Incredibly dangerous move on the part of the dem-appointed CO Supreme Court

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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They have found Trump guilty of insurrection all on their own. He cannot be on the ballot in Colorado.

VERY dangerous move on the part of the cabal: You can only vote for those they approve. Where could this get to?

Addition for knowledge:


The Colorado Dem Supreme Court ruled that IN THEIR OPINION <-- and ONLY in their opinion, Trump was guilty of insurrection. NOT that he had been tried and was found guilty, but they just felt that he was guilty.

Soros-supporting dupes do vex me.

I expect that SCOTUS is going to end up striking this down.
I think the goal is to throw up as many road blocks and waste as many Trump resources as possible, and hope that the Supreme Court will strike it down too late to get him back on the Colorado ballot.
Moar backlash:
In response to the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to bar former President Donald Trump from appearing on state ballots, the Colorado Republican Party has trotted out a loophole - whereby they'll switch from a primary ballot system to a caucus system.
A primary is a state-level election in which voters pick a candidate to run in the general election, whereas a caucus system is essentially a local meeting where a party's registered members from a city, town, or country vote for their preferred candidate - which in this case would allow them to bypass the primary ballot issue regarding Trump.

I think that Viva Frei guy is right - this is to set the stage for an Astroturf uprising, with 50 FBI undercovers and about twenty stupes from local dive-bars.

That will be the NEXT Insurrection that Trump plotted for years, and a reason to jail him, maybe try him for Treason. Certainly it will be a reason for Endless Martial Law.
Are they that stupid?

- If they are doing this on purpose to get the masses to rise up, they will face the wrath of pretty much anyone awake that wanted to be left alone.
- If they are that stupid and have no idea about unintended consequences, refer to my point above.
Are they that stupid?

- If they are doing this on purpose to get the masses to rise up, they will face the wrath of pretty much anyone awake that wanted to be left alone.
- If they are that stupid and have no idea about unintended consequences, refer to my point above.
Who is "They"?

I ask, because they're at different levels of perception and briefing.

Davos Man isn't stupid. Davos Man wants the gutters flowing with blood. First, to Davos Man, any death is good death - unless it's of one of his Young Leaders of Tomorrow. Davos Man is an unaware agent of Ba'al; the Antichrist; Satan...take your pick. Pure-black evil.

The idiots who think being Woke is good...they have a fantasy, that they can order up some ICBMs to nuke a Trump rally. Because they don't understand how nuclear weapons work - leveling everything and poisoning the groundwater. If this were done at Cleveland Browns Stadium, say, they'll not only kill off maybe 10,000 Trump supporters, but also wipe out downtown Cleveland, three major banks' main offices; a shopping mall, a major downtown entertainment venue.

More Circle-D voters than MAGA types. And it will show about how criminally-insane is the Deep State.

If they try to nuke some rural down-home MAGA types, with trucks with gun racks and Trump flags flying...they might get a village of 1500 in Nebraska. Poison as much soil as they did in Ohio. Cripple, further, the food supply that Circle-D voters use their benefits cards to get - or not get. And again, show the non-political, how maniacally insane they are.

They may, easily, prevent Trump's return. In fact I expect they will. But in the process, I expect they are going to absolutely destroy American society. Destroy it as in that OTHER Leftist fantasy, open free-for-all civil war.

Which the Circle-D Useful Idiots also will not like.

But Davos Man doesn't care.

The Young Leaders of Tomorrow don't care, although they should. They expect to sail through it. I think they're wrong, but I won't convince them and I don't want to try.

The tax-consuming Useful Idiots only wanna keep the Free Schitte flowing. They have no thoughts beyond that. They'll be the last ones taking paper money, thinking it's worth something, and wondering why groceries aren't in the looted stores.
Who is "They"?

I ask, because they're at different levels of perception and briefing.

Davos Man isn't stupid. Davos Man wants the gutters flowing with blood. First, to Davos Man, any death is good death - unless it's of one of his Young Leaders of Tomorrow. Davos Man is an unaware agent of Ba'al; the Antichrist; Satan...take your pick. Pure-black evil.

The idiots who think being Woke is good...they have a fantasy, that they can order up some ICBMs to nuke a Trump rally. Because they don't understand how nuclear weapons work - leveling everything and poisoning the groundwater. If this were done at Cleveland Browns Stadium, say, they'll not only kill off maybe 10,000 Trump supporters, but also wipe out downtown Cleveland, three major banks' main offices; a shopping mall, a major downtown entertainment venue.

More Circle-D voters than MAGA types. And it will show about how criminally-insane is the Deep State.

If they try to nuke some rural down-home MAGA types, with trucks with gun racks and Trump flags flying...they might get a village of 1500 in Nebraska. Poison as much soil as they did in Ohio. Cripple, further, the food supply that Circle-D voters use their benefits cards to get - or not get. And again, show the non-political, how maniacally insane they are.

