Physical gold supply (Valcambi and conflict gold)

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There have been a few issues with the supply chain distribution for gold in recent weeks including the run on COMEX gold inventories, the shutdown of gold refineries/mints, shipping difficulties and the schism between London/LBMA and USA/COMEX pricing for gold.

Then the Switzerland refineries started up again and started diverting most of their output to the USA to help out the COMEX.

These issues were all covered in various other threads here and there. Today, I'm reading the following:

This isn't the first report I've read about a row developing over "conflict gold", but it seems like there might actually be some repercussions coming down the pike. If Valcambi is sourcing conflict gold and has to stop, that will further tighten gold supply. If they are sourcing conflict gold and don't stop, there might be some political or economic consequences for Valcambi that could also affect the gold supply.

Valcambi SA has resigned from the Swiss gold refining association after a disagreement over where it sources its gold.

Ticino-based Valcambi left the Swiss Association of Precious Metal Manufacturers and Traders, which coordinates communication and lobbying on behalf of the industry and requires members to sign a code of conduct, due to “irreconcilable differences,” the association said in a statement.

Too much association politics in everything at this point. Instead of focusing on the primary objective the association is trying to control behavior through politics. Next they will try to shun Valcambi and ruin their credibility.
I missed this tangent previously:

The LBMA has a Responsible Sourcing program:


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