Saturday rant

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
It’s Saturday morning and I’m kicking back in my chair not really doing much of anything because my back is all jacked up again, so I’m going to share some observations and aggravations with you. My outrage meter pegged out yesterday when I read that a little five year old girl has been labeled a terrorist and suspended from kindergarten for making “terroristic threats” with…….get ready……………a little, pink Hello Kitty bubble blower! I had to actually re-read the article to be sure it wasn’t a gag post by The Onion or something, and couldn’t believe it when it checked out as genuine. That any adult with the capacity to reason would even consider taking action of any kind with a tiny little girl, much less suspend her for ten days and place a black mark in her permanent school record, makes me want to secede from society and go Galt. There was some commentary or another by a representative of the school board that actually tried to justify these actions by supposedly educated administrators, making this even more surreal. It was a bubble blower fucktard, a little pink bubble blower!

What the hell is wrong with people anymore?!?! Has it really come to this? Have we become so completely and terminally retarded that little girls blowing bubbles are labeled a terrorist? If so, I no longer wish to participate in your fucked up version of society so please stop the planet because I want to get off. This entirely flawed liberal theory that little boys playing cowboys and Indians, and little girls playing with bubbles is such a twisted construct that I believe it damages kids before they have had a chance to fully develop. We are failing our kids by allowing this illogical indoctrination to continue. By the way, have you ever wanted to grab someone and slap the living shit out of them until your hand hurt to0 much to slap them anymore? That is how I felt after reading about this poor little girl.

I got another dose of retarded with the idiotic legislation passed in the still of the night in New York. With nearly no members of the legislature having actually read the bill, draconian gun laws were passed outlawing a huge number of weapons and essentially all semi-automatic handguns. This was because it is no longer legal to have a magazine [erroneously referred to as “clips” by these same ‘tards] capable of holding more than seven rounds. Clearly these people are either not gun owners or are simply jackasses, because I can use a speed loader in my revolvers almost as fast as swapping out a larger magazine. In fact, with speed loaders, a revolver can be a much more reliable weapon because for as long as I have owned them, I have never, ever had a revolver “jam”. If these idiots are attempting to create a new, uninhabited green space where New York used to be, they are following the right steps. Let’s see, tax the shit out of anyone who makes more than can be earned in a year at Wal-Mart…..check. Tax the shit out of tobacco and booze [eight to ten bucks a pack in NYC]……check. Turn a blind eye to illegal immigrants who rape, kill and rob our citizens……..check. Take all means of proper defense away from law abiding citizens……check. Ignite class warfare…….check. Legislate what and how much of certain foods the “people” can eat…..check. Give the unions so much power that when our city is slammed by a hurricane they can turn away non-union volunteers who refuse to pay their usurious dues……check. I’m not sure why anyone would willingly live in that libtarded hellhole anymore. If anyone has a good answer for me let me know, because it’s a fucking mystery to me.

On to Washington D.C. for more entertainment. Our venerable POTUS…….or, is that venereal……..came forth with a wish list of gun control measures which if enacted, have absolutely zero hope of achieving any of the goals for which they are to be promulgated. Senator Dianne Feinstein, one of several California whack jobs they keep sending to Washington, will submit a constitution busting piece of legislation that would strip tens of millions of law abiding American Citizens of the right to own or even possess a multitude of weapons. This law, one of many that I suspect will be submitted for legislative consideration is so completely abhorrent to those who believe in the constitution as to be an act of treason. While absolutely nothing will be done about this absurd piece of law, it bears mentioning, since these people were actually elected by their constituencies. In fact, people like Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein keep getting re-elected time and time again. The truly frightening thing is that Obama has not even started his second term yet, so these motherfuckers are just getting warmed up. Our only hope seems to be the mid-term elections folks, so now is the time to get the word out. We need to have the largest conservative turn-out in American history. Democraps will be complacent since they feel overly confident with Obama the anointed one back in the kings’ throne, so if ever there was a chance to gain a supermajority in the senate, this is it.

