Homestead security for women

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Homestead security for women​

In these tough economic times, many women are finding themselves alone for long hours on the homestead. As local jobs disappear, the major breadwinner may take a job with a long commute, leaving the wife and kids to run the farm. I know several farm women whose husbands are long distance truckers, and another has a husband in the military. Some women have found their place in the country and are starting out alone; others have lost their husbands due to death or divorce. In these instances, the women must provide security for the homestead.

If you find yourself in this position, have a stern talk with yourself. Are you up to the challenge? Most women depend on a man to keep them safe, and our society encourages this by viewing women alone as prey. We expect a boyfriend or a husband to make sure that the wolf stays far from the door. I tell my own sons that it is part of a man’s job to protect the women in his life.

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