RFK Jr. vying for POTUS 2024

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Ever since the 69-year-old conspiratorial activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination last week, a curious new category has appeared among the commentariat—libertarians and/or right-of-center journalists expressing strange new respect for a Hugo Chavez–admiring scion of the Establishment who has serially fantasized about throwing his political opponents in jail.

Will he pose a serious challenge to Biden's re-election effort? Will he be the only alternative for the Dem nomination if Biden has to drop out for mental/physical health issues?
If the election was actually fair, I would assume RFK jr would wipe the field with biden. biden literally has nothing to offer except being an alternative to Trump.
Boy am I ever getting old. Bobby Kennedy's boy is 69. That's borderline getting old for the Presidency. The media will bury him for a myriad of reasons. When they unsuccessfully damage him for some of his political stances they'll start on his voice.

This country is so far down the $hithole now that a 50 year grifter who is clearly demented is actually being considered for a second term. Even if things were good this defies belief. smfh
Boy am I ever getting old. Bobby Kennedy's boy is 69. That's borderline getting old for the Presidency. The media will bury him for a myriad of reasons. When they unsuccessfully damage him for some of his political stances they'll start on his voice.

This country is so far down the $hithole now that a 50 year grifter who is clearly demented is actually being considered for a second term. Even if things were good this defies belief. smfh
I will probably go to the grave thinking he was installed like a toilet, and not elected. I would hate to think there are that many people in this country who would vote for the grifter.
Lets be honest, your deceased grand mothers pet dog (if she had one) would be a better option than the bidet. Lol
She actually did have a pet dog. Blind in one eye and could not see out of the other. Deaf and completely incoherent. Random barking for no reason. Pooping and peeing where ever it felt the need. So you are exactly right, that dog would have been a much better option.

‘Reptilian Humanoids?’ Erin Burnett Cannot Believe Who’s Receiving RFK Jr.’s Campaign Cash​

CNN’s Erin Burnett was seemingly blown away by a report showing where the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has spent some of its money.

A report by CNN KFile’s Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck published on Tuesday cited the campaign’s Federal Election Commission filings, which show “numerous payments to individuals and groups whose ideologies differ significantly from traditional Democratic Party politics.”

According to KFile, Kennedy’s campaign spent $13,550 on consulting services from a company whose managing member is anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree.

More laughs here:

Since he's still in the running (as an independent) the dirt has started to flow.

Exclusive: Robert F. Kennedy Jr Discusses Flying on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express'​

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has clarified the nature of his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, after it was revealed that the presidential hopeful had flown on the convicted sex offender's private jet.

The independent 2024 presidential candidate was among a number of high-profile people who in 2021 were named as passengers on Epstein's jet, which was often used to transport guests to the financier's private Caribbean island, Little Saint James.

I guess RFK Jr is now vying for the Libertarian Party nomination.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has picked Nicole Shanahan, a California-based attorney who was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, as his running mate for his long-shot presidential bid, according to people familiar with the decision.

Shanahan, 38, also runs a foundation focused on reproductive rights, criminal justice and the environment.

Before backing Kennedy’s independent bid, Shanahan had previously been a donor to Democratic campaigns, including supporting Joe Biden’s election in 2020.
Shanahan, a political novice, was thrust into the spotlight over her public split with Brin amid a brief alleged affair she had with Elon Musk in 2021 that ruptured the billionaires’ long friendship, The Wall Street Journal reported.

After the article published, Musk denied the allegations and Shanahan later followed suit.

It isn’t clear yet whether Shanahan plans to assist by tapping into her own wealth.

I guess RFK Jr is now vying for the Libertarian Party nomination.
They got another think coming if they think he's one of them.
.....unless of course Libertarian's now support gun control and reparations. Do they?
Libertarian folk I have followed on Twitter/X are not interested in JFK Jr. They want someone more in line with the party ethos than someone who might capture votes.
Libertarian folk I have followed on Twitter/X are not interested in JFK Jr.
That's what I was hoping would be the case, as he seems a very poor fit for the Party.

RFK Jr.: 'They' Are Using 5G Cellular Technology to Control Behavior​

In footage captured by journalist and filmmaker Sandi Bachom, independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can be seen telling a crowd that shadow forces are using 5G cellular technology to control human behavior.