The Brotherhood of Darkness is still keeping Europe at the edge of the abyss, as they continue to extract as much as possible from their various sovereign subjects. Of course none of this is going to end well because when people get hungry, when they lose their jobs and homes, and when they finally lose hope…….they have nothing left to lose, and that my friends is when shit gets real. If we had “youth unemployment” of 56% and adult unemployment of 26% here in the US, our cities would already be on fire, but apparently the Spanish People have not quite reached critical mass, although I don’t expect that to last for much longer. The same can be said for Italy and certainly for Greece, which is a total basket case at this point. The desperation of the EU overlords in Brussels to keep this fiasco together has nothing to do with preservation of the union, partnership for prosperity, the economic union or the single currency. No, what scares the Dark Princes is what happens to the financial system when [not if] a country goes back to their own currency and ditches the Euro altogether. They fear Armageddon folks, pure and simple. There are hundreds of trillions of dollars/euros/francs, etc. worth of derivatives tied to these countries and their debts, which if defaulted, start a rapid fire domino effect that will wipe out nearly all paper wealth around the world. Don’t believe me? OK, then do a search for these words “Derivatives Financial Collapse” and see what pops up. I got one million six hundred and ninety thousand results, so clearly this is not a big secret, yet nothing has been done about it because governments around the world have been co=opted and subsumed within the financial and corporate oligarchy. Take a look around at the European technocrats, how many are ex-bankers? Take a look at our own government apparatus for Christ’s sake, how many of these fuckers are bankers? How many of our regulators now work at financial institutions or sit on corporate boards?

I genuinely believe most folks have no clue, including myself, about what our future holds but I can tell you it will be dark and scary. With more people on food stamps, welfare and unemployment than ever before in history, we cannot possibly be prepared enough if this fucker catalyzed in to a catastrophic financial collapse. The very thin and very fragile veneer of society will crumble before you can say SNAP, and let me tell you folks that Mad Max will have nothing on that. The imputed results are clear as glass. I have seen the articles detailing DHS purchases of mass quantities of ammo and weapons, just as I have seen other agencies make. I have seen the pre-orders for fifty million MRE’s, potassium iodide tablets, observation towers that can be towed behind a pick-up truck and much, much more. The people may be largely in the dark about the shit storm coming our way, but the Brotherhood of Darkness has been all over this thing from jump. They are not stockpiling billions of dollars of resources for nothing folks, they are doing it because they know the end game is now in play, and the Powers That Be will only be able to keep the glue in the cracks for just so much longer. When the dam breaks, and it will, they will be faced with three hundred million privately owned weapons and a giant shitload of angry Citizens who have lost everything and want some fucking answers. They seem to be unwilling or unable to let the air out of this beast a little at a time, and instead have allowed it to grow even bigger and take on even more risk. This will not end well for anyone.

To those who have yet to buy a firearm, shame on you……just……..shame on you. Until recently everyone who wanted a nice rifle or at least a handgun, could have gone to any gun shop or gun show and picked one up for a couple hundred bucks. Same with ammo. Now, simply put, you’re screwed for the foreseeable future. Those who already prepared and who have purchased a nice stash of ammo, at least you can protect yourself and your families. I do not mean to disparage those folks who are not completely prepared, but to encourage you to get on board before this bitch leaves the station. If you have not started, turn the damn TV off, get your ass off the couch and get started. Get a small container garden started, it can be done over a weekend. Work on your food preps by picking up a few extra bags of rice and beans each payday. Get yourself a water filtration system, since they can be pretty cheap this is something that can be had right away yet it’s something that can really save your life if shit folds up all of a sudden and the grid fails.

Things are getting weird on an international level and I don’t like it. We have a new conflict brewing in Mali, North Africa, that is all too convenient to suit me. Hillary Clinton gave a presser in which she quickly condemned the “terrorist attack” and taking/killing of American hostages. Now I don’t understand the calculus behind our involvement here, but I am for damn sure skeptical. What will come of it is hard to say, but we can be sure it isn’t going to be good. It’s almost as if they’re trying to push the world over the edge of some cliff.

Myself? I’m going to stop worrying about the rest of the world and concentrate on worrying about my family and myself. While I am glad I proactively prepared my family for hard times, I take no joy in the knowledge that many good people did nothing, and as a consequence, will suffer for being unprepared.

Sorry about the rant.
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I genuinely believe most folks have no clue, including myself, about what our future holds but I can tell you it will be dark and scary.

You are correct, most people have NO CLUE whatsoever what is happening, nor what will happen.

