Silver getting crushed.....

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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
Well, the Brotherhood of Darkness is taking a final stab at metals before the FOMC announcement today. I wonder what Helicopter Boy will do? The news has not been bad enough to warrant any more intervention [in my opinion] so Uncle Bernanke will likely repeat that he has "tools" at his disposal if and when they are needed to bolster the economy, blah, blah, blah, blah. :shrug:

Meanwhile, Switzerland is panic buying currency to control the rise of the Franc, Finland is pushing bonds with a quarter point negative yield, Germany is waffling back and forth over the rescue fund and Spain is collapsing before our eyes. It was announced today that an entire region in Spain will not be making payments to any employees at present because there simply is no more money.:rotflmbo:

Silver and gold are reacting in predictable fashion, with paper monsters dumping en masse. While it makes my DCA look worse than i feel it truly is, I am not worried one little bit because I know, just as many PMBugs know, that my silver is under-priced by several orders of magnitude and when the paper mountain collapses, and equilibrium is reached, I will have protected my stored work from theft and destruction.:gold:

If you cant' hold it, you don't own it. Period. :gold:
It looks like there was very strong resistance at $27.25

Sadly, last year on this date, silver was $39.24

For that matter:
Gold was $1,619
Platinum was $1,786
Palladium was $824
No worries Ben, because when silver finally shakes herself loose from teh criminal frauds that are the Comex, LBMA and SLV, we will be vindicated in our purchases. I for one, will be laughing all the way to my dealer.
This paper bubble will pop once people start to realize that they own nothing. As the world economy grows worse and disasters become more comon PM prices will shoot up
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