hello humans! the clif high thread

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For those unaware or too comfortable... following clif is a wild ride and

Longest of stories short, been a clif follower since 2004 or 5, early days of his web bot reports based on the premise that all people have some level of awareness of future events. He developed a software program, that through web bots collected data from masses of people. Then using linguistics he interpreted the data into a series of futuristic reports..

His latest as of this AM

So... a CliffsNotes of the blogosphere?

Oh.. Just watched a a minute or so. Not my cup of tea.
So... a CliffsNotes of the blogosphere?

Oh.. Just watched a a minute or so. Not my cup of tea.
clif is definitely an acquired taste, but for me he causes me to think about things differently. Long after a vid, I'll still be noodling aspects..

FWIW, I was first told about him from some serious data stage programmers twenty plus years ago... they were 300/hr guys then and they all told me he was THE best of the best. Also highly self opinionated, outspoken and ornery as all get out... His return and approach to cancer treatment is a must watch and his pure sleep has made a big difference for us!
Ben following Clif (Half past human) for many years
Kinda lost him for a while when he was pay to view but he seems to have come back with an urgency to share what he sees with humanity.
A serious battle with cancer and surviving when he probably shouldnt have seems to be the driver.
He was years ahead of google trends and was able to predict the future by trawling through massive amounts of data and see what the collective was sensing, ahead of actually doing.
I am a bit circumspect regarding his thinking because while he makes good sense, the predicted events do not happen as quickly as he suggests they will.
Example - when we all realise that many of us been seriously long term harmed by the experimental m-rna, we will be so pissed off we will turn against those deemed responsible and lynch them. This was going to happen long before the mid terms iirc.
Ok, more are beginning to see this but its still not a critical mass.
So thanks for the link to his latest thoughts, cos its hard to find them searching for 'most recent' on bitchute.
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Ben following Clif (Half past human) for many years
Kinda lost him for a while when he was pay to view but he seems to have come back with an urgency to share what he sees with humanity.
A serious battle with cancer and surviving when he probably shouldnt have seems to be the driver.
He was years ahead of google trends and was able to predict the future by trawling through massive amounts of data and see what the collective was sensing, ahead of actually doing.
I am a bit circumspect regarding his thinking because while he makes good sense, the predicted events do not happen as quickly as he suggests they will.
Example - when we all realise that many of us been seriously long term harmed by the experimental m-rna, we will be so pissed off we will turn against those deemed responsible and lynch them. This was going to happen long before the mid terms iirc.
Ok, more are beginning to see this but its still not a critical mass.
So thanks for the link to his latest thoughts, cos its hard to find them searching for 'most recent' on bitchute.
Ditto, I started listening to him and his partner George on Coast to Coast back in Arts day. I don't know if Clif is right with all predictions but I have; learned a lot of history from him. I find him quite interesting.
So... a CliffsNotes of the blogosphere?

Oh.. Just watched a a minute or so. Not my cup of tea.
Have to put a little sugar in that tea...

I drop in on him every once in a while... just to see where he's headed....

He's a programmer who created an algo that harvests key words on the net. From that he makes his predictions - kind of like taking the 'pulse' of the hive mind of the inet?

It's mindless entertainment... almost like PM's in that respect... :ROFLMAO:
Have to put a little sugar in that tea...

I drop in on him every once in a while... just to see where he's headed....

He's a programmer who created an algo that harvests key words on the net. From that he makes his predictions - kind of like taking the 'pulse' of the hive mind of the inet?

It's mindless entertainment... almost like PM's in that respect... :ROFLMAO:
I listen to all his videos. I always learn something new. I am setting aside predicted dates though. Logic dictates to me that someone on either or both sides has to make some type of move before elections.
I was thinking about this earlier. You know what I'd like to see. Like a 3 hour interview between Clif High and Martin Armstrong. Probably the two smartest people I know and they both know computer programing down to the machine code level. Let Avalon and Greg Hunter be the mods. One lives very much in the WOO world and one in the "Real" world.

Clif - What do you think of Martin's AI?
I messed with machine code back in the day on a trainer box. It was a small 8x8"? box 8088 chip with a screen if I recall. They probably tossed them at the tech school. I'd like to have one now!

Met a guy that used to program in machine code. He was a bit odd... socially speaking.
I messed with machine code back in the day on a trainer box. It was a small 8x8"? box 8088 chip with a screen if I recall. They probably tossed them at the tech school. I'd like to have one now!

Met a guy that used to program in machine code. He was a bit odd... socially speaking.
A mild degree of autism makes for a great programmer. <-- TINS

I was with him on it, until he had to go to his favorite fetish. SPACE ALIENS!

