project veritas video - you are funding child trafficking and sexual abuse

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Ground Beetle
Reaction score
probably wont last long on (youtube)


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’; Says Gov’t Complicit Because ‘We Don’t Get Sued by Traffickers’ … Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’

I wish PV would stop with the repetition.

I know that's a small thing compared to what he exposes but I'm afraid it turns people off who should be paying attention. Cities suck. I'm pretty satisfied to be far from those roach infested hell holes. Aside from winning lawsuits against "journalist" for defamation what has any of these expose's produced?
I wish PV would stop with the repetition.

I know that's a small thing compared to what he exposes but I'm afraid it turns people off who should be paying attention. Cities suck. I'm pretty satisfied to be far from those roach infested hell holes. Aside from winning lawsuits against "journalist" for defamation what has any of these expose's produced?
"Repetition is the mother of all learning"
invasion by infiltration

Dr. Quintin Bostic Says Non-Profit The Teaching Lab is a "Scam Lab"​


All About the Benjamins: A CRT For-Profit Non-Profit Is Unmasked by Project Veritas​

JANUARY 18, 2023

On Wednesday, Project Veritas dropped the second release in its investigation into the company Teaching Lab and its content manager, Dr. Quinton Bostic. As PJ Media reported yesterday, Teaching Lab has been selling critical race theory teaching materials to Georgia schools under the guise of a DEI curriculum. Teaching CRT is banned under Georgia state law. The scheme was uncovered by Project Veritas.

During the second part of the interview with the undercover reporter, Bostic admits that Teaching Lab is making money on the deal and even refers to the operation as a “scam lab.” The article quoted Bostic:


BREAKING: Pfizer Director Says ‘Cash Cow’ COVID Came from Wuhan lab, And That Pfizer Is Doing Similar.​


Hidden camera footage has revealed Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development for Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, Jordon Trishton Walker, admitting his belief that the COVID-19 virus originated from experiments conducted in the now infamous Wuhan lab, while shockingly going on to claim that his Big Pharma employers is engaged in similar types of experiments.

The footage was released late Wednesday night by guerilla journalism outfit Project Veritas, and entirely proves the thesis first mooted by The National Pulse and others, which were routinely dismissed as “conspiracy theories” by politicians, bureaucrats, and the corporate media.

That didn't take long...
They'll deny it of course, but that cat is out of the bag....

Rubio Sends Letter to Pfizer CEO on Alleged Gain-of-Function Research

JAN 26 2023​

An investigative report suggests that Pfizer may be conducting gain-of-function research, which it dubs “directed evolution” research to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 virus to create additional, more potent variants and vaccines to combat future variants. This type of research, similar to gain-of-function research, has long been controversial, and is suspected to be the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to Albert Bourla, the President and CEO of Pfizer, following the release of a video showing Pfizer’s director of research and development casually discussing the company’s manipulation of the SARS-Cov-2 virus for company profit.
  • “Whether it’s gain of function research, or selected structure mutations through directed evolution, as Mr. Walker claimed would occur, any effort to make a virus more transmittable and deadlier is careless and dangerous. Further, Mr. Walker stated that Pfizer is willing to engage in this dangerous research because COVID and its variants are ‘a cash cow’ for the company and regulators will go easy on their efforts because a significant percentage of government officials aim to work for Pfizer and other biopharmaceutical companies and do not want to compromise their future job prospects.” -- Senator Rubio
Want more information? The full text of the letter is below.

Dear Dr. Bourla:

I write in response to troubling reports on Pfizer’s intention to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) virus through gain-of-function, or “directed evolution,” as detailed by Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Jordan Walker. As has been proven time and time again, attempts to mutate a virus, particularly one as potent as COVID, are dangerous. If the claims detailed in the video are true, Pfizer has put its desire for profit over the concern of national and global health and must hold itself accountable.

In a video released by Project Veritas on January 25, 2023, Mr. Walker laid out Pfizer’s plans to develop new vaccines for future variants of COVID by mutating the virus through directed evolution, a process that uses protein engineering to impose natural selection on a living organism or other biological materials, including viruses. Though he claimed the research is currently “exploratory,” he detailed how the research would proceed, such as how scientists would inject the mutated viruses into monkeys and collect serial samples from other monkeys who are infected.

Whether it’s gain of function research, or selected structure mutations through directed evolution, as Mr. Walker claimed would occur, any effort to make a virus more transmittable and deadlier is careless and dangerous. Further, Mr. Walker stated that Pfizer is willing to engage in this dangerous research because COVID and its variants are “a cash cow” for the company and regulators will go easy on their efforts because a significant percentage of government officials aim to work for Pfizer and other biopharmaceutical companies and do not want to compromise their future job prospects.

As a company that claims to “innovate every day to make the world a healthier place,” these claims from your leadership charged with research and development are alarming. As the American people deserve to know, I request that you provide the following information:

1. What efforts is Pfizer currently, or planning to, engage in to mutate the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

2. Does Pfizer intend to continue mutating the SARS-CoV-2 virus through gain-of-function, or directed evolution research, with the purpose of creating new vaccines before the variant is present in the greater population?

