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It's Telegram. Something about 'settings' in that app allow copying links and sharing... like above.Thanks for posting quotable text.
Moscow takes control over assets of Western companies
Sept 6 (Reuters) - Kremlin has been seizing assets of some Western companies in Russia through decrees signed by President Vladimir Putin and court orders related to lawsuits over halted projects or blocked funds amid Western sanctions.
Below is a list of the companies affected so far.
Russia seized companies of agricultural group AgroTerra and placed them under temporary management in April, including some backed by Dutch investment firms.
almost as if they know something is coming...Russia is also increasing their international gold buying significantly.
That made me laugh.almost as if they know something is coming...
One thing is certain... Russia is and has been kicking Ukraine's assets back to the Stone Age despite the media protestations to the contrary.That made me laugh.
WHAT, of the Forever-War DemocRats screaming "Russia-Russia-Russia!" and dreamy EU legislatreuxes speaking of how Putin is going to be @$$@$$inated, and how Russia is running out of chips/weapons/bullets/etc. and the endless braying for "MOAR AID$$$"...whatever would make you, or Putin, think something is up?
I suspect, without knowing anything, that Putin, too, knows he can lose his power base if he does not respond to the repeated civilian attacks within Russia proper. He's probably weighing the power of the DNC fraud effort, and trying to decide if it's better for him to wait until after the sElection, or just go ahead and seek retribution now.