record high. Ho. Hum.

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Ground Beetle
GIM2 Refugee
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We've gotten really apathetic over the last 20 years or so. I remember when gold went from $400 to $800 and gold bugs were positively giddy. Could it be that we've realized that record high gold prices just point to an increase in which the pace our society is imploding?

No rockets or cakes around here yet. What about $2,500? Is that time to celebrate?
I suspect it's because gold is taking it's sweet time catching up to the inflation we've had for the last year or so. It's doesn't really feel like a win - more like an "it's about damn time!".
It's over $3000 CDN now.
Just the seasonal upswing. Unless WW3 gets started this upswing will be over soon as it usually is in April or may. 2330 might be short term top until the fall rally begins
We've gotten really apathetic over the last 20 years or so. I remember when gold went from $400 to $800 and gold bugs were positively giddy. Could it be that we've realized that record high gold prices just point to an increase in which the pace our society is imploding?

No rockets or cakes around here yet. What about $2,500? Is that time to celebrate?
I continue to wonder why anyone even cares what the price of metals are in completely worthless pieces of paper. The US is broke. We can't buy anything without borrowing. If a person is trying to get more worthless paper then they shouldn't be trying to trade physical metals.
Apparently its a game we can play. I convert some worthless pieces of paper into lumps of ancient relics and then patiently
and wait
and wait some more
And one day I wake up and I can convert my lumps of ancient relics into the dream property, via those worthless pieces of paper .......

Course I have to live long enough :flushed:
I noticed that premiums fall when the price gets high. I actually found some pre-1933 to round out a type set. It will make a nice pic to post when it arrives. You know real money just has that look...
The core machines have multiple levels of EMP protection.
Do they have multiple layers of power?

Do they have multiple layers of internet connection? The bankster can hit the SELL hyperlink key all day, but if there's no communication, there's no derivative selling/churning.
I noticed that premiums fall when the price gets high. I actually found some pre-1933 to round out a type set. It will make a nice pic to post when it arrives. You know real money just has that look...
Buyer resistance.

And, it's not really costing them anything; and holding and NOT cutting the vig, doesn't give them much. They know, from having SEEN the last 15 years, that there's gonna be wild swings. So they bought inventory at $1900/oz and sell it for $2280/ premium. They made money. They'll make less when JPMChase gets really dumping the contracts.

When the price falls, if it ever does, to where the average per-unit cost of their inventory cost is...that's when they are likely to get anal over premiums.
Do they have multiple layers of power?

Do they have multiple layers of internet connection? The bankster can hit the SELL hyperlink key all day, but if there's no communication, there's no derivative selling/churning.

Having seen one of these core systems in the flesh, they have multiple levels of redundancy in power and connectivity. And that's just from what was obvious on the outside.
Having seen one of these core systems in the flesh, they have multiple levels of redundancy in power and connectivity. And that's just from what was obvious on the outside. bigger point is, how does commerce continue, when the globe is one smoking orb, when most people who'd buy or help distort records with paper deals, are dead anyway?

It's like the prepper who bought frozen food because it was on sale. bigger point is, how does commerce continue, when the globe is one smoking orb, when most people who'd buy or help distort records with paper deals, are dead anyway?

It's like the prepper who bought frozen food because it was on sale.

There are two things to consider:

- The people who designed these systems had access to technology decades in advance of the overt world.
- The people who designed these systems did so knowing a smoking orb was almost a certainty
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I continue to wonder why anyone even cares what the price of metals are in completely worthless pieces of paper.

because anyone needs those completely worthless pieces of paper in order to buy tomatoes and bananas

Did you pay FRN40? :D
I paid around $2130s because they are cleaned and probably ex-jewelry. That was about spot + $50 at the time which is retail bullion price.

I am assembling a type set of pre-1933 and had no $20s. I don't think I will ever buy a $1 gold because the premiums are 50%. I have everything else from $2.50 to $20 and will post a pic shortly.
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new ATH

GK0Rtc-b0AA3Gye is the largest retailer in China, a member of the NASDAQ100 and a Fortune Global 500 company.
Silver bars at are selling at $35/oz
I sold some gold today ..........
Only to help with the momentum of price rises, obviously

Seems to be working :)
This is how a 3 weeks rally looks like
Everyday higher highs 🔥


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