We're gonna LEARN THE TRUTH about them, in September! That will SOLVE EVERYTHING!

On another site, there's a non-demoninational lay preacher, been around a while...whose favorite tack is to translate the world news through a Biblical screen. He actually makes a lot of sense, explaining the mindset of our Power Elites, and their debased behavior and twisted demands of us Lessers.

But he's stayed away from UFO reports - intentionally, he says, until now. He notes that there's an 85-percent belief in UFOs containing Space Aliens, now, and a majority of those who believe, think they're come to save humanity.

He has a different tack. He says he's inclined to believe they're out there - just not from outer space.

He believes they're demons, heralding the Antichrist.

It makes as much sense to me, as the other.

I was with him on it, until he had to go to his favorite fetish. SPACE ALIENS!

We're gonna LEARN THE TRUTH about them, in September! That will SOLVE EVERYTHING!

On another site, there's a non-demoninational lay preacher, been around a while...whose favorite tack is to translate the world news through a Biblical screen. He actually makes a lot of sense, explaining the mindset of our Power Elites, and their debased behavior and twisted demands of us Lessers.

But he's stayed away from UFO reports - intentionally, he says, until now. He notes that there's an 85-percent belief in UFOs containing Space Aliens, now, and a majority of those who believe, think they're come to save humanity.

He has a different tack. He says he's inclined to believe they're out there - just not from outer space.

He believes they're demons, heralding the Antichrist.

It makes as much sense to me, as the other.
So in May the SHTF?
So he says.

Take it with a grain of salt.

He doesn't think it'll be a terrible time. A trying time, but not Armageddon. It'll be a collapse of government - and the rise of local autonomy.

That makes sense. It actually fits in with the expectations of a lot of futurists - we won't be all Transhuman zombies; what will happen is the wires go down and stay down; and the visceral hatred towards our Washington masters will keep them far away.

We'll all be hungry, but those who survive the upheaval, will cope.

Better sharpen up on your horsmanship. That'll be the new transport...
I won't link the Bible thumper. I won't ask anyone to take him seriously...I'm agnostic about Christianity, but I have an issue with religious zealots. I find that lay preacher informed, but I won't push it in anyone's face.

Clif High's video is linked above.
I have always considered Clif's thinking to be sound but his timing to be too optimistic.
He had the world waking up to the virus -vaccine bullshit and the perps strung up by now.
Well we are seeing more of this story being covered by mainstream these days but the anger level is not there yet.
As for total failure of USD in May ie 6 weeks time .........

And some food for thought on aliens, Professor Robert Temple ( who is higly thought of in academic circles ) reckons there are self organising plasma clouds that have accreted at two of the Lagrange ( null gravity ) points between Earth and Moon and that most of creation is plasma based, not atoms that form matter. Our assumption that intelligent life is the same as us, is typically human.

Dont panic, its not about religion but an attempt to explain aspects of the unseen.

So in May the SHTF?

Well it's clearly starting Now. the peak will be approx May. I believe this is the Funding crisis with the US Government. Right now the problem is in the banking system and everyone is Fleeing INTO government bonds. Well that may prove to be a bad decision as the dollar looks like it dies in May (according to his theories). Remember that whole Raise the debt ceiling rucus? Well the Republicans still haven't raised the debt ceiling and the treasure is using tricks to keep it going and think they can until May/June timeframe.

That would be the "death of Democracy" according to the enemy or "death of the Dollar / Hyperinflation: for our side.
the debt ceiling is theater
Youve run into it every couple of years and it always got raised
Its loss of confidence in the USD that is the big one and that is clearly underway with the 'non west' collective.
So he says.

Take it with a grain of salt.

He doesn't think it'll be a terrible time. A trying time, but not Armageddon. It'll be a collapse of government - and the rise of local autonomy.

That makes sense. It actually fits in with the expectations of a lot of futurists - we won't be all Transhuman zombies; what will happen is the wires go down and stay down; and the visceral hatred towards our Washington masters will keep them far away.

We'll all be hungry, but those who survive the upheaval, will cope.

Better sharpen up on your horsmanship. That'll be the new transport...

I won't link the Bible thumper. I won't ask anyone to take him seriously...I'm agnostic about Christianity, but I have an issue with religious zealots. I find that lay preacher informed, but I won't push it in anyone's face.

Clif High's video is linked above.
giving me a link is pushing it in my face? Thanks for looking after me.
Well, we see things through our own prism.

