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The Kingston Military Police are investigating the theft of silver and gold coins from a Canada Post office on a Canadian Forces base.
The police say five packages containing $50,000 worth of gold and silver coins were dropped off at the CFB Kingston post office around 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18.
The suspect in the case, a French-speaking young man, entered the location about 15 minutes later, identified himself as the owner of the packages and provided a fake Ontario driver’s licence bearing the true owner’s name.
Police say the real owner of the packages came to the post office the next day, only to be told that the coins were already collected.
Police probing whether Montreal's gold seizure is tied to Toronto's massive gold heist
"In order not to interfere with the ongoing investigation, we cannot provide further information," a Montreal police spokesperson said.montrealgazette.com
Police to announce arrests in Toronto Pearson airport gold heist
Police say that arrests have been made in connection with a $20-million gold heist at Toronto Pearson International Airport one year ago.toronto.ctvnews.ca
How thieves pulled off the largest gold heist in Canadian history | About That
Apr 17, 2024
Nine men, one airline and $20 million in Swiss gold. Andrew Chang breaks down how the historic heist unfolded, and how an extensive cross-border police investigation led to the arrests of nine people.