January 6 Insurrection

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What if you were falsely accused of a crime, and you pay a lawyer to defend you. And then the prosecutor claims that you are obstructing the judicial system by hiring someone who will "obstruct" their path on your destruction.

The other details are good. Didn't we condemn Stalin in our history class? Who wants to repeat the history of tyrants?


Major Matt Gary returns to SGT Report to shine the light of truth on the 2020 COUP which culminated in the betrayal of America in the people's house on January 6th when the traitors in DC voted to certify a stolen election. And then Pelosi, the demonrats, RINOs and mockingbird whore media blamed Trump and the people in the ultimate gas lighting act of treachery.

Supreme Court narrows application of obstruction statute used in January 6 case​

Jun 28, 2024

Didn't we condemn Stalin in our history class? Who wants to repeat the history of tyrants?
Democrats do.

That's another one you should post in the Good News thread.

You're on a roll today with good news, Search. Great job!
You're on a roll today with good news, Search. Great job!

All credit should go to the supremes. Come Monday you may be ecstatic if they do what I think they're going to do.
Why shouldn't they? If Trump loses immunity, so does every other potus.

I want to see Trump tried by a jury for Jan 6th. And not just him. Every congress critter, every lawyer who was involved should be tried by a jury. And let the chips fall where they may.

No other president in the history of the United States did what Trump did. Some may not have liked the end results of an election but they either accepted the results or a court decision and moved on peacefully. Not Trump. He literally plotted to overthrow the government by overturning a legitimate election through lies, fake electors, rioters invading the capital and a host of other illegal doings. I simply want to see everyone involved held accountable.
No other president in the history of the United States did what Trump did.
What exactly did he do? I heard him repeatedly tell people to be peaceful and patriotic. What did you hear him say?
What did you hear him say?

Proud boys stand back and stand by............this was a dog whistle to help him in his attempt to overthrow the government.

Had he simply accepted the court's rulings that the election wasn't fake he could have left office with honor instead of a disgraced, anti-American dictator wanna be. He could have taken some time off, hit the talk-show circuit, gave a few speeches, wrote a book and decided whether or not to continue in politics like every president before him did.

Now look at all the charges he's facing. He did this to himself..........with Jan 6th.
Proud boys stand back and stand by............this was a dog whistle to help him in his attempt to overthrow the government.
Everything your side doesn't like, you try to define as a dog whistle.

Do you even understand what a dog whistle is?

No one but the dog can hear it. It's invisible to everyone else.

So how is it that only democrats can hear when Trump uses one?

Also, where is there any proof that he was talking in some kind of code only they were supposed to know? Is there a code book somewhere that was discovered that proves it was a dog whistle?

Or are dems just using the term in order connect things that aren't really connected?

You don't get to just make claims like that without showing proof of it.

Had he simply accepted the court's rulings that the election wasn't fake
There were no rulings. No evidence was heard, nor was there any discovery done.

Now look at all the charges he's facing. He did this to himself..........with Jan 6th.
Yet he did no specific acts causing anything bad to happen on Jan 6th.

On the other hand, none of it would have happened had Nancy approved the request for NG troops.

Quick question. Do you hate Trump more than you love our nation?
Do you even understand what a dog whistle is?
dog whistle
adjective [ before noun ]
(usually dog-whistle)


/ˈdɒɡ ˌwɪs.əl/ US

/ˈdɑːɡ ˌwɪs.əl/

used to describe political messages that are intended to be understood by a particular group, especially one with feelings of racism or hatred, without actually expressing these feelings:

There were no rulings. No evidence was heard, nor was there any discovery done.

Quick question. Do you hate Trump more than you love our nation?


LIVE: Former Trump adviser Navarro begins prison sentence​

Streamed live 75 minutes ago

U.S. President Donald Trump's trade adviser Peter Navarro, who was found guilty in September of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena, begins his prison sentence in Miami.



Most folks think prison is cruel punishment. In effect, it removes you from the life you knew.

You aren't "breaking rocks in the yard" as most believe.