They may, easily, prevent Trump's return. In fact I expect they will. But in the process, I expect they are going to absolutely destroy American society. Destroy it as in that OTHER Leftist fantasy, open free-for-all civil war.

Which the Circle-D Useful Idiots also will not like.

But Davos Man doesn't care.

The Young Leaders of Tomorrow don't care, although they should. They expect to sail through it. I think they're wrong, but I won't convince them and I don't want to try.

The tax-consuming Useful Idiots only wanna keep the Free Schitte flowing. They have no thoughts beyond that. They'll be the last ones taking paper money, thinking it's worth something, and wondering why groceries aren't in the looted stores.

It doesn't matter which group "they", push hard enough and not even Ba'al will be able to save them, any of them.
I've never heard the term, but I think I understand the meaning of it.

They're in a hurry. Because it's ALL ABOUT....KLAUS and GEORG...and they're in their eighties and older.

They are PANICKED not to see the culmination of their lives' work. See the US reduced to rubble.

So...this is the mark that these two moneychanger rotters are going to leave. Klaus was a university professor for a time, corrupting young minds. Georg was the sort of industrialist you never wanted to see buying into your company. One example: OMC Corporation, makers of outboard motors. Soros bought in, under cover of a shell company; and when he had control, he promptly shut down production. To the point of leaving half-assembled finished product abandoned on the lines, for years. His lieutenants looted the company's accounts; cut off pension and loan payments, and filed for bankruptcy.

Klaus went beyond Vulture Capitalism and right into straight-out Borderless Fascism. His Young Leaders of Tomorrow was so brilliant...just recruit rich young airheads like Justin Castro True-D'oh and Gavin Hairdo; flatter them; let them give presentations...and indoctrinate them, as you ply them with expensive booze, whores, kobe beef, and flattery. Do it for years, and then use your connections to get them into government.

And wait 20 or so years, and then give orders. No Foreign Legion needed. A hundred or so of these Useful Idiot scions of the Elites...and you control the nation.

But even with the adreneochrome, Klaus's time is running out. Georg already seems to know...that's why his stupid-looking kid with the eyesight issues, is now the nominal head of Soros, Incorporated. Being perfect didn't keep him from siring a weak, stupid-looking kid with bad eyes...did it, Georg, you god, you.

For these men, the lives of half a billion - and more - humans across the globe, are cut short...or destroyed in quality. And the wreckage will continue.
I'm not sure the rush is due to the age of the various overt protagonists. My thinking has been for a while now, that the entire cabal knows full well they have maybe one more shot at full spectrum dominance and control. The cupboard is bare, the emperor has no clothes and the idiots have taken too many shots.

Cue the "aliens"...
Now, some Republicans have said Biden, too, should be removed from state ballots, though it is not clear on what constitutional grounds.
Speaking to Fox News, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick suggested Biden should be removed from his state's 2024 ballot due to his administration's response to immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

"Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think—except we believe in democracy in Texas—maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he's been president disrupting our state," Patrick said.

Peggy Noonan discusses that question in National Unity and the Colorado Supreme Court
Peggy Noonan - WSJ said:
The southern border of the state of Texas is in functional collapse, with an unprecedented wave of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. The Washington Post this week likened the border area to a “Mad Max” world of cut-through barriers and debris. Fox News on Wednesday showed an order instructing a recently crossed migrant to report to U.S. immigration officials to make her case to stay in America. Fox showed the date on the order: January 2031. An immigration lawyer said it is proof of what illegal immigrants already sense: The administration is in effect granting back-door amnesty to all who come. And so they’re coming. Among them are—again the number is unprecedented—natives of China, India, Africa, Turkey. This is a challenge to our national security that most won’t begin to worry about until something bad happens. The Department of Homeland Security reported this week that 35,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions were encountered in fiscal 2023. That’s only the number caught. In October alone, Customs and Border Protection reported apprehending 13 people on the terrorist watchlist. Again, that’s only the number caught. What a disaster.

If Colorado is able to ban Mr. Trump from the ballot over charges of insurrection, can Texas ban Joe Biden from the ballot on grounds he has defied his constitutional responsibility to defend the country by securing its borders? There are politicians in Texas already promising to do just that.

All's fair in love and war. Rules for me, same for thee.

Of course, what it REALLY will do is hasten the split - that IMHO is not only inevitable, but advisable. Do it now, while we're still free, and before we're more hungry than Biafra and more destroyed than Serbia.
I fear that the time when voting could fix what ails the United States of America has long since passed.
I fear that the time when voting could fix what ails the United States of America has long since passed.
The Constitution is no binder on dishonest, amoral, corrupt leaders.

Franklin himself said it, as he closed the Constitutional Convention. He predicted that the new government would function well, for a score of years, but would end in tyranny when the People become corrupt and require despotic government, being unable to live under any other.

The then-new nation far outlived his predictions, but here we are, 240 years later.
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