What I expect to happen is that AT LEAST ONE HUNDRED MILLION Americans will perish when the SHTF. Further, MOST of those will be Liberals for a couple of reasons.

First, most of them live in vast UNSUSTAINABLE metropolises. When the SHTF, those metropolises will become DEATH TRAPS with no food, no water, no waste services, etc.

Second, most of them either have not or cannot prepare. And even if they did prepare, just the fact they live in metropolises puts ALL of their preparations at risk. The closer one lives to a metropolis, the more danger there is from roving gangs.

Then, after we have spent all of our energies killing our fellow Americans, look for one or more foreign nations to step up to the plate to scoop up the ripe fallen plum called "America." This could easily kill another HUNDRED MILLION Americans before it is all over. And again, it will be mostly Liberals that die.

And if for some reason that we cannot repel the invaders, the next step is SLAVERY for any survivors. In this case America would probably be UNLIVABLE, so that would mean dispersing surviving Americans to other areas of the world, which would also mean more massive die offs of Americans.

Not a pretty picture at all. But entirely possible. And it has happened to "Americans" in the past, like thousands of years ago. The only good thing I see in all of this is that liberals will become a TINY TINY MINORITY in the end.

Now for some specifics.

There will be roving gangs targeting everyone that has any kind of survival items, particularly food. But the gangs will not be everywhere. They will be limited by the availability of fuel, most likely a hundred mile radius or so of fuel sources. Dig out a map. Plot the locations of oil refineries. When the SHTF refineries will not be able to deliver fuel long distances assuming that they can make fuel at all. Then draw 200-mile circles around them. That is the likely maximum limit of fuel distribution to major urban centers. Then draw 100-mile circles around the urban centers inside the maximums. Theoretically anyone living OUTSIDE of the limits of all of those circles will be RELATIVELY safe from roving gangs.

Another method to define "safe" areas would be to draw 100-mile (or better, 200-mile) circles around ALL metro areas of 1 million or more, and 50-mile (or better, 100-mile) circles around ALL metro areas of 100,000 or more. What is left would be relatively safe.

Other considerations would be livable weather patterns, available water, available wild food sources, defensible terrain, and whether the area is downwind of major potential nuclear targets. And note that flat land is NEVER defensible terrain.

That does not leave much to choose from at all. And not everyone can move to such areas.

Will this happen? No clue. Can it happen? Yes. Should we plan on it happening? Yes. If one is wrong, the worst scenario is that life is better and easier. If one is correct, one might actually survive to help rebuild America to its former status, a world power.
Yeah that story about that 5 year old is just crazy.

AUSTIN, Tex. — More than 100,000 people who signed an online petition calling on the Obama administration to allow Texas to secede from the United States and create an independent government.

"we’d be the 14th-largest economy in the world”

I think secession will be a bigger topic when stuff starts getting worse, I'm surprised they only got 100k signatures. I don't know what Texas financial situation is but I'm pretty sure some American states could be pretty successful countries in their own right or at least hold some sort of society together when stuff starts breaking apart?
Yeah that story about that 5 year old is just crazy.

Quote :
AUSTIN, Tex. — More than 100,000 people who signed an online petition calling on the Obama administration to allow Texas to secede from the United States and create an independent government.

watching the KXAN news in Austin a few minutes ago, because I wanted to see the gun rights rally (my neighbor went). They were quick to point out that over one million Americans have now signed a petition for stricter gun control. I live in a small town (5000)45 minutes from Austin. The endless parade of morbidly obese pajama wearing food stampers depend on our seven trucks a day of groceries, or they will be helpless.
Heck, the other day a boy got similar treatment - and the school shut down w/o parents being allowed to pick up their own kids over a *plastic* lever action rifle replica (lime green and pink!). Almost as bad as shutting down Boston over a few sponge-bob toys with blinking lights attached to some poles and bridge abutments as an advertising gimmick. After all, from TV we all know that every bomb maker covers his bombs with flashing lights to make it easy to find and disarm them, right? And that a child's toy worth of HE will take out a whole bridge or city, correct?
Don't get me started.

Yes, the wisest prep, in my mind, is getting the hell away from density - the 4 legged predators are the most deadly and persistent, and since they are used to being anonymous, are of the "winner makes the rules" type in general compared to here.