Is there life on other planets? Could well be. We don't know enough about other stars, and what planets they might have...whether they have similar matter, and if the radiation from other stars is similar.

But, let's assume there is. If that's the case, it's likely that many would have an atmosphere and life that's come to be.

...lichens, fungi, single-cell organisms...maybe, maybe, higher-order creatures, like insects.

The idea that SENTIENT life would be out there, and be advanced enough to create space transport...no, that's a bridge too far. That's fantasy - always, Man is looking to a God, a Savior, some sort of higher power that can save him from his inadaquacies. Make it all good for him.

IF such creatures existed, and found us, and found us to be lower than they...well, when they pull out their book, "To Serve Man" it's not to help us.

It's to learn how to cut the meat, after slaughter.
giving me a link is pushing it in my face? Thanks for looking after me.
It's basically my own choice, not an act to protect you.

What I can't endorse, I won't link. I find the guy interesting. I find a lot of things interesting that I wouldn't recommend to others. Like stupid motorcycle wrecks.

If you really want to get started, search Brannon Howse. Worldview Weekend.
Well, we see things through our own prism.

Is there life on other planets? Could well be. We don't know enough about other stars, and what planets they might have...whether they have similar matter, and if the radiation from other stars is similar.

But, let's assume there is. If that's the case, it's likely that many would have an atmosphere and life that's come to be.

...lichens, fungi, single-cell organisms...maybe, maybe, higher-order creatures, like insects.

The idea that SENTIENT life would be out there, and be advanced enough to create space transport...no, that's a bridge too far. That's fantasy - always, Man is looking to a God, a Savior, some sort of higher power that can save him from his inadaquacies. Make it all good for him.

IF such creatures existed, and found us, and found us to be lower than they...well, when they pull out their book, "To Serve Man" it's not to help us.

It's to learn how to cut the meat, after slaughter.
Maybe they’re just following the “Prime Directive.”
the debt ceiling is theater
Youve run into it every couple of years and it always got raised
Its loss of confidence in the USD that is the big one and that is clearly underway with the 'non west' collective.

It has been in the past, but, that doesn't mean it is guaranteed to be the same forever. That is a potentially deadly error in judgement.
Well, we see things through our own prism.

Is there life on other planets? Could well be. We don't know enough about other stars, and what planets they might have...whether they have similar matter, and if the radiation from other stars is similar.

But, let's assume there is. If that's the case, it's likely that many would have an atmosphere and life that's come to be.

...lichens, fungi, single-cell organisms...maybe, maybe, higher-order creatures, like insects.

The idea that SENTIENT life would be out there, and be advanced enough to create space transport...no, that's a bridge too far. That's fantasy - always, Man is looking to a God, a Savior, some sort of higher power that can save him from his inadaquacies. Make it all good for him.

IF such creatures existed, and found us, and found us to be lower than they...well, when they pull out their book, "To Serve Man" it's not to help us.

It's to learn how to cut the meat, after slaughter.
Why would you assume all extra terrestrial life would be 3rd dimensional?
I learned from a bunch of open minded scientists that anything that exhibits the ability to self organise / exercise choice, is conscious.
Its our general inability to communicate with other conscious entities, that has us assuming there are no conscious beings as 'advanced' as humans.
There are ways to communicate with different forms of consciousness and its not that difficult. Its a matter of altering your brainwave function from conscious and getting into the subconscious ie from alpha to delta and allowing the 'out there' stuff to come in. Some do it simply by meditation, some by working with psychotropic plants, DMT, LSD etc and some get good results from binaural beats, a kind of acoustic interference sound pattern that helps to shut down the logical frontal lobe and allow the sub conscious, rear part of the brain, to become dominant.
Clif High has done some serious psychotropic journeying and has met and communicated with non human entities. Often the same ones, so a repeatable exercise.
Yes, theres an awful lot of psycho babble and nonsense 'channelling' but theres enough consistent and verifyable information that can be accessed in this way.
One example could be the remote viewing efforts that the USGov organised and officially stopped doing but theres plenty of evidence of it still happening but not officially. The Farsight Institute is working with teams of remote viewers and posting up reports, including teams doing viewings at specified locations for future dates, which they also post and somehow secure so the posts can't be altered after the event.
Just keep an open mind and allow for there to be more to this reality than what the 5 senses offer.
If your government/religious controller tells you its bad to do such explorations, this suggests they are attempting to steer you away from this area and as ever, theres a reason......
I know that this isn't Clif but another brief video showing that Gravity is Made UP nonsense. Clif has been talking about this a lot but thought we'd try to throw a few equations up from another source.

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