Speaking at an anti-vax rally at the Lincoln Memorial in 2022, Kennedy tells the crowd, "they are putting in 5G to harvest our data and control our behavior," to a chorus of boos, "digital currency that will allow them to punish us from a distance, and cut off our food supply," he continued.


After seriously considering the possibility, 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has declared he will not seek the Libertarian Party nomination, saying he's confident he'll achieve ballot access across the country on his own. Meanwhile, in a social media skirmish with Team Trump, Kennedy said Trump associates asked him to consider becoming the former president's running mate.

I gather he tested the waters with the Libertarian Party and realized they were not likely to embrace him.
I gather he tested the waters with the Libertarian Party and realized they were not likely to embrace him.
As well they shouldn't. He's as much of a Libertarian as Dick Cheney is.
Libertarian folk I have followed on Twitter/X are not interested in JFK Jr. They want someone more in line with the party ethos than someone who might capture votes.
The political demarcations are all getting blurred. Who would have thought that "liberal" DemocRats, those Peace-Love-Feed-The-Children activists, would suddenly be in favor of Naziesque Vaccine Mandates, protections for Big Pharma, segregation for Americans based on private choices...as well as, supporting Moar War, open criminality (Ten Percent for the Big Guy, Pedo Pete, Hunter with a non-taxed, no-show, high-six-figure job in an industry he knows nothing of).

I was never a Libertarian. Lack of government compulsion sounds wonderful, until you try it. Law and order is based on such realities as police officers' inclinations to break heads and imprison those who violate laws and public order.

I'm a military veteran. Yet the insanity of the current crop of (misnamed) NeoCons, has me saying, Stop The Insanity! We need to PULL BACK, get our OWN world in order. Let the God of the Jews take care of Israel - or not. We're simply not able, not in capability or moral purity.

So...HAD Kennedy gone for the Libertarian nomination...he'd fit better there than he would in today's Democrat world.

Not that it matters. Kennedy is a good lawyer; he talks a good talk, makes powerful arguments. But the proof of the pudding is the tasting; and Kennedy is comporting himself like a Kucinich krackpot.

Which apparently he is, in the end.
the current crop of (misnamed) NeoCons,
Not misnamed, as that's what they are. Ie: they are the new (neo) conservatives. As opposed to regular, or what some call paleo conservatives.

It marks the difference betwixt the Cheney Rumsfeld bush type of conservatives (big gov with lots of power) , and conservatives more in line with the nations Founding principles of individual liberty.
Not misnamed, as that's what they are. Ie: they are the new (neo) conservatives. As opposed to regular, or what some call paleo conservatives.

It marks the difference betwixt the Cheney Rumsfeld bush type of conservatives (big gov with lots of power) , and conservatives more in line with the nations Founding principles of individual liberty.
They're not conservative at all.

CONSERVATISM is CAUTION. Stick to traditions. Approach change with trepidation and thought.

War is an iffy game. The conservative state-actor does NOT look to war as the first, or best, option - only the one to use when all alternatives fail. War is an abyss - the only way not to be destroyed, not to be slaughtered, is to destroy and slaughter.

These Moar-War hawks are reckless and ignorant, and seduced by fake money that runs from FRB printing-presses to the MIC, with a rakeoff to them.
United States presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. wants to bring the transparency of blockchain to the U.S. budget, telling a crowd of his supporters at a rally in Michigan on Sunday that doing so would allow every American to look at “every budget item anytime they want, 24 hours a day.”

“We’re gonna have 300 million eyeballs on our budget, and if somebody is spending $16,000 for a toilet seat, everybody’s gonna know about it,” Kennedy said during his campaign speech.

Whoa... Talk about radical ideas! I just hope the swamp doesn't run with this as a way to sell the nation on a CBDC...
I see more and more people waking up and realizing we are not going to vote our way out of this. Those comments are becoming more frequent on other message boards I visit.
Sadly that is the truth. People don't realize the damage done with 8 years of Obama and he changed everything. radicalized everything and weaponized the fed gov. One look at what trump is going through right now should tell you all you need to know. 10 of millions on lawyers to fight BS charges. Charges that ,in reality, many on the left should be facing.
The beast has become too powerful. So powerful it can steal elections and get away with it. Then those who have stolen elections just blatantly vote away our rights? Not what our founding fathers intended at all. One man is not going to change things and set us back on the proper path to a constitutional republic.
Barry Hussein is part of it; a key part; but there's more.