My entire neighbourhood has been without power for 3 days. I checked as far as 8 miles out - the only people with power are the phone co, and they have backup generators at every fiber->DSL dropoff point running.

No one is pillaging, though a few have borrowed my excess freezer space and come over to party - we made lemonade out of this pretty serious lemon event.

And, ancona - there IS a learning curve on solar stuff, you shouldn't wait, but hook it up now and learn about it, what you can do with that alone, etc. There will be other adjustments you'll make that you haven't thought of, and after the balloon goes up, some of them might be hard to find the junk for. Did you know that every single thing in my house is on a power strip so I can turn off 100% of my "vampire loads" anytime I want? Try buying 40 or so power strips in an emergency. And that's just one example. Getting it all mounted and wired safely is NOT a day's work, and you need to know it can handle the high winds you get there for certain, not guessing, for another. And you don't want to be trying while everyone else is in the street trying to find the rest of their house after a hurricane.
I have a veritable manual to help. My best buddy is an electrical engineer and my across the street neighbor, so he is on board since I am not the guy to actually hook this shit up. That said, you are right in that I should do it now, but it has been a drawn out fucking battle with the county nazis in my efforts to do this thing right. Since I am on their official radar, they have neighbors watching to see if I do anything commando. Just like the well, I refuse to pay the exorbitant and unnecessary fees to people who have no business being involved, simply to satisfy some arcane requirement set forth by some arbitrary council fifty years ago. The well? It's a fucking hole in the ground people, I'm not drilling for oil here, I'm drilling for fucking water. The county does not care. I still need a St. Johns Water Management District permit for it, just like I need certification that the location is greater than a hundred feet [or something] from the edge of the nearest drain field [we're all on septic] even though I intend to drill a hell of a lot deeper than coliform will migrate and I do not intend to drink the water without filtration and/or treatment. In addition, I have to use a "certified" driller, which will cost me a clean thousand more than is necessary, and I have to do a new survey of my property, even though I have a perfectly valid survey from five years ago. It has to be a Goddamn new survey. There is no reason for me to spend a nickel over five hundred bucks to drill a 185 foot well, but the county requires me to spend six large.......go figure.

This is why I want the balloon to go up folks. We need a reset so desperately.
good thing you're not putting in a woodstove /sarc.
speaking about hurricanes vs. solar panels - one thing is to install them robustly enough, but what about the flying debris?? Can it be protected at all? At least, one would need to make planning for some heavy duty shutters, methinks. Not that they will stand too much of a chance against a falling tree..

a new conflict brewing in Mali, North Africa, that is all too convenient to suit me. Hillary Clinton gave a presser in which she quickly condemned the “terrorist attack” and taking/killing of American hostages. Now I don’t understand the calculus behind our involvement here, but I am for damn sure skeptical. way ancona, no clue why all of the sudden French are involved in Mali, after ze Germans gave breath about their ALL gold held in France to be repatriated? Hint: google "Mali gold" ;)


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The hello kitty bubble gun- thing was 30 miles from here. The 4 county area is solid red neck- which makes this more shocking.

I am one of the people with out a gun. So maybe I am screwed- or maybe God is more powerful.

Mark- this tension you describe- we are not the 1st people to ever go thru it- in fact every generation goes thru something- every 40 years.

No one has a ticket to utopia. And really if things are that bad- is it really important to live it?? For some eternal rest might be the better option.
If I die today-- I am fine with that- I jsut dont want to suffer.

Think of it this way- it will be an exciting time to be alive.
Two comments on your great thread, ancona, and fellow repliers. + 1 million

1) Duh! We (our country, our world) have big problems! That's why (I would imagine) most of us are here, exchanging ideas, and encouraging each other (egging each other?) on! Almost all of us have done at least some kind of preparations, even if only minimal (minimal would pretty much characterize what I have done re my family).

IMHO, preparation is wise. We cannot predict the future (Taleb has been beating me over the head about that), but we CAN identify risks! These huge debts (everywhere) are such obvious RED FLAGS that I do not understand why more do not see. Maybe they choose NOT to see, the re-election of Obama (7.8% "official unemployment when he started in Jan 2009 vs. 7.8% now) should illustrate the "change" that America has experienced. This "change", again, IMHO is permanent. The takers are 51% and growing..., ancona's anecdotes illustrate that well enough, I would think we all have seen many other examples.

