Salivate Metal: My Gold Price Prediction For 2023! This Time It's Different

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I watch a lot of these prediction vids. Seen guesses of $1500 to $5000 for gold and $13 to $100 for silver.
We should make a Christmas eve prediction post and check next year to see how we did.

I'll say $34 silver and $1974 gold.
Paper Gold high $2300
Paper Silver high $27
praying for $15 silver and $1,100 gold (I'm a hoarder, not an invester ;) )
This past week 1,482 people participated in Kitco News' online survey, asking investors where they see silver prices by the end of the year. On average retail investors see silver prices rising to $38 an ounce.

Sentiment among retail investors is also significantly more bullish than indicated by the headline number. Only 85 participants, roughly 5% of the vote, said they saw silver prices ending 2023 below $23 an ounce.

Meanwhile, nearly 48% of participants expected silver prices to end the year higher than $38 an ounce.

I say we tickle $2,000 gold this year once or twice, but finish off the year at $1,925.
With a few weeks left in the year looks like my prediction was high on silver ($34), low on gold ($1975).
I think it's safe to say that silver under performed this year versus everyone's expectations.
Gold is king. Silver will catch up, but it is not gold.
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