The whole system began self-destructing 32 years ago - when a lowlife from Arkansas, a sociopathic grifter who'd learned the best way to dodge legal consequences for his rapes, his intimidations, his abuse of people who had the audacity to dislike him...was to BE his state's chief law enforcer, the Attorney General. It was a short step over warm bodies, to become the state's Chief Executive...and then, the Big Chair.

We know what Bill and Hill had in common, and it wasn't eroticism. They were/are both insane sociopaths.

They FORCED their way into the Circle-D party - I remember newspaper cartoonists of the time, mocking him, mocking her..."Dual Airbags" one cartoonist called them. But they broke into the party and made it into their own image - one that made Tammany Hall look like a ladies' garden club.

Dollar Bill, the sociopath, lowered the standards. Only framed against him, could Shrub II look like a leader. A slacker, a Beta cuck, a dried-out drunk...I'll give W credit for quitting the sauce, anyway. Never has there been more of an underachiever on the ballot for the office.

THEN comes the Kenyan. The way was paved; but he made it his own. With Bubba still in the shadows, ready to help when needed.

This, we're seeing, is Soetoro's third term. All the schitt he wanted to do but didn't dare do, not when his name was on the door. But it's getting done and he and his wookie are just LAFFING...

Whoa... Talk about radical ideas! I just hope the swamp doesn't run with this as a way to sell the nation on a CBDC...
Don't worry, they won't. Last thing they'll want is a publicly available detailed list of everything they waste money on.

Besides, congress will have to vote for it, and we both know they ain't gonna do anything that might limit their pork.
The whole system began self-destructing 32 years ago
Been a lot longer than that. The system took the first step towards self destruction with the creation of the federal reserve and then the emergency banking act and pure fiat money. It's just been a matter of time since then.

R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain​

In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was experiencing memory loss and mental fogginess so severe that a friend grew concerned he might have a brain tumor. Mr. Kennedy said he consulted several of the country’s top neurologists, many of whom had either treated or spoken to his uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, before his death the previous year of brain cancer.

Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said.



We Are Very Sorry To Hear About RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm And Mercury Poisoning​

The New York Times took a deep dive on Tuesday into the medical history of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose raison d'etre as a presidential candidate is primarily based on crazy-assed Do Your Own Research vaccine denialism and the fact that the two major candidates are older than he is and, therefore, not up to the job, cognitively. Judging from the Times story, RFKJ needs to find himself some new raisons d'etre tout suite.

Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said. While packing for the trip, he said, he received a call from a doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who had a different opinion: Mr. Kennedy, he believed, had a dead parasite in his head. The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.

Well, that sounds awful.



We Are Very Sorry To Hear About RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm And Mercury Poisoning​

The New York Times took a deep dive on Tuesday into the medical history of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose raison d'etre as a presidential candidate is primarily based on crazy-assed Do Your Own Research vaccine denialism and the fact that the two major candidates are older than he is and, therefore, not up to the job, cognitively. Judging from the Times story, RFKJ needs to find himself some new raisons d'etre tout suite.

Well, that sounds awful.


You know what this sounds like? Like a mediuh hatchet job, to discredit him, cut off his funding, and make him drop out.

Because he's sucking up mostly Dementia Joe's voter base.

We've heard him speak. He's a covert Leftist, I'd never vote for him, knowing what I do; but he's not impaired and doesn't have brain worms. UNLIKE Don the lemonhead, or Rafael Madcow.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lists his residence to vote as a tony Westchester County address — which is in foreclosure proceedings for non-payment, court records show.

The independent candidate claims his voting address is 84 Croton Lake Road In Katonah, though he is not the owner of the million-dollar, in-arrears property, does not show up in resident searches for it, and some longtime neighbors — and even local authorities — were shocked at the notion it’s his home.

“No … he doesn’t live here,” a local cop insisted Sunday.

If he got the D nomination he would win.
If he got the D nomination he would win.
Right now I don't put it past them.

It would be a reversal of everything the modern Dumbos SAY they stand for...but of course, what they really stand for is PARTY POWER. This would be the easiest way for them to hold it, and the one that would give them a victory without complete corruption of the election.

But it would be taking them back 30 years. And it's not much of a win for us - we wind up with a healthy, energetic gun-grabber and eco-Nazi.
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