2) The question then becomes, for those of us who want to prepare more, is how much more based upon our constraints (money, family members), views of risk and so on.

My wife (and adult child on her own and in another city) understand my fairly apocalyptic views somewhat, but only to a degree. We will not be moving from our condo to the country. I have bought PMs as well as guns & ammo, and am still trying to figure out the right balance of food & water preparations (for example, solar panels are OUT as my wife & condo association will not allow that).

Bugging Out? Lima (Peru) is our only realistic "Plan B". It is a very imperfect place, but it might be better (for us) than here if things get really bad here. But, how bad would things be there? Hmm.......


We are looking at four more years of likely getting deeper into our national mess.

Our national psychological fabric has been shredded. We are looking at more economic stagnation (stagnation if we are lucky). We are looking at more repression (I am confident of that, much as the loss of liberty pains me...). Our culture is coarsening by the day (thanks for the chronicles of that, ancona!), and NOTHING looks to reverse that (maybe Michelle's new bangs :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: ...). I see NO EASY WAY out of the box, we are in for a house of pain.

Since we can do ZIP about our country, let us prepare as well as keep our own house in order.

:flail: :flail:
Leaving the country is noot an option for me right now, and probably will not be one later. The only country that I can think of that wouldl even consider allowing me to bring in my guns is Switzerland, and my French sucks so getting citizenship would be tough. I speak perfect Spanish, but that is not one of the languages they require you to speak.

No sir, I will shelter in place and hope the 'splibs' do not burn my neighborhood down.

Switzerland might be good, we have been there about four times, but it was a while back. The biggest issue that I see re Switzerland is they might require big money. If you can speak Spanish, then you would only need about a year of French classes (studying with due diligence) to pick up French as the grammars (and many words) are similar.

WARNING! Practicing your French in rural Florida might get you perceived as, ahh, ..., well never mind, but it could be even worse: they might think you actually ARE French... :)


In my case I am married to a (wonderful!) Peruvian, and we have our business down there. They also owe me money (think about that...) :)

It sounds to me like your preparations are pretty darn good, and having some decent neighbors thinking along your lines is also very helpful if/when the ship goes down...
In my case I am married to a (wonderful!) Peruvian, and we have our business down there. They also owe me money (think about that...) :)

not your case, I understand, but sometimes its easier to just get rid of the creditor....

what is the kidnapping like in Peru? (very bad where I have my land in Mindanao)

which brings to mind a "joke", we are contemplating going back to the Philippines this summer, I said man I'll be glad to get out of the US, where everyone watch's me all the time. Bing started laughing and said you're crazy, you want to leave here to go somewhere where everyone wants to kill/kidnap you all the time.
I said man I'll be glad to get out of the US, where everyone watch's me all the time. Bing started laughing and said you're crazy, you want to leave here to go somewhere where everyone wants to kill/kidnap you all the time.
..that's what gets me so worried - America WAS this precious jewel of freedom, the example, the central idea, which freedom-loving people could gravitate towards, that woulds spark this yearn in others, living under totalitarian regimes (and I should remember best how it feels, being born & risen behind the Iron Curtain, how inspiring it was - even if naive to some degree). There's simply nowhere on this planet where the SYSTEM was/is meant to promote proud, free people. Once it is gone there, it is gone everywhere, and I have big big troubles trying to think how it can be undone, ever..

TO quote Ted Nugent on Pierce Morgan's show: "the world sucks, and America sucks less - and that's precisely because of our individual freedoms, that are currently being stripped".
Re solar panels and wind/debris - mine have handled hail at 1" or slightly smaller, no problems.
Wind is another story. I designed some very heavy and stout mounts for mine, to the disdain of my helpers and watchers - why do you need that? Well, heavy is good when you're basically making a sail - and siting even more so such that the wind can't get under an edge and pull things off the roof with the "zipper effect".