Depending on your 'crime' you might get 23hrs solitary confinement with 1 hr 'yard time' for exercise. Otherwise you're in General Population where you can watch TV, work out, read books etc.

You might even get a job where you clean up like a janitor, or you work in the kitchen.

Basically, you're removed from polite society.
dog whistle
adjective [ before noun ]
(usually dog-whistle)


/ˈdɒɡ ˌwɪs.əl/ US

/ˈdɑːɡ ˌwɪs.əl/

used to describe political messages that are intended to be understood by a particular group, especially one with feelings of racism or hatred, without actually expressing these feelings:
Ok, so why are democrats, TDSers and the Trump hating media the only ones who can hear Trump's so-called dog whistles?

We wouldn't even know it was a thing, if it ween't for them telling us.

That's why I asked if you even know what one is, as only intended recipients can hear a dog whistle.
That's why I asked if you even know what one is, as only intended recipients can hear a dog whistle.

Mind you now.........this is just my opinion.

"proud boys, stand back and stand by"

"there were good people on both sides"

Like I said, just my opinion. Here's an interesting article on dog whistles if you're interested.

BTW.........I think they're used by all sides. It's not just a D or R thing.
"proud boys, stand back and stand by"
Those are words anyone can understand, and therefore it's not a dog whistle.

"there were good people on both sides
You really shouldn't perpetuate falsehoods. That comment has thoroughly debunked.

The dems and msm used that quote of his out of context as their own dog whistle to enrage the TDSers.
....and the Trump haters believed it. Antifa rioted because of it, and here you are seven years later still repeating it as though it were true.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'​

BTW.........I think they're used by all sides. It's not just a D or R thing.
Give some examples of democrat dog whistles.
So how many cops went to jail for trying to blow up Kamala? Oh yea none.

Now, which way would we have been belter off? Hard to say.

Garland responds to Trump's vow to pardon Jan. 6 convictions​

Aug 23, 2024 #news

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is responding to former President Donald Trump's promise to pardon the rioters convicted in the Jan. 6 insurrection. He also warned people against contemplating future insurrections. Read more: https://bit.ly/4cFTZku


OMG!! Rudy GOES MISSING from Federal Court HEARING​

Aug 25, 2024

Trump and MAGA lawyer Rudy Giuliani just violated another federal court order and failed to appear to produce documents against Trump in a civil lawsuit against Trump for the injuries suffered by 8 Capitol Police officers. Michael Popok analyzes the long string of court orders that Rudy has violated in order to try to protect Trump, which could ultimately lead to him being put in jail for contempt.

The Court has zero standing... perhaps its starting.
And this is the question everyone should be posing to the courts instead of 'volunteering' to let the court to make judgements over the human.

'Makes me furious': Kinzinger calls out Republicans after new Pelosi video emerges​

Aug 28, 2024
Former GOP lawmaker and House January 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger reacts to newly released video showing then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's movements and real-time reaction to the attack on the US Capitol.


She released that video to prove that the Speaker of the house DOES have the power (she didn't use btw) because this next November's election will go to Trump and the Senate will refuse to recognize the result.

They want Trump supporters to go bonkers (it will be agent provocateurs - Patriot Front & Antifa dressed as Trump supporters - doing mischief) like they say happened in 2020.

Only this time the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson WILL use the National Guard (unlike Pelosi) and hopefully round them up.

DOJ drops Jan. 6 obstruction charges in more than half of pending cases​

The Biden administration's Department of Justice has dropped nearly half of the obstruction charges pending against defendants involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot following a significant Supreme Court ruling in June, according to recent data.

In June, the Supreme Court determined that the DOJ had applied an overly broad interpretation of a statute that imposes up to 20 years in prison for those who “corruptly obstruct, influence, or impede any official proceeding.” Since the ruling in Fischer v. United States, about 60 out of 126 defendants had their pending obstruction charges dismissed, according to DOJ data released last week, which significantly diminishes the threat of decades of jail time for the defendants.


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