3. Has Pfizer engaged with federal officials engaged regarding their plans to oversee this research? Please provide the names and agencies for these individuals.

4. What steps has Pfizer taken to ensure the mutated virus does not leak from the laboratory and infect the greater population?

5. Has Pfizer engaged with other biopharmaceutical companies to collaborate on this research effort? Please list the entities that you have been in contact with.

6. Will you commit to halting any future research that mutates the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as substantial evidence has indicated that similar dangerous research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology very likely led to the initial emergence and global spread of the virus?

As a leader in global public health and development of the COVID vaccine, with American taxpayer dollars, it is critical that Pfizer is accountable for their actions and be transparent with the public on the substance and intent of their research.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

As has been proven time and time again, attempts to mutate a virus, particularly one as potent as COVID, are dangerous.
Mutating anything that makes people sick to make them sicker is just dangerous??? It's not dangerous, it's criminal and should be immediate grounds for the death penalty without a trial!!

What a stupid letter, only sent to pacify the people! Trump was right--Rubio is a lightweight.
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Looks like he hit the nerve of Pfizer and exposing 'directed evolution' pissed them off...


James O'Keefe EXPOSES Project Veritas IN THEIR OWN VIDEO​


A message from the Project Veritas staff​

We have and always will remain loyal to James' vision, our mission, our country, and our supporters

Whistleblower Confirms Chicago Housing Authority Favors Illegal Immigrants Over Homeless Americans​

AMERICANS LAST: Whistleblower Video Confirms Chicago Housing Authority Leaving Homeless Americans on Streets in Favor of Migrants in Housing Application … ‘They Are Prioritizing Immigrants Over Americans’

HHS Insider Tara Lee Rodas On The New York Times late coverage of exploitation of migrant children​


New York Asst. Superintendent 'Covertly' Pushing DEI Agenda Within School District​

New York Assistant Superintendent ‘Covertly’ Pushing DEI Agenda Within School District; ‘Politics’ is ‘My Job Now’ … Claims His ‘Sexual Identity’ is Important to Make ‘Connections with Kids’; Reveals ‘Explosion’ of Trans Students in Wake of COVID Pandemic

• Dave Casamento, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, East Meadow School District: “Here's the thing with DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] work -- if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental.”
• Casamento: “Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly. Except for the black population.”
• Casamento: “They [parents] honestly believe that systemic racism does not exist. They don’t understand why we have to talk about LGBTQ issues. Or have books that have LGBTQ themes in them.”
• Casamento: “Politics is basically my job now. I am political in every conversation I have. I never thought I’d be at this point in my life. I am, and it is what it is. If you can do the game, you can do the good work.”
• Casamento: “My sexual identity was always a part of my work because I believe in making connections with kids.”
• Casamento: “So, the conservative movement will say -- and I got to tell you, I am not opposed to this question: ‘Why do we need to sexualize kids at a young age?’ After the pandemic, we had an explosion of trans kids, and I’m like, ‘How could this be?’”

[NEW YORK – Mar. 8, 2023] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a senior school administrator in Long Island, Dave Casamento, who admits to secretly indoctrinating young students with racial and gender politics.

The Assistant Superintendent of the East Meadow School District is recorded saying that for educators to get away with indoctrination, certain topics must be taught without the knowledge of parents.

“Here's the thing with DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] work -- if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental,” Casamento said.

“Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly. Except for the black population,” he said.

“They [parents] honestly believe that systemic racism does not exist. They don’t understand why we have to talk about LGBTQ issues. Or have books that have LGBTQ themes in them.”

Casamento recognized that he is overtly political, even at work. But he showed concern for the possibility that his secret political intentions could be recorded and made public.

“Politics is basically my job now. I am political in every conversation I have. I never thought I’d be at this point in my life. I am, and it is what it is. If you can do the game, you can do the good work,” he said.

“I actually thought of running a [educational] session but then there’s this political side -- that someone could be recording inside the room -- and politically that could be suicide.”

The administrator shared his beliefs when it came to sexual education in school.

“My sexual identity was always a part of my work because I believe in making connections with kids,” Casamento said.

“So, the conservative movement will say -- and I got to tell you, I am not opposed to this question: ‘Why do we need to sexualize kids at a young age?’ After the pandemic, we had an explosion of trans kids, and I’m like, ‘How could this be?’”

Casamento said he tries to weed out potential conservative candidates who apply for a teaching position in his district.

“I think I said this before, but people don’t give up power, you have to take it from them…You stop hiring those types of people [conservatives]…We created a whole rubric for hiring in light of DEI,” he said.

“It’s all secret. So, I would rank them [conservatives] so low [in their interview process] that their score couldn’t possibly raise them up to the level of moving on to the cabinet.”

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