While a PITA in my case (it's a huge array), one suspects that plywood or pressboard covers could be made that would not be too hard to put over them if things were going to be flying around at high velocity - but the glass on them is already about as stout as say, a car window and you don't see those getting broken in most cases. And yes, nothing will take a big tree falling on it.

ancona, too bad you're on the radar right now. I avoided that whole mess by not getting an official well at all, but rather rigging up a system where I can get water from any spring, lake, or stream and bring it back here. No permit required, just a little sweat once in awhile. A truck can carry quite a lot, along with a pump to get the tank on the truck filled. I think I've shown the system on here someplace. Your problems only get worse with density...there's more radars to be on. Here, you just do things, and maybe they take 6-10 years to even find out! By then, they're usually willing to grandfather it in (with fees, of course) since it's obviously been working for awhile. I had that work for me a few times.
The trouble is, no one would wire, dig a well etc, without pre-permitting. So I did the wiring - the electrician I tried to hire had kittens when he saw what I was doing, but years down the road, the building inspector (my big solar array going up got attention) thought it was just fine, and it was obviously working and doing serious work - electric car, machine shop, welders, no evidence of any stress on my wiring at all.

NZ has decent gun laws, even has competitive shooting games (even cowboy action), but you have to have a job lined up there before you can go, or bring a lot of money. Nice guys and they speak something close to English. Where I am already is my first choice, but that's a second possibility. I have a fellow scientist friend there who could (and would) probably smooth the process in the event.
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@ Jay

Re kidnapping in Peru, it has not reached levels like in Bogota, Mexico or Brazil. It is an issue, but not so much. The violence level is not so high, criminality-wise (grammarians cringe...), but they will beat you up in the streets or rob you at gunpoint as well as the occasional "express kidnapping" you see in Argentina most famously (where they take you to ATMs and make you take money out until your card no longer works).

Like I mentioned above, Lima is very imperfect. It would only be under what appear to be dire circumstances would we go, and then timing becomes the issue.

Bing provides important information, as she DID live there. My wife would go to Lima, but only under dire circumstances.
Mark- I cant believe you considered france or anywhere in EU.

- and 2. I do not think the grass is greener somewhere else.
..that's what gets me so worried - America WAS this precious jewel of freedom, the example, the central idea, which freedom-loving people could gravitate towards, that woulds spark this yearn in others, living under totalitarian regimes (and I should remember best how it feels, being born & risen behind the Iron Curtain, how inspiring it was - even if naive to some degree). There's simply nowhere on this planet where the SYSTEM was/is meant to promote proud, free people. Once it is gone there, it is gone everywhere, and I have big big troubles trying to think how it can be undone, ever..

I spent some considerable effort the last few years to shore up support for Ron Paul and the so called "liberty wing" of the Republican Party. I had never been active in politics before. I realized what the stakes were and fear that was the last real opportunity to reverse course and preserve the ideals that made this country great.

I think we are going to sink into the corporatist abyss now. My great hope is that enough good liberty loving people are around in the end to reboot this experiment.
@ Jay

Re kidnapping in Peru, it has not reached levels like in Bogota, Mexico or Brazil. It is an issue, but not so much. The violence level is not so high, criminality-wise (grammarians cringe...), but they will beat you up in the streets or rob you at gunpoint as well as the occasional "express kidnapping" you see in Argentina most famously (where they take you to ATMs and make you take money out until your card no longer works).

Like I mentioned above, Lima is very imperfect. It would only be under what appear to be dire circumstances would we go, and then timing becomes the issue.

Bing provides important information, as she DID live there. My wife would go to Lima, but only under dire circumstances.

DCRB, I have lived there also. PERSONALLY, I haven't had much bad happen to me. Once a drunk pulled a knife on me, once I got robbed by a cab driver. I've had much worse happen in the good ole USA. Half of Bings family lives in Tondo and Cavite. Tondo is pretty much the second worst slum in the world. I remember Bing knocking a rat off her plate when we got married and saying "you can't have that, thats mine". She asked me why i was always killing the cockroaches, as now we had a mess we had to clean up.,_Manila
Eventually, one of her brothers bought what suffices for a "house" in Cavite, and they got out of Tondo.
perception makes a big difference also. My BILs brother here in Texas married an extremely rich filipina from Makati (some parts equivalent to Beverly Hills)
we were at a Thanksgiving gathering in Lubbock Texas (about fifteen years ago) and Lyn asked Bing where she was from. Bing said "Tondo" and Lyn freaked out and said "you can't go there, they will kill you". The rest of the night they avoided one another. The rich and poor don't mix in the Philippines, and there is no middle class, of course. (Like whats about to happen here).
The remainder of Bings family lives in Pagadian City, on the island of Mindanao, the southernmost island. Its more rural, I liked it so we bought some land there fifteen or so years ago. We are just now starting to develop it. I have no current plans for retirement there (as we did before).
This is a local swimming hole:
Pagadian City:

