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You might recall back in April, in post #429 (last page) Goldcore quoted a Bloomberg report stating that global debt had hit $237T. Well, it's only been 3 months or so and it's now being reported at $247T:


It's quite possible that the root sources for the two numbers are not the same and they used different methods for tallying the numbers, so they might not be apples to apples to compare them, but I think it's pretty safe to say that the numbers are going up faster than is sustainable over the long term.
From Meursault's link:
Thanks for adding to the thread, Meursault. I've been slacking. US Sanctions against Russia are hitting the Ruble hard right now and it's affecting Russia's neighbors. Kazakhstan has been buying a lot gold over the last few months and they just had a 18.9% devaluation of their currency against the dollar:


I think it's somewhat ironic that the more the US tightens economic sanctions against a country, the faster it accelerates bilateral trade deals bypassing the dollar. It's somewhat counterintuitive, but sanctions are contributing to undermining the dollar in the long term as they encourage countries to work out alternative systems.
Russia stocking up on gold too:


It seems like we hear about these things all the time & think it must mean something, but then not much seems to come of it. IDK if it's just a much longer game they are strategizing for (insanely long) or what the hell else is going on. That kind of seems like they are battening down the hatches, which makes me nervous, but again, stuff like that seems to pop up & disappear semi-regularly, so I just don't know what to think anymore. I guess just keep stacking beans, bullets & bullion. :banana:
Well Russia and China have been at this (ie. accumulating gold) for over a decade now. Yeah, I'd say they are playing a long game.
What is the aim of this long game ?

Is it insurance against loss of faith in digits displayed on screens ?

or something else ........

What will it take for this to happen ?
What is the aim of this long game ?

Russia and China have both been pretty open about their end goal being the dismantling of the petrodollar dominating global commerce/finance. What they would like to see replacing it isn't so clear, but the SWIFT system clearing nearly all global commerce through New York banks (and thus the massive stick of US sanctions) is clearly anathema for them.
Oh wow... I'm used to reading these things from the BRICS, but Germany?

Yeah I saw this.
Putin made him say it (-;

But you dont need gold to create a clearing channel and blockchain tech is being quietly developed by the big banks which will displace a lot of 'middlemen' from future transactions.
Well, since most of the folks/countries that are bitching about the SWIFT/petrodollar/US Sanctions are buying (or now with Germany, actually own a good bit of) gold, I think it's a good bet that whatever successor rises to replace the dollar in global commerce, gold will likely play an important role in backstopping it.
This was from back in late May:
TPTB have been playing this game a long time. Bait and switch. Tease and deny. "The boy who cried WOLF" and "Chicken Little" scenario.
You see it all the time. Those who say they fell for the fiction of PMs. They'll say things like "I've been hearing that for X years and I'm tired of waiting."
It's a test of who has the brassiest balls. Weak ones fall by the wayside every day.
They've been spending "OUR" wealth at a pace that would make drunken sailors look like Ebenezer Scrooge and the bill is coming due.
Bullets, butter and bullion. Everything else is just fantasy.
... It's somewhat counterintuitive, but sanctions are contributing to undermining the dollar in the long term as they encourage countries to work out alternative systems.

Sobering summary of much of this thread published by CNBC:

More: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/27/the...-and-sooner-than-most-economists-predict.html
Looks like Germany was serious. (/when are they not? /joke)

Echo, echo, echo...

Bank of International Settlements (BIS)

So the BIS says "dangerous things" from time to time. A few years ago, they admitted that gold is currency even though the recommendations for the Basel III rules were eventually neutered.

Just recently, the BIS has published a couple of items that have pinged my news radar:

Now The Guardian is reporting:
Uh oh...


Is it really just a "prudent treasury move" or something more...

Reuters reports India allows state refiners to use Iran tankers, insurance for oil imports.


How is India paying Iran for the oil?
Piggybacking on the BIS warning about Fed interest rate policy on emerging markets, Largarde/IMF are warning about the USA/China trade war:



If Europe is fully onboard the train, then the threat to the petrodollar is very real.

The moment it was suggested that any country or organisation should be excluded from the SWIFT exchange, as a punishment /sanction, its demise was inevitable.

A short term way of hurting your opposition and a long term way of hurting the petro dollar.

The fact that EU countries now see this and see the way the US is trying to bully them into compliance, only speeds up the process.

Blockchain based exchanges will eventually make SWIFT even less relevant.
Foreign news source reportedly claims:

India will start buying Iranian oil in Rupi




they should create a 'bad bank' and include any failing currency that asks to join

then they could issue some shiny new currency that they all agree too.

Just like the US did with those failing banks like Fannie Mae ..........
So this is not news to anyone who has been paying attention, but it's still interesting that folks with voices in the mainstream financial press are starting to talk about it:


... and on that last note:
http://gata.org/node/18526 (ht: ft.com)
News on the SPV development has been superficial. It seems that the players involved aren't wanting to share the process with the public (or USA).





I'm reminded of something the last few weeks & maybe I'll get it out of my head if I share it. It's a line from "The Second Coming" by Yeats.

"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"

Now, who will rule the wasteland?
Now, who will rule the wasteland?

I'll see your Yeats and raise you a Shelley:

Well I like Donne's "Death be not proud" better, I think this excerpt from him might be a little more on point. I also think it's good one for those preppers who can't wait for a mass die off to use their bug out bag to go god knows where. While I don't necessarily think "every" death lessens mankind, I often wonder during certain events like the plague, WWI/Spanish Flu, WWII, etc. how many Da Vinci's, how many Newtons, how many Shakespeare's did we lose in events like those? I suppose somebody could also ask how many Hitler's, how many Stalin's how many Genghis Khan's did we lose?

"No man is an island, entire of it self; every man is a peace of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesser, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine own were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee...."

Also, I have often wondered what Thoreau & Emerson thoughts were on some of Donne's works. Although they weren't around in Donne's life, I wonder what he might have said about some of their works & philosophies. Maybe it's part of the duality of man, but I often find myself agreeing with big chunks of opposing philosophies or opinions from both camps.
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Well, I can hardly wait till the mooselimbs storm their embassies there. The ones that are running around today aren't the kind that will sit on hostages for 444 days, then return them once they realize someone in their hostages home country is taking office who isn't afraid to bomb their asses to oblivion. They will do some of the most gruesome things to them, just like you see in the videos they post of it. Sad part is, most of the videos aren't even mentioned, let alone seen by most American & westerners in general. If the videos were shown on the nightly news like they showed combat footage every night during Vietnam, you can bet your sweet ass there'd be a LOT less muzzie sympathizers & apologists and a lot of people asking why aren't we turning that area into one large sheet of glass!


What can a "coalition of the willing" actually do though?

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