India's far-right cow vigilantes bolster clout before high-stake elections

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India's far-right cow vigilantes bolster clout before high-stake elections​

  • Many hardline cow protectors enter local politics ahead of 2024 elections
  • Activists say voters trust their religious commitment
  • Politicians and parties court their support
  • Some of India's minorities worried about their proximity to power
CHAMDHERA, India, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Vishnu Dabad attributes his rise from poverty to powerful local politician to an animal: the cow.

The 30-year-old is one of many Gau Rakshaks, or cow protectors: activists who have taken Indian laws banning cattle slaughter and beef consumption into their own hands since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014 at the head of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Scores of cow protectors in recent years have been accused of using violence to carry out extra-judicial activities, often finding themselves at odds with law enforcement, even as many won acclaim for defending the Hindu faith.


Photo of some of them campaigning:

Cheeseburgers have rights too!
FWIW: Years ago, when I was traveling and installing, one of our customers was Indian. He bought the "link" option so he could download his store reports to his home, and I set up his PC at his home. I noticed a small shrine of some sort there. During the install, we went to a fast food place * for lunch. I was not sure if he would be offended by ordering a burger, but he said he did not care. He ordered a burger without the meat patty and he thought it was somehow funny. My take is that he thought my life decisions were my karma, and his choices were his to make. So he did not judge my choice, since that would be my own path to take, whether it be pain or salvation. Until (of course), I redeemed my soul by eventually choosing the proper life.

* I think the burger joint was a chain with a name that says it is "generic". Like with their company emblem being a barcode. Maybe it was "Hamburger Stand"? Anyway, their marketing was okay at best, and my experience at their "restaurant" was also "okay at best". NOTE! This experience is decades old, and "Hamburger Stand" is probably long gone.
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