here's our land:

my "squatters":

my now 28 year old:


our house monkey:
Penn, I did not even consider France, I said Switzerland. The language requirements there mean that French is one of the languages you must speak to be granted residency or citizenship. So, since my French is terrible, it is off the option list for now, although I have been working on it.
For what purpose do you have a house monkey?
Hi Ancona ---

I just stopped by for a quick visit. Excellent rant and I'm right in line with you.

Unfortunately I live in Upstate NY. Man, o, man. Things are changing day by day and the amount of BS is increasing exponentially. I watched the whole assembly and senate sessions when the pushed the gun bill through. There are some real idiots from downstate. Oooh boy. I was at the capitol last week for a rally. Gun shows held up here since the new laws are standing room only. Incredible.

They apparently didn't think to include buying shit out of the state and bringing it in. Guess they can't legislate that, eh? People will be spending a lot of dough via interstate commerce. Not even on NY-illegal things... but ammo, etc. There are new fees for the required background checks for ammo, etc. $10 minimum surcharge for the check, plus taxes, etc.

I've been incredibly busy with my house closing and moving into another, with kids, etc. so I haven't been on here much.

Cancelling cable as part of the move. Keeping internet. Skipping out on Time Warner due to their anti-gun policies. Eff them.

I've been trying to encourage people to stop spending money in NY. Stop paying lotto, don't buy your hunting license, etc.

I'd bet that at least one major gun manufacturer, Remington, is going to leave NY and head for the sweet, sunny south.

Setting up the garden, working on some preps, etc. I have some questions for the SHTF section that I'll have to post up sometime soon.

@ Jay

NICE post and pictures! The Philippines must be a beautiful country.

I have not been to the Philippines nor read much on it, so I am unable to comment on how safe vs. dangerous it is (or any particular city there). MANILA and Lima (Peru) would be somewhat comparable though, millions of people each, lots of poor...

I think (and have no comment, just an observation) that the Philippines having, what, over 50,000,000 people does make it different than Peru (21 million, and much of Peru is not human-friendly for living).

Your property looks very nice. Visit it whenever you can. Tell your folks there to grow whatever specialties there that you cannot find here (USA), so that you can take home a load... :)

Has Mindanao been pacified yet? Last I heard (long time ago) there were still Islamic extremists running around and raising hell...


In Peru the middle class is about 10% of the population (maybe 2% RICH, poor the other 88% or so). My in-laws DO have friends and relations who are in different classes (it is the nature of our business to know lots of people). Looks like maybe the classes mix "slightly easier" in Peru, maybe.... There is racism in Peru as well, but this may be a declining problem as the provinces ARE benefiting from Peru's solid growth in recent years. We will see.
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Your property looks very nice. Visit it whenever you can. Tell your folks there to grow whatever specialties there that you cannot find here (USA), so that you can take home a load... :)

Has Mindanao been pacified yet? Last I heard (long time ago) there were still Islamic extremists running around and raising hell...

can't bring anything into the country legally. (We have, gold and food, but thats a different story). Bings brother was fighting for the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) not, what it sounds like to us! :) and then went turncoat and started working for the PNP (Philippine National Police).


Bing got in a jackpot and the MILF and the Catholic Church (who supported the MILF at the time (Marcos was robbing the country blind and the communists were doing what they said they would) bailed her out. Our ,gov calls the MILF A. Q...., but they are not. Its a long story and I have to go back to work. later.....
Hi Ancona ---

I just stopped by for a quick visit. Excellent rant and I'm right in line with you.

Unfortunately I live in Upstate NY. Man, o, man. Things are changing day by day and the amount of BS is increasing exponentially. I watched the whole assembly and senate sessions when the pushed the gun bill through. There are some real idiots from downstate. Oooh boy. I was at the capitol last week for a rally. Gun shows held up here since the new laws are standing room only. Incredible.

They apparently didn't think to include buying shit out of the state and bringing it in. Guess they can't legislate that, eh? People will be spending a lot of dough via interstate commerce. Not even on NY-illegal things... but ammo, etc. There are new fees for the required background checks for ammo, etc. $10 minimum surcharge for the check, plus taxes, etc.

I've been incredibly busy with my house closing and moving into another, with kids, etc. so I haven't been on here much.

Cancelling cable as part of the move. Keeping internet. Skipping out on Time Warner due to their anti-gun policies. Eff them.

I've been trying to encourage people to stop spending money in NY. Stop paying lotto, don't buy your hunting license, etc.

I'd bet that at least one major gun manufacturer, Remington, is going to leave NY and head for the sweet, sunny south.

Setting up the garden, working on some preps, etc. I have some questions for the SHTF section that I'll have to post up sometime soon.

I know it is hard to do, but I wish the new house you are moving into wasn't in NY.

Maybe you and Remington can tell them to all go to hell and then you both come to Texas.:cheers:
I feel for you man, but I suspect you must have a pretty well paying job, or else you would have done a Snake Pliskin and "escaped from New York" already. ; - )
I know it is hard to do, but I wish the new house you are moving into wasn't in NY.

Maybe you and Remington can tell them to all go to hell and then you both come to Texas.:cheers:

Unfortunately, we set the wheels in motion on the sale of our house and purchase of another well before all of this anti-gun crap started up.

I've had a few other invites to Texas and, I'll tell ya, there may be a day that we just jump ship and get the hell out of here.

My family in the area is seriously considering moving as an option... shit, even to one of the "more free" neighboring states. We might do the same in the near future.

At this point, I have made it a goal to spend as much dough as I can outside the state, on-line, etc. I have stopped buying anything except for gas and food where I will pay a NYS tax.

A while ago I started buying everything possible made in the US... and that's been going well. This is just step two.

I bet Remington is going to leave and I hope that they do. Take Kimber with 'em. The more people that leave NY the better, IMHO. It can't sustain itself for much longer.

Luckily there are some loopholes in the new SAFE Act regarding ammunition, reloading, and out of state purchases. Plus, there is a shit-ton of civil disobediance that's rumbling up my way.

I'm well removed from the downstate libs in this area.

I feel for you man, but I suspect you must have a pretty well paying job, or else you would have done a Snake Pliskin and "escaped from New York" already. ; - )

Snake Plisskin... :rotflmbo:

For my area it's a well paying job... but I could move elsewhere and make way more cash. I work for a private company, so no ties to the state gov't.

At the same time, making not-so-much-cash in upstate NY still means that you can live pretty darn well.

I do like leaving work and being fishing or hunting within ten minutes :)

Was going to start a new thread but came across this thread during a search. It's Saturday, a bit of a rant and looks like it'll fit right in with the subject matter.

Charles Hugh Smith: We’re Living in a Neofeudal Bubble​

Guest Post by Charles Hugh Smith via

If you want to understand the neofeudal reality, study these charts.

If you listen to conventional economists, everything’s rosy: thanks to the expansion of alt-energy like wind and solar, energy is getting cheaper, batteries will power the new global economy, we’re getting smarter — just look at the rising number of advanced college degrees, wages are finally growing, inflation is trending down, household balance sheets and corporate profits are strong, debt loads are not an issue yet and GDP is rising.

All this happy news is backed by statistics, of course, but there’s one little problem: all the conventional cheerleaders are living in a bubble of like-minded elites who are insulated from the neofeudal realities of life in the real world.

Read the rest here:


Maybe We're Closer to "You'll Own Nothing" Than We Realize

Maybe we should rephrase the slogan to "you'll appear to own things you don't actually control and be happy."

The World Economic Forum's catchphrase you'll own nothing and be happy was widely mocked as an eyebrow-raising vision of a "sharing economy" future without the implicit agency granted by full ownership. Renting stuff that one needed only for one-time use has long been a market, and car-sharing makes sense for urban dwellers who only need a vehicle on occasion.

But to own nothing still implies powerlessness and poverty, not happiness, which continues to be associated with owning income streams and nice things, i.e. wealth.

I don't want to own anything because of all the taxes and fees. I would rather pay as I go at this point.
More Charlie. Just food for thought, nothing earthshaking.

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